Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

Only utter cretins use puerile terms like "magaturd", especially to describe people who have never voted for Trump.
Well, you certainly seem to support him, so you fit the profile.

The magaturd slur is admittedly, all mine. My baby. It's so... Perfectly descripted.
Easy answer. The Make America Great Again is making their fanatical idea of their dream America which has zero to do with reality. The problem is, they aren't trying to win, they are trying to make everyone else lose. They have zero idea on the repercussions involved.
Bringing jobs back to America "isn't reality?" Securing our border "isn't reality?" Becoming energy independent "isn't reality?" It sounds to me like YOU aren't living in reality.
I live on the gulf coast. Preparing for the worst is a real thing here. I've been through at least a dozen major hurricanes. The last one was Michael. You might have heard of that one. We were without power for 27 days. I didn't even have to touch the MREs. I keep a couple of months worth of non perishable food at all times. The thing that made me proud was how we all pitched in an helped each other out.
Good for you, nice when people care about others.
I live on the gulf coast. Preparing for the worst is a real thing here. I've been through at least a dozen major hurricanes. The last one was Michael. You might have heard of that one. We were without power for 27 days. I didn't even have to touch the MREs. I keep a couple of months worth of non perishable food at all times. The thing that made me proud was how we all pitched in an helped each other out.
Glad we can agree on something. My desire to prepare has to do with several past experiences. I prepare for natural as well as possible man-made calamities. I've lived through major blizzards and ice storms when the town completely shut down. I've been evacuated when major fires or a flood threatened my home. I've had to live through a couple of periods of unemployment with no income. And more recently, the Covid thing left the stores with lots of empty shelves.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

Democrats have been tearing this country down since slavery was taken away from them. They have been stopped before, they'll be stopped again.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
That's what commies preach. So what's the problem
It ain't 'the left'. It's capitalism + government. You vote for this shit every time your political tribe creates legislation intended to make the lives of 'those people' you detest more miserable. Is that liberty? Is that freedom? No, it's straight up fucking fascism. Give your glory to your 'god', because cowards like you rely on it to avoid accountability.

Prove me wrong.
If you voted for Biden or Obama then re-read your post and take it to heart.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

Dunno Bub. I don't think reps would win in 2024. But, America does need to be broken into 2. One part for dem rule other part for rep rule. If not, reps will be under the thumb of dems and disarmed.

reparations negro.jpg

Here is the makeup of the up-and-coming voters. See where conservatives are on the list?

Reddit political leanings vote 2.26.23.jpg

Personally, I don't want to be under perpetual dem rule. The reps are not able to fight the radical dems in any meaningful way at all. Hence the need for the breakup. If you can't ever win...why play a game you will always lose. But the reps are too stupid to realize it. That's the score, Bub.

bipoc wanabee.jpg

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