Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?

He built as much he could with the money he got. We are paying 10 times more now for illegals then it would cost to build whole wall.

Yes, Mexico is paying for it, and will be paying for it for some time, since USMCA deal was signed that makes Mexico and Canada paying more, while we are paying less in tariffs. I know it's too complicated for a leftist to understand how economies actually work. And ACA, he did everything he could to eliminate it, until he got stabbed in the back by RINOs. Did Trump lied, of course not, but you do, without effort.
So, he failed. Get the fuck out of here with your maga-splaining. It's irrelevant and doesn't add up with the facts. Say it with me: He failed. He was a shit president. Mr. Trump was a bad president.

President Biden may suck as well, but Mr. Trump sucks out loud, because he's a criminal grifter conman with devotion to nothing but himself.

You voted for this malignant narcissist, and the rest of America will never let you forget it, magaturd. :itsok: Suffer.

I mean, you have people like Bannon saying he wants to tear the whole thing down. Then there is trump, who is advocating for a default as he sings the praises of Putin. I think the hard line MAGA cult wants the country to default.
This morning I split a rick of firewood.

Cleaned the hen house... they're back to laying pretty good.

Built a shelf for the shop this afternoon.

New skinning knife came in the mail...hunting season starts the 27th.

Got a forge and an anvil... could have made it instead...but it was on sale.

Finished an ax sheath this evening and repaired a leather glove while listening to a podcast.

Going to practice some knot tying (learned a new one and I want it to stick), read the Bible and try to slip into bed without waking the Mrs.

Whatever happens, we'll be fine.

Probably miss the podcasts though.
Bringing jobs back to America "isn't reality?" Securing our border "isn't reality?" Becoming energy independent "isn't reality?" It sounds to me like YOU aren't living in reality.

Hate to break it to you but since Reagan, the jobs have systematically been removed from the US. More jobs under the so called Republicans were lost than under any other "Regime". We used to have laws on the books to prevent companies from leaving but most of those were removed and it became an exodise.

The jobs have NOT returned. Since China has gotten to be such a drag, Taiwan, Maylasia, Mexico, Brazil and many others now have those jobs.

I suggested we put tariffs on certain goods of 25% but take that amount and give it as tax breaks to returning corporations. Today, we have trouble assembling a decent car because the ICs are in short supply from Taiwan. While you are busy pointing fingers at the Dems and refusing to accept any responsibility, we are hurt on a daily basis for millions.

It appears that Rump had the right idea but his reasons for it were all wrong and he screwed the pooch.
Hate to break it to you but since Reagan, the jobs have systematically been removed from the US. More jobs under the so called Republicans were lost than under any other "Regime". We used to have laws on the books to prevent companies from leaving but most of those were removed and it became an exodise.

The jobs have NOT returned. Since China has gotten to be such a drag, Taiwan, Maylasia, Mexico, Brazil and many others now have those jobs.

I suggested we put tariffs on certain goods of 25% but take that amount and give it as tax breaks to returning corporations. Today, we have trouble assembling a decent car because the ICs are in short supply from Taiwan. While you are busy pointing fingers at the Dems and refusing to accept any responsibility, we are hurt on a daily basis for millions.

It appears that Rump had the right idea but his reasons for it were all wrong and he screwed the pooch.
Both parties have been very guilty of sending jobs overseas. Clinton went out of his way to get cozy with China, but the Bush's were more than happy to destroy American jobs. That's why both Parties hate Trump. He wasn't playing the game by their rules.
Your question makes no sense at all:

Could it be that MAGA wants to see the US default?​

Why would someone who wants to “Make America Great Again” want to see America fail? You must try to think before blurting out inane comments.

You know, MAGA is just a campaign slogan....right?
Hate to break it to you but since Reagan, the jobs have systematically been removed from the US. More jobs under the so called Republicans were lost than under any other "Regime". We used to have laws on the books to prevent companies from leaving but most of those were removed and it became an exodise.

The jobs have NOT returned. Since China has gotten to be such a drag, Taiwan, Maylasia, Mexico, Brazil and many others now have those jobs.

I suggested we put tariffs on certain goods of 25% but take that amount and give it as tax breaks to returning corporations. Today, we have trouble assembling a decent car because the ICs are in short supply from Taiwan. While you are busy pointing fingers at the Dems and refusing to accept any responsibility, we are hurt on a daily basis for millions.

It appears that Rump had the right idea but his reasons for it were all wrong and he screwed the pooch.
Both parties have been very guilty of sending jobs overseas. Clinton went out of his way to get cozy with China, but the Bush's were more than happy to destroy American jobs. That's why both Parties hate Trump. He wasn't playing the game by their rules.

I hate to break it to both of you, but far more jobs have been "lost" to technology/automation than have gone overseas.
Hate to break it to you but since Reagan, the jobs have systematically been removed from the US. More jobs under the so called Republicans were lost than under any other "Regime". We used to have laws on the books to prevent companies from leaving but most of those were removed and it became an exodise.

The jobs have NOT returned. Since China has gotten to be such a drag, Taiwan, Maylasia, Mexico, Brazil and many others now have those jobs.

I suggested we put tariffs on certain goods of 25% but take that amount and give it as tax breaks to returning corporations. Today, we have trouble assembling a decent car because the ICs are in short supply from Taiwan. While you are busy pointing fingers at the Dems and refusing to accept any responsibility, we are hurt on a daily basis for millions.

It appears that Rump had the right idea but his reasons for it were all wrong and he screwed the pooch.
The more socialist agendas expand, the less GDP growth you get. We had pax americana until the 1970's. Our weakness showing up by the late 1950's as the world retooled from WW 2.
We don't have a debt problem. We have a spending problem.

We wouldn't need more debt if we spent less money.

Something these stupid Moon Bats always have difficulty understanding.
we already have highest inflation, and interest rates than we had in past 30-40 years,
That is absolutely false...demonstrably so.
but with spending we have now, default is inevitable.
According to who?
The question is, is it better to default now when debt is $30T or in a few years when debt is $50T or more?
The answer is...default is NEVER good not do it
we are in recession for almost a year now,
Absolutely false. Who told you that?

Smack em upside the head. They're stupid and you're dumber for believing them
We don't have a debt problem. We have a spending problem.

We wouldn't need more debt if we spent less money.

Something these stupid Moon Bats always have difficulty understanding.
Yeah, Trump over-spent as much as Oblama did in four years versus Oblama's eight.
It is a war. A war of ideology. A war over who gains power and control. A war of words. If you can't see that ... you're blind. Every major dynasty has peeked in power, then declined, then disappeared. When it did, another political power took the reins. There is ALWAYS a struggle between good and evil; one dynasty against another; freedom vs. the chains of slavery. I will always fight for my God given right to exist; to thrive; to protect myself; and to live free. It is a war.
It is a war only in your head.
Since the United States has never defaulted on its obligations, the scope of the negative repercussions related to a default are unknown but would likely have catastrophic repercussions in the United States and in markets across the globe. the United States has,in markets across the globe.

Understanding the National Debt | U.S. Treasury Fiscal Data the United States has,in markets across the globe.

This is all a bunch of hype.

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