Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

I give no fucks how 'popular' I am here. You lose again. :auiqs.jpg:
I honestly don't care if you're popular or not. That's not my goal. My goal is to wake people up and get them to thinking about the future of this nation and the future of their local community and the future of their families. I believe being prepared is better than being unprepared. If you don't think that's a smart outlook, then remain unprepared. I really don't care to help them who refuse help.
It is a war. A war of ideology. A war over power and control. A war of words. If you can't see that ... you're blind. Every major dynasty has peeked in power, then declined, then disappeared. When it did, another political power took the reins. There is ALWAYS a struggle between good and evil; one dynasty against another; freedom and the chains of slavery. I will always fight for my God given right to exist; to thrive; to protect myself; and to live free. It is a war.
You live free if you're a citizen of this great nation. Period. You don't deserve the liberty you bitch about, so can the hysterics. Or don't. I give zero fucks about magaturds or their 'LIB R TEES'. :dunno:
You live free if you're a citizen of this great nation. Period. You don't deserve the liberty you bitch about, so can the hysterics. Or don't. I give zero fucks about magaturds or their 'LIB R TEES'. :dunno:
We're a lot less free today than we were several decades ago. The left is chipping away at this "great nation" each and every day. One would have to be a complete dolt to miss that fact. And the fact that you don't care about liberty proves my point. It used to be cherished. But people have taken it for granted for so long that it has lost its value to them.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
I have no doubt that some do.....the point is, to make sure if it happens, they get ALLLLLLLLL the credit.
Economic collapse is going to happen, regardless of what is done now. What's just as certain is that the DC scum will blame the Trump supporters for it. In that situation, why should we give a fock when it will actually occur? Sooner, later, what difference does it make to MAGA Americans? This train ride is one we're all going to see come to an end and there is no stopping that.
The left is chipping away at this "great nation" each and every day. One would have to be a complete dolt to miss that fact
It ain't 'the left'. It's capitalism + government. You vote for this shit every time your political tribe creates legislation intended to make the lives of 'those people' you detest more miserable. Is that liberty? Is that freedom? No, it's straight up fucking fascism. Give your glory to your 'god', because cowards like you rely on it to avoid accountability.

Prove me wrong
Even in the “legal” states, you're usually limited as to how much you can grow. I left Colorado about 4 years ago. They legalized it for medicinal and personal use. I think they allowed people to grow up to 3 or 4 plants (maybe 6?) for personal use. Any more than that and they considered it growing for distribution.
You are correct. Just nice to see an honest fact on here every once & a while.
We're a lot less free today than we were several decades ago. The left is chipping away at this "great nation" each and every day. One would have to be a complete dolt to miss that fact. And the fact that you don't care about liberty proves my point. It used to be cherished. But people have taken it for granted for so long that it has lost its value to them.
What are you not free to do?
Your question makes no sense at all:

Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?​

Why would someone who wants to “Make America Great Again” want to see America fail? You must try to think before blurting out inane comments.

Easy answer. The Make America Great Again is making their fanatical idea of their dream America which has zero to do with reality. The problem is, they aren't trying to win, they are trying to make everyone else lose. They have zero idea on the repercussions involved.
That seems to be the plan....but voters will recognize the hypocrisy of the repubs only caring about the deficit when Dems are in the WH
You would think. They been doing this for decades
The MAGA nuts in the House are going to push for default. They see that as their sick victory.

The house has already passed a bill to pay the interest on the debt but the senate democrats have blocked a vote and biden wouldn't sign it anyway.

Get ready folks! It's gonna be rough!
No, you're just a fucking magaturd reject that doesn't understand spell check. No harm, no foul. You have to attack me because I ain't buying the shit you're selling. :itsok:
Only utter cretins use puerile terms like "magaturd", especially to describe people who have never voted for Trump.
I have no doubt that some do.....the point is, to make sure if it happens, they get ALLLLLLLLL the credit.
repubs suffered the last time they threatened default. They will suffer again even more with trumpism
The house has already passed a bill to pay the interest on the debt but the senate democrats have blocked a vote and biden wouldn't sign it anyway.

Get ready folks! It's gonna be rough!
Was it a clean bill?


What are you not free to do?
I'm not free to drive without a seat belt. That should be a personal choice. I'm not free to buy a shotgun at the local Sears without a background check. I'm not free to board a plane without getting a full body exam via X-ray machine. I'm not free to fish in the local pond without a fishing license. I'm not free to own land at all. All land "owners" must pay a property tax so they never truly "own" their land. The list goes on.
The house has already passed a bill to pay the interest on the debt but the senate democrats have blocked a vote and biden wouldn't sign it anyway.

Get ready folks! It's gonna be rough!
The MAGA house passed a BS piece of garbage.

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