Could Russia Provide Nuclear Arms and Backdoor Access to West to Islamist?

Dirty bombs are a very real threat. In America all of our borders, ports, and airfields are potential entry points. Our southern border is dangerously porous, and our northern border is even more so, when discussing terrorists. A terrorist in Canada is a quick boat ride to Seattle. Even the smallest of a nuclear dirty bomb in San Diego, or Seattle would turn the entire globe upside down. Instantly. And all the chatter about Covid, climate change, election fraud, national debt etc... will all vanish into the "New World After The Dirty Bomb". It is a fact that many insane, but brilliant, people desperately want to make this happen. IMHO sooner or later those people may "pull off" a dirty bomb.
Girlyman Globalist Nagocracy

The internal affairs of another country are none of our business. The Donkephant's desire to stampede into our personal lives 24/7 has inevitably become part of its foreign policy, too.

Whom other countries, such as Russia and Saudi Arabia, consider to be a traitor is also not for us to shame them for. Third, what they do about traitors is none of our business.

The person you consider to be a victim was an Intelligence Services agent assigned to watch a kleptocrat, then, because of what he reported, he was assigned to kill him. But he got corrupted by the oligarch's money and ability to get over to England. He betrayed his mission, so Putin had him killed for that.
So how many times has Iran attacked us now?
Zero I believe.
Even though we destroyed their democracy in 1953.
So don't talk about Iran being the bad guy, when clearly all the really bad guys are US citizens.


Which just means we need to get rid of the corrupt oligarchy.

Trump proved that with the resistance he received every time he turned around.



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