Could Tea Party Canidate Herman Cain Be Viable?


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009

reuters said:
PHOENIX (Reuters) – Rep. Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain were conservative Tea Party activists' top picks to run against Barack Obama for president in 2012, leaving former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in third place.

I keep talking with people about who could win vs obama. Sure Obama has a lot of negatives from unemployment to unrest overseas but I still think he could beat the likes of Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romnewy, Pawlenty, and others who have been floated in the last week or so.

I've seen this guy speak and I really think he is a great american who would make a great canidate for the Republican party via the Tea Party. Hell if he wanted to run as a democrat it wouldn't matter to me, i'd still vote for him.

Anyway check this guy out

He could definately kick the crap out of obama in 2012 unless he has some serious skeletons in the closet.
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[ame=]YouTube - Herman Cain rallies tea party in Madison[/ame]

This guy is SOOOOOOO electable!
And at least he is consistant over time!

[ame=]YouTube - Herman Cain versus Bill Clinton.mp4[/ame]
A black conservative will be denounced as an Unlce Tom, publically denounced.

He has no chance of getting the nod for VP.

Shame, he's a good man.
I'd vote for him... I like him!

Ive been watching him for some time now, and I cant think of much I dont like about him. Seems to be a good American and as viable a candidate as any. (better than most IMO)
No offense. I wouldn't vote for anyone involved in the tea party.
Where are all the people questioning his non-existing experience in govt? There isn't a double standard here now, is there?..
Where are all the people questioning his non-existing experience in govt? There isn't a double standard here now, is there?..

I questioned obama's lack of executive experience and thought that was a negative for Obama. I thought Obama's lack of political experience to be a positive.

Herman Cain's Lack of political experience is a positive to me but Mr Cain also has many many years of executive experience behind him.

Im pretty sure most people, who weren't super far right deranged, were questioning his lack of executive experience over his lack of political experience the majority of the time his experience was questioned.

So to answer your question, from where i'm typing, there is no double standard but the same standard applied equally.
No offense. I wouldn't vote for anyone involved in the tea party.

I suppose you think all blacks are criminals, all whites are racist, all americans are ignorant, all muslims hate jews, all jews are greedy, oh what other broadbrushing prejudicial things can I think of? /sarcasm

Thats my not so nice way of trying to snap you out of this disgusting type of statement you made. It just reminds me of so many -isms, its offensive to see this coming from someone who claims to be open minded.
No offense. I wouldn't vote for anyone involved in the tea party.

I suppose you think all blacks are criminals, all whites are racist, all americans are ignorant, all muslims hate jews, all jews are greedy, oh what other broadbrushing prejudicial things can I think of? /sarcasm

Thats my not so nice way of trying to snap you out of this disgusting type of statement you made. It just reminds me of so many -isms, its offensive to see this coming from someone who claims to be open minded.

I don't agree with most of them, I have different political views, and I don't agree with their vision of America. It has nothing to do with broad brushing.
You wouldn't vote for a communist because of their political views, how is this different?
Where are all the people questioning his non-existing experience in govt? There isn't a double standard here now, is there?..

I questioned obama's lack of executive experience and thought that was a negative for Obama. I thought Obama's lack of political experience to be a positive.

Herman Cain's Lack of political experience is a positive to me but Mr Cain also has many many years of executive experience behind him.

Im pretty sure most people, who weren't super far right deranged, were questioning his lack of executive experience over his lack of political experience the majority of the time his experience was questioned.

So to answer your question, from where i'm typing, there is no double standard but the same standard applied equally.

Herman has exponantially more experience than Obama ever dreamed of having.

Lets see... a community organizor, and college "lecturer"


A career like this:

The Pillsbury Company, Minneapolis, MN, vice president/corporate systems and services, 1977-82; Burger King Corporation, Philadelphia, PA, regional vice president, 1982-86; Godfather's Pizza Inc., Omaha, NE, president, 1986-88, president/CEO, 1988--.

Herman Cain has enjoyed a stellar career in the business world.

Obama has enjoyed a stellar career as a business buster :doubt:

Herman Cain gets my vote HANDS DOWN!
Where are all the people questioning his non-existing experience in govt? There isn't a double standard here now, is there?..

I questioned obama's lack of executive experience and thought that was a negative for Obama. I thought Obama's lack of political experience to be a positive.

Herman Cain's Lack of political experience is a positive to me but Mr Cain also has many many years of executive experience behind him.

Im pretty sure most people, who weren't super far right deranged, were questioning his lack of executive experience over his lack of political experience the majority of the time his experience was questioned.

So to answer your question, from where i'm typing, there is no double standard but the same standard applied equally.

Herman has exponantially more experience than Obama ever dreamed of having.

Lets see... a community organizor, and college "lecturer"


A career like this:

The Pillsbury Company, Minneapolis, MN, vice president/corporate systems and services, 1977-82; Burger King Corporation, Philadelphia, PA, regional vice president, 1982-86; Godfather's Pizza Inc., Omaha, NE, president, 1986-88, president/CEO, 1988--.

Herman Cain has enjoyed a stellar career in the business world.

Obama has enjoyed a stellar career as a business buster :doubt:

Herman Cain gets my vote HANDS DOWN!

And exactly what businesses have Obama busted? Since he was a community organizer, attorney, state senator, and US senator and didn't run a business prior to being elected POTUS, you must be insinuating that he caused the recession. But that couldn't be true because the recession began before he became POTUS. You can be pro-Cain all you want, but don't join the wingnuts by assigning something to Obama that can't possibly be.
Cain has business experience. Obama had governmental experience. Is one better than the other when seeking the office of POTUS? Bush had loads of business experience, but was a failure at governing in Texas and as POTUS. His father, who did much better at governing, had a little business experience and a wealth of governmental experience. Reagan, didn't have much of either. Jimmy Carter had a governmental and business (farming) experience.

In our history, business men haven't always made the greatest presidents.
Cain has business experience. Obama had governmental experience. Is one better than the other when seeking the office of POTUS? Bush had loads of business experience, but was a failure at governing in Texas and as POTUS. His father, who did much better at governing, had a little business experience and a wealth of governmental experience. Reagan, didn't have much of either. Jimmy Carter had a governmental and business (farming) experience.

In our history, business men haven't always made the greatest presidents.

His executive experience isn't why I support Herman Cain, someone brought it up to try and play "gotcha" with me, otherwise it wouldn't be discussed in here.

Someone asked me my opinion of Trump vs my opinion of Cain and this is what I said

" think trump is a total fake and a joker. I don't think he shares my values at all.

I think cain is sincere and legitimately holds the values he claims and feel that I can trust him to make his decisions based off these values. His values and mine line up more closely than anyone else i've seen talk about running so I will support him until I find out something that I just can't abide.

He did make some comments about never hiring a muslim that I dont like but I know you can't find a canidate that is 100% in line with what I personally would want. He is the best of the field IMO.

If you want more details about my thoughts feel free to ask!"
No offense. I wouldn't vote for anyone involved in the tea party.

I suppose you think all blacks are criminals, all whites are racist, all americans are ignorant, all muslims hate jews, all jews are greedy, oh what other broadbrushing prejudicial things can I think of? /sarcasm

Thats my not so nice way of trying to snap you out of this disgusting type of statement you made. It just reminds me of so many -isms, its offensive to see this coming from someone who claims to be open minded.

i was open minded about the tea party till i went to a tea party rally ....not for me...they play on very base emotions

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