Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

Every time the U.S. defaulted, the minions in the media blamed republicans no matter what. A couple of decades ago when democrats were in charge, the media chanted the "Gingrinch that stole Christmas" even though it was Clinton who walked away from negotiations. Today the freaking president is AWOL on the other side of the world while republicans are stuck. Who ya gonna blame when they wheel the old dude back to the W.H. and we still don't have a deal?
It is Congress who has to iron out the details.
I bought 43 acres in 1998 just so I could grow all I wanted.
Even in the “legal” states, you're usually limited as to how much you can grow. I left Colorado about 4 years ago. They legalized it for medicinal and personal use. I think they allowed people to grow up to 3 or 4 plants (maybe 6?) for personal use. Any more than that and they considered it growing for distribution.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
Bannon and Trump have nothing to do with it. WTF is wrong with you?
People are not nearly scared enough right now for fascism to get a foothold. To the MAGA lords what this country really needs is widespread and lingering economic strife.
So you want a higher deficet?
The entire rest of the world sees it's the Republican Congress demanding America defaults on the debt Congress authorised.
Do you think the debt ceiling should be raised continuously until it reaches 99.26 Quadrillion? It's insanity. America is 31 Trillion dollars in debt, for hell's sake. That's ludicrous!

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
The GOP passed a debt ceiling bill raising it

the dems have refused
I think Congress should pay the debt it authorised. Republicans are deadbeats.
With what money should Congress pay the debt with? The dollar has lost much of its value thanks to Bidenomics. The cost of living rose far more quickly than wages could keep up. The only solution is to raise taxes on an already struggling public in order to pay for Biden's and Congress's irresponsible spending habits.
Oh for fucks sake we go through this bullshit every few years and it's always the same no matter which party is control at the moment both sides dick around till the last minute then reach a deal.
Oh for fucks sake we go through this bullshit every few years and it's always the same no matter which party is control at the moment both sides dick around till the last minute then reach a deal.
What bullshit. It only goes one way.

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