Could The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Be Passed Today?

Could The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Be Passed Today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
In this current political climate?

Why/why not?
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Ah....why would it need to be passed today?
That wasn't the question.

But to indulge you...

If it wasn't passed then, and never had been, it would still be needed to have gotten passed.
Queen inadvertently hits the mark, imo. If we had the blatant injustice we had in the early 60s, society would still address it.

A lot of whites think we did enough and got jack shite in return for our efforts. Hell, even I look at affirm action in college entrance, and the people getting a leg up are the kids of already successful minorities and new immigrants.
Queen inadvertently hits the mark, imo. If we had the blatant injustice we had in the early 60s, society would still address it.

A lot of whites think we did enough and got jack shite in return for our efforts. Hell, even I look at affirm action in college entrance, and the people getting a leg up are the kids of already successful minorities and new immigrants.
Remind me sir...what efforts are these again?
Ah....why would it need to be passed today?
That wasn't the question.

But to indulge you...

If it wasn't passed then, and never had been, it would still be needed to have gotten passed.

If the Supreme Court hadn't ruled that separate but equal was real you wouldn't need it either. Perhaps you should educate yourself on why things happened, instead of pretending that you actually know.
Queen inadvertently hits the mark, imo. If we had the blatant injustice we had in the early 60s, society would still address it.

A lot of whites think we did enough and got jack shite in return for our efforts. Hell, even I look at affirm action in college entrance, and the people getting a leg up are the kids of already successful minorities and new immigrants.
Remind me sir...what efforts are these again?

Hey, don't go after me. You asked if the law could be passed today. I merely posted that many white people do not perceive today to have the same injustice as before.

Before LBJ, we didn't have Medicaid, nor much of food aid. We certainly didn't have affirm action. Personally, I view all those as misapplied good efforts that had negative effects. But if someone tells me "we whites have done enough, it's time for the fathers to stay home, raise their sons right, finish school, go to college and stay the hell out of jail .... I'm not calling them bigots.
Could The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Be Passed Today?

In this current political climate?

Why/why not?


It contains language saying the government cannot discriminate against any person or group due to race, ethnicity, or skin color, among other things.

Democrat would realize this makes Affirmative Action programs illegal, makes race-based college admissions favoritism (a la Grutter and the Univ. of Michigan) illegal, and a host of other race-based programs Democrats favor, illegal. So they would probably kick and scream, in between bouts of calling Republicans "racists" as they always do.

It would pass quickly in the House, where Republicans are in a majority.

In the Senate, it would be close. All Republicans would vote for it, some Democrats would vote against it, while making noises that "We can't take away what minorities have" and other such racist comments. But I think that enough Democrats would be worried about winning their upcoming elections, that they would vote for it in great enough numbers to join Republicans in seeing it passed.
In this current political climate?

Why/why not?

Yes, of course it could. And if it were passed today, it would include wider protections for more classes of people.

To imagine that people today are less committed to "Liberty and Justice for all" is nuts imho.

Yes, there are noisy reactionaries, but don't be fooled by their volume. They are a very small minority. And getting smaller every day.
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If course not! Today the year is 2014. It would be rather silly to pass the civil rights act of 1964 during the year 2014.
If Republicans introduced the legislation, like they did many times between 1866 and 1959, dimocrap scum would fight it tooth and nail. Like they did EVERY time Republicans introduced it.

If dimocrap scum could make a deal with a Judas traitor.... Say.... Somebody like a Right On Right Reverend (right on), who could deliver the Black vote to dimocrap scum......

Republicans would still back it, the bill would get passed and dimocrap scum would 'have them ******* voting dimocrap for the next 200 years' (LBJ to a group of dimocrap scum governors on AF-1)

Republicans care about the Country. dimocrap scum only care about what's good for dimocrap scum.

Ah....why would it need to be passed today?
That wasn't the question.

But to indulge you...

If it wasn't passed then, and never had been, it would still be needed to have gotten passed.

If the Supreme Court hadn't ruled that separate but equal was real you wouldn't need it either. Perhaps you should educate yourself on why things happened, instead of pretending that you actually know.

Funny left wingers either don't know (mostly) or will not acknowledge that the entire need for the Civil Rights Act was a needed response to the Supreme Court decision Plessy v Ferguson which made the Separate by Equal doctrine and segregation the Law of the Land.

And guess who wrote the Majority Opinion? This fucking asshole from Massachusetts Henry Billings Brown. Assholes from the North legalized segregation.


The dissenting opinion was written by this man....John Marshall Harlan....of Kentucky. Yep....The only voice against legalized segregation was from the South. Chew on that Mofo's.


Actually....I'd love to hear MarcATL opinion on this. Go.....
In this current political climate?

Why/why not?
No, it would not pass. The parties we have today are not the parties we had in 1964. While the left may have moved to the left (debatable) the right has taken giant steps to the right (not debatable). In the past the parties had disagreements but the goal was always to make America a better place. Case in point: The Democrats believe it is best for the country if everyone has access to health care. The republicans have no problem with millions of people not being able to afford or get health care. You be the judge what is best for America. In the past differences were handled by compromise which is exactly how they are supposed to be handled in a democracy. That sentiment does not exist in the republican party of today. Don't believe me? Think about the word RINO. The republican goal is to win and the idea of compromise has ceased to exist in the republican party. Let a republican candidate even hint at compromise on anything and they are immediately thrown under the bus. How many times have we seen republicans say something that sounded vaguely like 'compromise' only to have to walk it back for the tea parties benefit. No, the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 would not have a chance of passing today and more's the sadness for that truth.
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It's an asinine question from an asinine poster.

Had the bill not been passed we would have already fought a war, a Civil War, because of the lack of it.

And I would have been on the side fighting for its passage while most of the white dimocraps in here would have been on the sidelines hiding under something.

Stupid question by a stupid, and juvenile, poster

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