Could Bernie's ego lose the presidency and take the Senate off the table?

Too late.
Within six weeks the FBI will end Hillary's political life forever.
Enter Biden/Pocahontas. Bernie's supporters will NEVER switch and vote for Biden. ESPECIALLY after the DEM superdelegates hand the nomination to Biden.
THINK that one through.
"Biden never did fuck all to deserve the nomination! There's no way I'm going to vote for Debbie's 'second stringers!".

:0) Let me guess .. you also 'predicted' that Obama will never be the president. :lol:

Once elected, you predicted his birth certificate, or supposed lack of, would do him in and he would be impeached. :0)

Let me guess .. you predicted that Romney would win. :0)

At least you're consistent. :lol:
I 'predicted' none of your bullshit claims.
I do predict the FBI will recommend a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
I predict that will be the end of Hillary politically.
I predict Debbie has already got Biden and Pocahontas in the bullpen.
I predict 90% of Bernie's supporters are going to stay home and not vote.
The small number who do vote will write bernie's name on the ballot or vote for Trump.
I predict Trump will win the Presidency.

:lol: That's even funnier then the last.

You don't know shit about Sanders or his supporters and what they will do .. just as you didn't know shit about what black voters do.

Dude, you're just looking for a gotcha' .. don't know what you're talking about. :0)

I predict that Trump is looking for a way out and will never make it to the general election. :0)

Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

He doesn't need any exit strategy. All he has to do is quit if he wanted out, and make up any kind of excuse.

That wouldn't be good business .. especially since he's grown his own cult of morons to follow him.

He needs an excuse to get out and to blame someone else for.

He could make any excuse yesterday, today and even tomorrow. Sorry, but Trump is in it to the finish line. This wishful thinking on your part (and others) is simply not going to happen. How do we know, because when Trump first announced, you on the left predicted he'll never make it to the debates. When he did that, leftists predicted he would make such a fool of himself he wouldn't return for another one. When he did that, leftists predicted he would never finish out the debates. When he did that........

If Trump quit tomorrow saying he never wanted to be President in the first place, it wouldn't hurt his business one bit.
On the left, I think they have more worries about Bernie running as an Independent. He and his supporters are expressing outrage at the nomination process claiming that it's rigged.

Of course until Cruz dropped out, there was the same outrage on the right as well. But that's been calmed down quite a bit.

Sanders running as an Independent (which he actually is) would guarantee a President Trump.
Bernie isn't stupid. He knows a third party run would be a disasterous idea. If he had any confidence in such an idea, he would have run as an independent from the beginning.

Let's be honest here, Billy...I don't think even in his wildest dreams that Bernie Sanders thought his Presidential bid would last more than a few months. The only reason it has is that Hillary Clinton is a TERRIBLE candidate!
I agree even he is surprised, but to say his rise is solely because of Hillary's shortcomings is completely stupid. The strength of his campaign from the beginning has been unprecedented:

1) He's raised more in campaign donations than any republican candidate and he did it without the help of a super PAC. Had Hillary or any other republican gone this true grassroots route, their campaigns would be severely underfunded (obviously Trump's self funding is the exception to this). He also holds the record of the most individual campaign contributions than any US candidate in history.

2) Since the beginning he has beaten every republican in hypothetical match up polls.

3) He has the highest favorability rating than any candidate in the race.

Suck on that.

And due to the extreme corruption in the Democratic Party, he'll never get the nomination.....
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

You worries are unfounded. Nader didn't run as a democrat. Sanders will eventually run out of steam. When he does that will change the numbers the media is polling right now. The vast majority of Sanders supporters will fall in line with Clinton and the "neck and neck" race the media is railing about NOW will go back to a huuuge Hillary advantage. The reason it "appears" grim for the abrasive Mrs Clinton at the moment is that the GOP side is settled and the dem side is split. The media fails to observe the obvious as it "looks" like Hillary is losing to The Donald and it gets the incredibly stupid American voters all in a tizzy and the media can sell more ad space telling this stupid lie. When it is just Clinton vs Trump we will have an accurate situation to poll the public on. Bernie won't be the dem choice even long before the convention. He won't even come close to getting the delegates to steal the nomination or force a contested or brokered convention. He is just dragging this out to get his stupid pie in the sky message in front of the media.

Or he's playing the ticket to be the nominee if Hillary is indicted. I say it's a good bet by Sanders.

I can see how you and others would believe that Sanders is hoping Clinton gets charged with a crime between now and November. I would hope that the FBI isn't playing such a cynical role. If they are then they are doing a huge disservice to American politics. If Hillary has broken a/some laws that would disqualify her as a candidate for president then they should have fast tracked her to an orange jump suit. If Obama has had a part in dragging heels of the FBI investigation then he should be charged and convicted of obstruction of justice as well.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

You worries are unfounded. Nader didn't run as a democrat. Sanders will eventually run out of steam. When he does that will change the numbers the media is polling right now. The vast majority of Sanders supporters will fall in line with Clinton and the "neck and neck" race the media is railing about NOW will go back to a huuuge Hillary advantage. The reason it "appears" grim for the abrasive Mrs Clinton at the moment is that the GOP side is settled and the dem side is split. The media fails to observe the obvious as it "looks" like Hillary is losing to The Donald and it gets the incredibly stupid American voters all in a tizzy and the media can sell more ad space telling this stupid lie. When it is just Clinton vs Trump we will have an accurate situation to poll the public on. Bernie won't be the dem choice even long before the convention. He won't even come close to getting the delegates to steal the nomination or force a contested or brokered convention. He is just dragging this out to get his stupid pie in the sky message in front of the media.

Or he's playing the ticket to be the nominee if Hillary is indicted. I say it's a good bet by Sanders.

I can see how you and others would believe that Sanders is hoping Clinton gets charged with a crime between now and November. I would hope that the FBI isn't playing such a cynical role. If they are then they are doing a huge disservice to American politics. If Hillary has broken a/some laws that would disqualify her as a candidate for president then they should have fast tracked her to an orange jump suit. If Obama has had a part in dragging heels of the FBI investigation then he should be charged and convicted of obstruction of justice as well.

Sure, that will happen, with a justice department run by Obama with one of his minions in charge.

All the FBI can do is investigate and "recommend" charges be brought. Again, it's DumBama's justice department, so they have the choice of charging Hillary or not.

If they decide to bring charges, she would still be qualified to run for President, but it's unlikely she would. If they decide not to charge her, then it would make the entire Democrat party look corrupt. Top FBI officials would resign. Right-wing media outlets would have a picnic with such an outcome. Hillary's name would be mud to most Americans.

I don't believe Sander's is evil enough to "hope" Hillary is indicted or recommend to be indicted. But it's a good move on his part to stay in the race in the event. Now if that would happen, and the Democrats decide to throw Biden or Warren in for the nomination, you will see such outrage by the Sander's supporters that it would guarantee a President Trump.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
You really do not understand the Sanders movement.

We need to get American jobs back, and strengthen the social safety net by going Nordic Model Socialist.

We also need to break up the 'Too Big to Fail' Banks. IF they are too big to fail, they are too big for our economy, thus too big for national security, and the President needs to issue an EO that breaks them up.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.
Agreed except on one point: Bernie could easily beat Trump.
Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.
Agreed except on one point: Bernie could easily beat Trump.

No, I don't think Bernie could beat Trump.

I think the mud slinging that he's a Communist every day would be too easy for Trump. He's not doing it now because he doesn't need to do it. Bernie's got no hope in the primaries right now.

But if Trump were to go after Bernie, he'd be gone pretty quickly.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.

Especially the far left drones on this board!

Two Examples of drones right here!
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.
Agreed except on one point: Bernie could easily beat Trump.

No, I don't think Bernie could beat Trump.

I think the mud slinging that he's a Communist every day would be too easy for Trump. He's not doing it now because he doesn't need to do it. Bernie's got no hope in the primaries right now.

But if Trump were to go after Bernie, he'd be gone pretty quickly.
People already know Bernie is a self identified socialist. This isn't some little known fact that would come to light in the general election. The American people already know this. Despite that, he beats Trump by 18 points on average in hypothetical match up polls. He has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate. People think he's honest unlike Hillary. Stop pretending like he is some fringe candidate. He isn't anymore.
This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.
Agreed except on one point: Bernie could easily beat Trump.

No, I don't think Bernie could beat Trump.

I think the mud slinging that he's a Communist every day would be too easy for Trump. He's not doing it now because he doesn't need to do it. Bernie's got no hope in the primaries right now.

But if Trump were to go after Bernie, he'd be gone pretty quickly.
People already know Bernie is a self identified socialist. This isn't some little known fact that would come to light in the general election. The American people already know this. Despite that, he beats Trump by 18 points on average in hypothetical match up polls. He has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate. People think he's honest unlike Hillary. Stop pretending like he is some fringe candidate. He isn't anymore.

You're forgetting how elections work.

It's basically the same as advertising. People buy Coca-Cola because they like the image Coca-Cola represents. The more they see the adverts, the more they want to buy it. They could buy a better drink, but no, they're rather buy the one someone told them to buy on TV.

US elections aren't much different. You slam Sanders day in day out for being a Communist, and suddenly people are thinking Vietnam War, Cold War, bad Communists, and their desire to vote for the guy will drop like a [insert whatever you like as long as it's falling and fast].
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.
Agreed except on one point: Bernie could easily beat Trump.

No, I don't think Bernie could beat Trump.

I think the mud slinging that he's a Communist every day would be too easy for Trump. He's not doing it now because he doesn't need to do it. Bernie's got no hope in the primaries right now.

But if Trump were to go after Bernie, he'd be gone pretty quickly.
People already know Bernie is a self identified socialist. This isn't some little known fact that would come to light in the general election. The American people already know this. Despite that, he beats Trump by 18 points on average in hypothetical match up polls. He has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate. People think he's honest unlike Hillary. Stop pretending like he is some fringe candidate. He isn't anymore.

You're forgetting how elections work.

It's basically the same as advertising. People buy Coca-Cola because they like the image Coca-Cola represents. The more they see the adverts, the more they want to buy it. They could buy a better drink, but no, they're rather buy the one someone told them to buy on TV.

US elections aren't much different. You slam Sanders day in day out for being a Communist, and suddenly people are thinking Vietnam War, Cold War, bad Communists, and their desire to vote for the guy will drop like a [insert whatever you like as long as it's falling and fast].
The same logic would apply to Hillary and her lies, flip flops, and ties to Wall Street. The difference with Bernie is that people trust him and he has been consistent through out his political career. People respect that about him.
There are a few factors that are hindering Hillary's chances of democratic unity and Bernie's refusal to drop from the race is not one of them. These are the factors:

1) Bernie popularizing his progressive positions that Hillary does not share

2) Hillary is quite unpopular on both side of the aisle. Americans do not trust her.

3) The DNC and the some of the media is corrupt. They have been undermining Bernie since the beginning. It's not to say I don't think Hillary has beat him fair and square, i just question by how much. We question the outcomes on a few of the primaries primarily in NV, NY, and AZ.

I also question how Hillary gained the support of the super delegates in the very early stages of the race.

Because Hillary is a Democrat and Sanders isn't, perhaps.
As if Bernie not being a democrat somehow matters when it comes to his merit?

This is politics, not merit.

You have an outsider and and insider, who are the insiders going to pledge their votes to? It's about as difficult as picking your nose.
Yeah it's a shame democrats are that blindly loyal.

It's a shame both parties are that blindly loyal. It's become a ridiculous situation where the only two people who can win the election are two people who should never be anywhere near the election.
Democrats will vote Republican if they think it's a better candidate. Republicans would vote for Satan if he said he's a Republican.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

I've never understood why democrats believe they owned Nader's voters. They didn't.

Regarding the question of Sanders, democrats don't own his voters either .. thus, instead of whining about Sanders or his voters, perhaps the best solution is to put more effort in trying to attract them .. which of course means moving to the Left and a more progressive agenda.

If the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that, then Sanders may well take his voters and do whatever they think is in their best interests .. and the Democratic Party can do the same.

Point being, if the party wants those votes, they better try to earn them.
That's the issue facing both parties today, and the power elites have a critical choice to make. Keep it up, Bernie!

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