Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
/——-/ What if democRATs actually want to destroy America by spending us into oblivion?

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
Likely many on the right want the country to default for partisan reasons; when the country does default, they’ll spread the lie that it was President Biden’s ‘fault.’

The debt ceiling is only an ‘issue’ when a Democrat is in the WH, the GOP has no problem raising the debt ceiling when a Republican is president.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
No, but we would like to see you get a life.
People are not nearly scared enough right now for fascism to get a foothold. To the MAGA lords what this country really needs is widespread and lingering economic strife.

That is what Margie Green, Bannon, and trump want. They want to see the US on it's knees

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.

No....if anyone wants the default it is the democrats....they want to knock the U.S. out of its #1 position in the world and a default would do that quite nicely.


After the Russia Hoax lie, you are still using Putin?

I'm tellin' ya folks...the democrats are really going to do it!

They're already laying the foundation to blame repub's.

This will be the end of the friggan world (financially speaking). All stores food, gas, or medications.

Get your shit in'll be here in less than 2 weeks.
The MAGA nuts in the House are going to push for default. They see that as their sick victory.
Likely many on the right want the country to default for partisan reasons; when the country does default, they’ll spread the lie that it was President Biden’s ‘fault.’

The debt ceiling is only an ‘issue’ when a Democrat is in the WH, the GOP has no problem raising the debt ceiling when a Republican is president.
Sadly it's the only way to get spendaholic Democrats to the table. It's the same BS as the "government shutdown" spectacle.
The entire world sees it's the Republican Congress refusing to pay debts Congress authorised. They're deadbeats.
Do you spend money you don't have and then demand someone else pay your bill? What kind of idiot are you? That's rhetorical, no need to answer.
That is what Margie Green, Bannon, and trump want. They want to see the US on it's knees

Boy, are you stupid...the democrat party is crushing the U.S. and you try to say it is Trump....are you this lame in real life or just when you post...
The entire rest of the world sees it's the Republican Congress demanding America defaults on the debt Congress authorised.

No...the entire world sees joe biden stumbling, bumbling and now Russia invaded Ukraine, and China is getting ready to invade Taiwan........
Likely many on the right want the country to default for partisan reasons; when the country does default, they’ll spread the lie that it was President Biden’s ‘fault.’

The debt ceiling is only an ‘issue’ when a Democrat is in the WH, the GOP has no problem raising the debt ceiling when a Republican is president.
maga is a den of hypocrites.
/——-/ What if democRATs actually want to destroy America by spending us into oblivion?

That is the plan....

It will be interesting to see if the democrats actually pull the trigger on this and wreck the U.S. at a much faster pace through a default....
That is what Margie Green, Bannon, and trump want. They want to see the US on it's knees
Do you spend more than you have and then demand others pay your debt? What kind of deadbeat are you? That's rhetorical, no need to answer.
Without courage you are not prepared for anything.
Courage is one thing. Wisdom is another. Being prepared is a wise thing to do. When you go on a long trip ... do you fill your tank with fuel; check the engine fluids; tire pressure; and overall condition of your car? If so ... you're “preparing” for the trip. I just happen to be preparing for a longer journey. You'd be wise to do the same.

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