Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

The same money it used when Trump was President and the debt ceiling needed to be increased. That money.
You mean the dollars that had a lot more value and the debt wasn't as high as it is now. That money? That money is disappearing one day as a time under Bidenomics.
No, it's called being stupid. Posting pictures of your firearms online is flat out stupid. It's like you live to be surveilled.
We're all being “surveilled.” One of your leftist friends just told me that I need to be courageous. Hiding in the shadows isn't how that's done. I am still a free man living under the protection of the Constitution. I have no reason to fear anything or anyone. If you want to hide in the shadows out of fear of “surveillance” then go enjoy yourself.
MAGA group think always misjudges, as it will if it thinks America will not blame the GOP.
To the Demwit group, "America" is defined by the illegal invaders, dead voters, Deep State politicians, the fake stream media, Hollywood, the DNC, and the Communist Party. And that's as far as you go.
America are those citizens devoted to civil liberties, the rule of law, and oppose the authoritarianism of the Trumperinos.
Typical response from the useless partisan club it’s both funny and sad to see people like you and your conservative doppelgänger act like their sides shit don’t stink.
Point out the debt ceiling brinkmanship during the Bush and Trump administrations.
You mean the dollars that had a lot more value and the debt wasn't as high as it is now. That money?
Yes. After Trump increased the debt. That money. The same money that will be used when this bullshit is resolved.

You guys don't realise how ridiculous you look on the word stage, then you complain how the US reputation is diminishing.

What a hoot.
Action Jackson and the Trumperinos are in the for the biggest heart break of their lives when Trump goes down in flames next years.

Please rise up against the American Republic.
Courage is one thing. Wisdom is another. Being prepared is a wise thing to do. When you go on a long trip ... do you fill your tank with fuel; check the engine fluids; tire pressure; and overall condition of your car? If so ... you're “preparing” for the trip. I just happen to be preparing for a longer journey. You'd be wise to do the same.
I live on the gulf coast. Preparing for the worst is a real thing here. I've been through at least a dozen major hurricanes. The last one was Michael. You might have heard of that one. We were without power for 27 days. I didn't even have to touch the MREs. I keep a couple of months worth of non perishable food at all times. The thing that made me proud was how we all pitched in an helped each other out.
Point out the debt ceiling brinkmanship during the Bush and Trump administrations.

Moron...the democrats don't care if we increase they go along with it when it serves their that they have the brain dead puppet, this could go either way...
We're all being “surveilled.” One of your leftist friends just told me that I need to be courageous. Hiding in the shadows isn't how that's done. I am still a free man living under the protection of the Constitution. I have no reason to fear anything or anyone. If you want to hide in the shadows out of fear of “surveillance” then go enjoy yourself.
I'm not going to willingly put myself in a position to be subtly put 'on a list' just to gain popularity among people that don't give a tinker's fuck about me in the first place. That mentality is the same as those social mutants that post uninvited dickpics of their tiny junk to women.

America's addiction to social media is a self inflicted wound, and we're slowly bleeding out.

You can't seem to live without it. Not my problem. :dunno:
I'm not going to willingly put myself in a position to be subtly put 'on a list' just to gain popularity among people that don't give a tinker's fuck about me in the first place. That mentality is the same as those social mutants that post uninvited dickpics of their tiny junk to women.

America's addiction to social media is a self inflicted wound, and we're slowly bleeding out.

You can't seem to live without it. Not my problem. :dunno:
Dude. I've been an outspoken conservative since the mid 80s. I'm on lots of lists. If I live my life in fear of somebody's idiotic list then I've lost the war. They WANT the American people to fear them. I want them to fear the American people. That's the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be.
Dude. I've been an outspoken conservative since the mid 80s. I'm on lots of lists. If I live my life in fear of somebody's idiotic list then I've lost the war. They WANT the American people to fear them. I want them to fear the American people. That's the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be.
ActionJackson, no one fears you at all.

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