Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

He a PUSSY and afraid of his shadow.

From the article, House Freedom Caucus members seem to relish a national or global economic calamity, so yeah I can see it.
I'll be eating hot meals and sipping nice, cool water while you idiots are begging for scraps and drinking from the gutter. Don't cry when you find yourselves on your knees begging.
I'm not going to willingly put myself in a position to be subtly put 'on a list' just to gain popularity among people that don't give a tinker's fuck about me in the first place. That mentality is the same as those social mutants that post uninvited dickpics of their tiny junk to women.

America's addiction to social media is a self inflicted wound, and we're slowly bleeding out.

You can't seem to live without it. Not my problem. :dunno:
^^And yet ... there you are trying to "gain popularity" with your Marxist peers.^^^

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

I think the partisans on both sides would be willing to eat their own faces if they got to see the other party lose. It's ridiculous.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

Republican House sent Pedo Pete a bill
People are not nearly scared enough right now for fascism to get a foothold. To the MAGA lords what this country really needs is widespread and lingering economic strife.

Remember when Trump had the FBI spy on Pedo Pete?
Dude. I've been an outspoken conservative since the mid 80s. I'm on lots of lists. If I live my life in fear of somebody's idiotic list then I've lost the war. They WANT the American people to fear them. I want them to fear the American people. That's the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be.
No. There is no 'war'. That's in your stupid head. You're simply fucking wrong. Liberty doesn't give you the right to simply 'do whatever you want'. We have a constitution. We have laws. I don't care if you're a political 'activist', you fuck around and think you're 'over' laws, well, I assure you, law enforcement will keep you in check.
With magaturds, the cruelty is the point. They didn't get their orange, senile, criminal bag of shit into a 2nd term of grift, because they lost. So they want the rest of the country to suffer. :dunno: That is the inconvenient 'truth' magaturds conveniently avoid.
Seeing your posts answers the question as to what happened to all the kids who ate their buggers back in second grade.
No. There is no 'war'. That's in your stupid head. You're simply fucking wrong. Liberty doesn't give you the right to simply 'do whatever you want'. We have a constitution. We have laws. I don't care if you're a political 'activist', you fuck around and think you're 'over' laws, well, I assure you, law enforcement will keep you in check.
It is a war. A war of ideology. A war over who gains power and control. A war of words. If you can't see that ... you're blind. Every major dynasty has peeked in power, then declined, then disappeared. When it did, another political power took the reins. There is ALWAYS a struggle between good and evil; one dynasty against another; freedom vs. the chains of slavery. I will always fight for my God given right to exist; to thrive; to protect myself; and to live free. It is a war.
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