Could It Be?

Ted Cruz will not help him.

After the comments Donald Trump made against Ted Cruz and his family there is no way I could see Ted Cruz accepting.
The easiest way to run for the white house is from the inside. MANY presidents were former VP's.

I am saying it will not happen.

Trump hates Cruz and Cruz will do everything he could to get Trump impeached.

Because Trump said he would consider it is like me saying i would consider something and then just toss it off to the side. It is New Yorker speak of saying " yeah sure, I'll consider that " and they never do.

Trump is smarter than he is letting many believe and he will take someone like Kasich that will give him Ohio before he take Cruz which does not help him.

Also if Cruz was willing to be Trump VP then that tell me Cruz has no integrity and will do anything to further is political career no matter what someone has said about him and his family.

You have to draw a line in the sand and never cross it no matter what the devil offers you...
The better buy off might be Cruz gets SCOTUS. That nails Texas for Trump.

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