Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

Wanting the government to default is consistent with conservatives’ desire to tear everything down, Trump supporters in particular.

Conservatives thrive on chaos and destruction; Republicans see an economic collapse as a partisan advantage, falsely blaming President Biden and Democrats.
Conservatives desire to tear everything down? Those aren't conservatives dragging down statues from our history, destroying businesses, burning Cop Cars, stoning journalists, or bashing people in the head with bike locks. Those are YOUR people, the Democrats Clayton.
That is absolutely false...demonstrably so.
Good thing we're keeping records, since we can't trust in your word. Let's look in the past 40 years. LINK


According to who?

What happens when you don't pay your bills?
The answer is...default is NEVER good not do it

According to whom?
Absolutely false. Who told you that?

Who told you we aren't? You lefties changed definition of recession just to claim we aren't in it.
Numbers are self explanatory, you can chose to read them yourself, or have someone read it for you. Let's guess which one did you chose...
Yeah, Trump over-spent as much as Oblama did in four years versus Oblama's eight.

Only in the last year of his presidency. If you were honest you would mention what reason for that would be. I still haven't met a honest socialist...
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Conservatives desire to tear everything down? Those aren't conservatives dragging down statues from our history, destroying businesses, burning Cop Cars, stoning journalists, or bashing people in the head with bike locks. Those are YOUR people, the Democrats Clayton.
Conservatives of course aren’t going to be honest and admit the fact that they’d like to see the government default – but it’s perfectly reasonable to infer.

For example, since President Biden has been in office, we’ve seen Republicans cheer bad economic news and attack good economic news as being ‘fake.’

And we saw the same thing when President Obama was in office.

Indeed, conservatives consistently lie about the state of the economy with false claims of economic gloom and doom.
Good thing we're keeping records, since we can't trust in your word. Let's look in the past 40 years. LINK

What happens when you don't pay your bills?

According to whom?

Who told you we aren't? You lefties changed definition of recession just to claim we aren't in it.
Numbers are self explanatory, you can chose to read them yourself, or have someone read it for you. Let's guess which one did you chose...
Your own chart show NUMEROUS months with higher inflation than the current 4.9. Including every previous month this past year

Jesus. Check your work moron
Good thing we're keeping records, since we can't trust in your word. Let's look in the past 40 years. LINK

What happens when you don't pay your bills?

According to whom?

Who told you we aren't? You lefties changed definition of recession just to claim we aren't in it.
Numbers are self explanatory, you can chose to read them yourself, or have someone read it for you. Let's guess which one did you chose...
We are not in a Recession stupid. Who’s telling you that we are?
what you are saying is they haven’t passed 100 percent what xiden and the demafasict want so therefore they refuse to act


that’s what tyrants do
I’m saying they refuse to do why they did THREE times during the Trump Admin

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
MAGA‘s are all Trump Humpers. They don’t know what they want. Making up shit is their standby. They have literally made everyone the enemy and are convinced that democrats, blacks, gays and any non white nationalist is the enemy. The economy is a distant topic.
I’m saying they refuse to do why they did THREE times during the Trump Admin
i agree xiden is refusing to do that

trump was able to work across party lines and pass a bipartisan budget and denting ceiling bill in 2019. That’s what leadership looks like

you made a horrible choice following your cult leader xiden
Your own chart show NUMEROUS months with higher inflation than the current 4.9. Including every previous month this past year

Jesus. Check your work moron

Leftist logic... you're so dense.

For how long, shitstain? No longer than three months.

Current 4.9% percent is inflation in comparison to inflation from year before... and how much that was?

Oh, I forgot, the inflation is transitory... because Biden said so. :laughing0301:
I’m saying they refuse to do why they did THREE times during the Trump Admin
huh? what are you talking about? the gop has passed a bill raising the debt ceiling…just like they did before

the dems have done nothing
Leftist logic... you're so dense.

For how long, shitstain? No longer than three months.

Current 4.9% percent is inflation in comparison to inflation from year before... and how much that was?

Oh, I forgot, the inflation is transitory... because Biden said so. :laughing0301:
Hey moron. Your own chart shows inflation higher that 4.9 on NUMEROUS occasions over the last 40 years. That was your moronic claim
huh? what are you talking about? the gop has passed a bill raising the debt ceiling…just like they did before

the dems have done nothing
NOT just like they did before.

The three times they raised it during the Trump Admin there were no cuts attached.

This had FOUR TRILLION in cuts.

How fucking stupid are you?

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

I think people are getting default mixed up with missing the x-date. We could miss the x-date and still not technically default on servicing the debt.

Even so, markets would treat it like a kind of quasi-default in the sense that we'd be the world's largest economy and yet have no capacity to pay for things that we've normally taken for granted. We'd probably still have our credit rating mostly in tact (for the moment), but functionally, we'd be quickly descending to Argentina status.

In real world terms, our government's treasury would have to wait to disburse money every few days instead of every day like we normally do without thinking about it. So things like social security, medicare, payment for contractors, payment for civil service workers & contributions to their retirement funds -- those things would be delayed. Obviously, many MAGAs think that's great. The reality is that would push us into a recession, but the MAGAs think that's great too because it would kill Joe Biden's reelection hopes, which is what they want.
NOT just like they did before.

The three times they raised in during the Trump Admin there were no cuts attached.

This had FOUR TRILLION in cuts.

How fucking stupid are you?
of course there was the 2019 bipartisan budget and debt ceiling act dealt with spending and the debt ceiling for two years

the dems have offered nothing this go round…totally different then before…why? not one bill
Every time the U.S. defaulted,

When did the US default? We've never defaulted.

the minions in the media blamed republicans no matter what. A couple of decades ago when democrats were in charge, the media chanted the "Gingrinch that stole Christmas" even though it was Clinton who walked away from negotiations. Today the freaking president is AWOL on the other side of the world while republicans are stuck. Who ya gonna blame when they wheel the old dude back to the W.H. and we still don't have a deal?

The Republicans use shutdowns and debt ceiling deadlines as negotiating leverage. They've been pretty open about that. Trump said he wanted a shutdown back in 2019, and that's what he got. He's now saying the Republicans should default, and we just may get that.
When did the US default? We've never defaulted.

The Republicans use shutdowns and debt ceiling deadlines as negotiating leverage. They've been pretty open about that. Trump said he wanted a shutdown back in 2019, and that's what he got. He's now saying the Republicans should default, and we just may get that.
And it would be an economic disaster.

Which there idiot Republicans see as a political win for them
We are not in a Recession stupid. Who’s telling you that we are?

The Biden's propaganda can cook the books and say whatever they want, but numbers do not lie.

Read my previous posts, shitstain. Number of bankruptcies is at 2008 level, and banks are not landing. In fact they tied their assets into government bonds that they can't get rid off unless they take huge hit. Do I need to remind you what happened to SVB and FRB, or you already forgot? Banks are battling down the hatches and hogging their bailout money instead of landing it out, and data shows the fastest deterioration in landing since 2008. When banks stop landing to small businesses, regardless of they're being healthy, and accumulating their loss reserves, just to stay in business, you can mimic Biden and scream from the top of your lungs that "economy is strong as hell", but nobody is buying it anymore. The numbers are clear, we are in the recession, and all of this is happening before recession "officially" begin, which means the only thing preventing them to admit it is that they need someone to blame it on, just like you're doing it now.

It looks like the Fed set us up for one hell of a crash by pumping trillions out, AND then crushing banks and the economy to hide it, potentially delivering a combination credit crunch/recession that already taking out jobs at 2008 levels before it has even started. All this paired with economically clueless administration that is requesting to spend even more money on things we don't need, which will cost us loss of jobs that would drag for years. Just like inflation is dragging for a third year now, despite they spend so much money to reduce it by passing "Inflation reduction Act" that didn't do Jack shit.

Of course, troll like you will refuse to even look at the numbers, and even if you look at them you wouldn't know what do they mean, so your only choice here is to keep repeating whatever hell the MSM tells you.

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