Could It Be?,Days Of Honorable,Respectable New York Mayors Are Over?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:eusa_boohoo: And to think most of us thought that Mayor Michael Bloomberg was becoming a laughing stock in his final years. And then over half of Manhattan elects Bill DeBlasio? aka "Warren Wilhelm". What? too embarrassed of his own legal name? You have to assume that 55/60 Per-Cent of New Yorkers will just look at the ballot, see the letter "D", and just poke a hole in it. It seems they will vote for who ever is running as the Democrat nominee without ever looking into his past and have no idea of his "Hidden Agenda" for New York City. And most republicans/conservatives used to believe that California was a state dominated with uniformed voters who will vote for any Democrat, and look at the financial mess they all voted for. Looks like we can add New York City to one of the "Dumbest Places To Live" list.:stupid:
De Blasio was elected. By a landslide.

The police ... weren't.

You're essentially backing an overthrow of the civilian government by a quasi-military organization, which makes you a scary democracy-hating person.
De Blasio was elected. By a landslide.

The police ... weren't.

You're essentially backing an overthrow of the civilian government by a quasi-military organization, which makes you a scary democracy-hating person.
Little overly dramatic there, mamooth. The police are not quasi-military, they are civil servants sworn to uphold the law. Last time I checked, turning your back on a mayor was not unlawful.
Maybe all of the "Intelligent New Yorkers" packed up and ran away from Manhattan over the last 4/5 years leaving the "Too Lazy To Work, I want my deserved handouts" crowd behind?
A landslide? With a record low turnout of only 17%?? Even Detroit had a higher percentage than NYC did.
De Blasio was elected. By a landslide.

The police ... weren't.

You're essentially backing an overthrow of the civilian government by a quasi-military organization, which makes you a scary democracy-hating person.
I wonder what per-cent of the new york cops voted for Mayor Vilhem.
Inner cities are turning into cesspools. de Blasio himself is proof positive.
Inner cities are turning into cesspools. de Blasio himself is proof positive.
what happened with the election of DeFartio was a reflection of what happened in 2008. Oh, Ok, he's a Democrat, I am so Dumb, I am going to vote for a Democrat, even though I have no idea what a Democrat is. {ah, Democrat? why hasn't 1/2 the population figured out that they pretty much all LIE to get their jobs}
Maybe all of the "Intelligent New Yorkers" packed up and ran away from Manhattan over the last 4/5 years leaving the "Too Lazy To Work, I want my deserved handouts" crowd behind?
Yes, that's why NYC is the most expensive place to live in the country.
Maybe all of the "Intelligent New Yorkers" packed up and ran away from Manhattan over the last 4/5 years leaving the "Too Lazy To Work, I want my deserved handouts" crowd behind?
Yes, that's why NYC is the most expensive place to live in the country.
I just can't wait to for the day when Bill DelFartio is running out of funds to pay for everything being thousands have moved out, AND TOOK THEIR MONEY WITH THEM!!!
De Blasio was elected. By a landslide.

The police ... weren't.

You're essentially backing an overthrow of the civilian government by a quasi-military organization, which makes you a scary democracy-hating person.
Little overly dramatic there, mamooth. The police are not quasi-military, they are civil servants sworn to uphold the law. Last time I checked, turning your back on a mayor was not unlawful.
some Mayor! DeBlasio Hates Horses!
"Could It Be?,Days Of Honorable,Respectable New York Mayors Are Over?"

The days of loaded question fallacies from conservatives are certainly not over.
and what a God Awful speaker he is. He sounds like a plumber with the personality of a snail, giving u a plumbing estimate.
Mayor De Blasio is a decent, honorable man. What he had to say about what he said to his black son is common sense to ALL people who have minority kids.

It's amusing to see how many infantile conservatives are so butthurt by common sense and are now sticking up for a union headed by a fucking idiot.
Little overly dramatic there, mamooth. The police are not quasi-military, they are civil servants sworn to uphold the law.

Oh please. Even you can't be that naive. You're just faking it. Quasi-military is the perfect description of organizations that field a fleet of armored vehicles and send members on overseas missions.

Last time I checked, turning your back on a mayor was not unlawful.

But actively refusing to do the job you've sworn to do is, especially when the purpose of doing so is to bring down a civilian government. And the not-so-thinly-veiled "there will be consequences!" type threats aren't helping either.

However, there is a silver lining. They've been running the city using an unofficial tax on poor people through constant petty fines. And that's stopped. Now they'll have to find honest revenue. First thing they should do is fire a third of the police, as they've just clearly shown they're not necessary for public safety. With fewer police, there's less need to fine poor people to pay for more police.

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