Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

Paying the GLOBAL WARMING bills which has doubled the price of gas and food?

And you think poor poor blacks aren't dying because of it?

I thought black lives mattered???

Obviously...they don't!
No one understands what the fuck you're blabbing about. English, not magaspeak.
All store closed. (including pharmacies & grocery)

All gas stations closed.

All ships in port NOT being unloaded.

Trucking would stop.

The economy would have a sudden "heart attack"

Am I making myself clear?

How any of those are dependent on the government spending?
Right now would be the worst possible time for another economic catastrophe. I'm trying to fight a fairly serious case of colon cancer. I don't have any chemo drugs in my hurricane supplies. I am working as much as I am able but a total loss of income would probably mean my certain death.

Discretionary spending is optional. Government collect more than enough money to pay all mandatory spending. Everything over and above that can be cut.
So Biden continues to spend tax dollars like a drunken sailor on someone else's war, without a declaration of war, avoids negotiating the limit for 120 days, and somehow it's MAGA's fault? LOL!
I'm never wrong about magaturds and their lies.
Have you ever been wrong about lies about The Donald? If you've been keeping up with current events, it's kind of known now. Were you wrong about those lies, or were you always defending Trump against them?
If the US defaults on its national debt, the consequences could be catastrophic. These consequences include higher interest rates, a stock market crash, a recession, and massive job losses. In a prolonged default scenario, the GDP could fall by almost 4%, and six million jobs would be lost, driving the unemployment rate up to 9%. A default on US obligations would quickly push the economy into a recession and cost at least 1 million workers their jobs. If the political deadlock over raising the debt ceiling were to continue for a significant period of time, the recession could spiral into a far more serious crisis that eliminates up to 7 million jobs and damages the US economy for years to come1.
A debt default could trigger an economic downturn, which would prompt a spike in unemployment. It would come at a particularly fragile time – when the nation is already dealing with rising interest rates and stubbornly high inflation. How much damage would be done would depend on how long the crisis continues2.

You have no clue what you're talking about. You see, economy isn't working as you and AOC, and most of Democrats think. You keep repeating talking points you heard from MSM, without knowing that it means. So let me bring few facts, just for you: First fact is - we already have highest inflation, and interest rates than we had in past 30-40 years, and I don't see you complaining about it. Of course, I wouldn't like to see default, but with spending we have now, default is inevitable. The question is, is it better to default now when debt is $30T or in a few years when debt is $50T or more? The answer to that is no-brainer. Second fact is - we are in recession for almost a year now, Number of bankruptcies is at 2008 level, and more than double then during peak of COVID lockdowns. Fast three - that is not even the worse part. The problem is the worst of bankruptcies, historically usually don't come early in the recession, they come a year or two in the recession, which mean one of two things... we are deep into recession already, or the worse is about to come, with or without default.

In 2008 crisis we saw a slight rise in bankruptcies going in, which was 7% from 2006-2007, but the real collapse didn't come until well into the crisis. Essentially, initial bankruptcies are warning. like canary in a coal mine, but the true collapse takes another year or two as the ACTUAL recession drains cash from companies and drives them under, which is already happening for the past year with banks tying their cash into low interest government bonds they can't get rid of without taking massive loses. In 2008 that meant a doubling of major bankruptcies in the first year of actual recession, followed buy yet another doubling in the following year 2009, and in 2010 was in the level of 2008. If you think, and you obviously do think that economy is in great shape, regardless that we have as many bankruptcies as we had in 2008, you are in for rude awakening. If you follow the same pattern that happened in every recession, there are three to four years of bankruptcies coming, while you're celebrating Biden's great success. Fact four - we are in worse shape today than we were in 2008, and yet Democrats are still happy talking about soft landing, while bailing out the banks.

The last fact for now... you are clueless.
You wish.

How about yell us about Trump lies you keep talking about like a broken record.
Hey, was that wall built? Did Mexico really pay for it? Where are Mr. Trump's tax returns he endlessly promised to supply? How did an alleged 'billionaire' pay merely $750 in taxes in '16 and '17? Where is Mr. Trump's replacement for the ACA?

We'll start there.
Hey, was that wall built? Did Mexico really pay for it? Where are Mr. Trump's tax returns he endlessly promised to supply? How did an alleged 'billionaire' pay merely $750 in taxes in '16 and '17? Where is Mr. Trump's replacement for the ACA?

We'll start there.

He built as much he could with the money he got. We are paying 10 times more now for illegals then it would cost to build whole wall.

Yes, Mexico is paying for it, and will be paying for it for some time, since USMCA deal was signed that makes Mexico and Canada paying more, while we are paying less in tariffs. I know it's too complicated for a leftist to understand how economies actually work. And ACA, he did everything he could to eliminate it, until he got stabbed in the back by RINOs. Did Trump lied, of course not, but you do, without effort.
You mean the dollars that had a lot more value and the debt wasn't as high as it is now. That money? That money is disappearing one day as a time under Bidenomics.
The petro dollar falls daily, that is what buttressed our past debt and kept unlimited spending viable. No longer the case.

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