Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

A BIPARTISAN group has submitted a budget that raises the debt ceiling and cuts $4 TRILLION in debt over 10 years.

Biden has rejecting it, decaring he wants a no-strings-attached blank check debt ceiling increase....that's f*ing crazy when you ar $30+ TRILLION in debt.

The GOP have submitted a fiscally sound, smart budget. If the US defaults it will be all be on JOE BIDEN.

He hasn't done anything in America's best intetest yet - why should he start now?!

Could it be Biden WANTS this country to fail?

It will CAUSE a Recession
A BIPARTISAN group has submitted a budget that raises the debt ceiling and cuts $4 TRILLION in debt over 10 years.

Biden has rejecting it, decaring he wants a no-strings-attached blank check debt ceiling increase....that's f*ing crazy when you ar $30+ TRILLION in debt.

The GOP have submitted a fiscally sound, smart budget. If the US defaults it will be all be on JOE BIDEN.

He hasn't done anything in America's best intetest yet - why should he start now?!

Could it be Biden WANTS this country to fail?
So tell us exactly where those 4 trillion in cuts are and explain why those cuts weren’t made when Republicans raised the debt ceiling three times during the Trump Admin
Both parties have been very guilty of sending jobs overseas. Clinton went out of his way to get cozy with China, but the Bush's were more than happy to destroy American jobs. That's why both Parties hate Trump. He wasn't playing the game by their rules.

The real culprit is Reagan that removed the restrictions. Once those were removed, no President, alone, can stop the exodice.

Rump harmed trade and local businesses big time which causes not only the loss of jobs but the loss of export markets.
A BIPARTISAN group has submitted a budget that raises the debt ceiling and cuts $4 TRILLION in debt over 10 years.

Biden has rejecting it, decaring he wants a no-strings-attached blank check debt ceiling increase....that's f*ing crazy when you ar $30+ TRILLION in debt.

The GOP have submitted a fiscally sound, smart budget. If the US defaults it will be all be on JOE BIDEN.

He hasn't done anything in America's best intetest yet - why should he start now?!

Could it be Biden WANTS this country to fail?
Joey Xiden is holding the American people hostage with his tyrantical regime

It will CAUSE a Recession
So tell us exactly where those 4 trillion in cuts are and explain why those cuts weren’t made when Republicans raised the debt ceiling three times during the Trump Admin
Conservatives are not demanding a balanced budget overnight

Freeze next years spending at this years level and reduce that by 1% across the board each year
I think what Americans who want to make America great again might like to see is Joe Biden following through on his plan to unilaterally raise the debt in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution.

It would make it more than painfully clear that one of the Democrats primary goals is unlimited spending.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
What we want is some semblance of fiscal sanity in Washington and from the Fed.

BRICS has ditched the US dollar and now 10 ASEAN countries are as well. The dollar is going to collapse, and these idiots want to just print and borrow more. Sooner or later the sham has to stop. But like petulant children, you all want to pretend it is not happening and just want to ignore it. A default would likely lead to some bad economic times, but either way we have to rebuild. It is not just in Biden or current Congress, this mess has been in the works for well over 40 years.
The GOP passed legislation to raise the debt ceiling...the Dems have no passed anything....they are the ones that want to default
Conservatives are not demanding a balanced budget overnight

Freeze next years spending at this years level and reduce that by 1% across the board each year
So you wanna cut defense spending now huh?
The GOP passed legislation to raise the debt ceiling...the Dems have no passed anything....they are the ones that want to default
They have NOT passed a clean debt ceiling bill like they did three times under Trump

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
I don't know what the percentages are, but yeah, I think that there are some who are ignorant enough to think that it's best, politically and for them, that we default.

As ignorant and manipulated as they are, they have absolutely no idea what that would do to them, to their loved ones, and to America, both short and long term.

These people function at a "gee, it can't get any worse!" level, because they believe what they're told. It's sad to watch this ugly manipulation put us at such danger.

It will CAUSE a Recession
So tell us exactly where those 4 trillion in cuts are and explain why those cuts weren’t made when Republicans raised the debt ceiling three times during the Trump Admin
Notice this has not been responded to

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
Could it be that the socialists want the country to default?
They have NOT passed a clean debt ceiling bill like they did three times under Trump
what you are saying is they haven’t passed 100 percent what xiden and the demafasict want so therefore they refuse to act


that’s what tyrants do
Your question makes no sense at all:

Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?​

Why would someone who wants to “Make America Great Again” want to see America fail? You must try to think before blurting out inane comments.
When was America great?
Sadly it's the only way to get spendaholic Democrats to the table. It's the same BS as the "government shutdown" spectacle.
Wanting the government to default is consistent with conservatives’ desire to tear everything down, Trump supporters in particular.

Conservatives thrive on chaos and destruction; Republicans see an economic collapse as a partisan advantage, falsely blaming President Biden and Democrats.
When was America great?
When the Declaration of Independence was signed and when the Constitution was ratified. When America broke the chains of English tyranny. When Americans conquered the land mass known as the United States of America. When Americans invented many machines, tools, and architecture enjoyed by millions of people today.
When the Declaration of Independence was signed and when the Constitution was ratified. When America broke the chains of English tyranny. When Americans conquered the land mass known as the United States of America. When Americans invented many machines, tools, and architecture enjoyed by millions of people today.
Big fan of slavery and genocide I see.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
I don't want to prop up Jo's agenda if it is sustainable let it go if not America will default
That seems to be the plan....but voters will recognize the hypocrisy of the repubs only caring about the deficit when Dems are in the WH

Unfortunately, the voters are just as dishonest and stupid – otherwise they wouldn’t keep voting for Republicans.

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