Could The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Be Passed Today?

Could The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Be Passed Today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters
In this current political climate?

Why/why not?
No, it would not pass. The parties we have today are not the parties we had in 1964. While the left may have moved to the left (debatable) the right has taken giant steps to the right (not debatable). In the past the parties had disagreements but the goal was always to make America a better place. Case in point: The Democrats believe it is best for the country if everyone has access to health care. The republicans have no problem with millions of people not being able to afford or get health care. You be the judge what is best for America. In the past differences were handled by compromise which is exactly how they are supposed to be handled in a democracy. That sentiment does not exist in the republican party of today. Don't believe me? Think about the word RINO. The republican goal is to win and the idea of compromise has ceased to exist in the republican party. Let a republican candidate even hint at compromise on anything and they are immediately thrown under the bus. How many times have we seen republicans say something that sounded vaguely like 'compromise' only to have to walk it back for the tea parties benefit. No, the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 would not have a chance of passing today and more's the sadness for that truth.

Pure tripe.
That wasn't the question.

But to indulge you...

If it wasn't passed then, and never had been, it would still be needed to have gotten passed.

racism was on it's way out, in fact it was Government that kept segregation live an well. It was law to segregate.

Government slowed the process down, if it were not for Government and the racist law you are asking about in the OP we would prolly have almost fully abolished segregation and racism in our society, but law keeps segregation, division and racism alive and well as it was intended.

Progressive policies are meant to divide, not make anything better.
Laws don't write themselves, it's the PEOPLE that write them.

Those Southerners holding on to their so-called "traditional values" of cotton-pickin' and Jim Crow Laws.

Nice try.
Why do you people seek to impose yourselves where they aren't welcome? Talk about the sense of narcissism, entitlement, and arrogance from the "people of color" and their libfag agitators.
racism was on it's way out, in fact it was Government that kept segregation live an well. It was law to segregate. Government slowed the process down, if it were not for Government and the racist law you are asking about in the OP we would prolly have almost fully abolished segregation and racism in our society, but law keeps segregation, division and racism alive and well as it was intended. Progressive policies are meant to divide, not make anything better.

Those darn outsiders, right, Avorysuds.
In this current political climate?

Why/why not?

No. The current crop of TP's and Conservative Republicans would find a way to kill it while claiming that they were the ones that cared about the plight of the minorities.

Most on this board do not remember the '50's. I was there, and remember that in all the southern cities and even some northen ones, President Obama, General Powell, and, yes, Dr. Ben Carson would have had to go to the back of the bus. And could not have played golf at most of the courses in the US. And that was only the beginning.

Yes, things are much better for minorities now, but the bigotry is still there. We see it in the insistance of the Birthers. We see it in the blind opposition to anything at all that the President proposes.

But it is dying. And one of the reasons, and one that the bigots hate worst of all, is that a very large percentage of people in the US being born in the US today are mixed race. And, like our President, are achieving great things.
racism was on it's way out, in fact it was Government that kept segregation live an well. It was law to segregate.

Government slowed the process down, if it were not for Government and the racist law you are asking about in the OP we would prolly have almost fully abolished segregation and racism in our society, but law keeps segregation, division and racism alive and well as it was intended.

Progressive policies are meant to divide, not make anything better.
Laws don't write themselves, it's the PEOPLE that write them.

Those Southerners holding on to their so-called "traditional values" of cotton-pickin' and Jim Crow Laws.

Nice try.
Why do you people seek to impose yourselves where they aren't welcome? Talk about the sense of narcissism, entitlement, and arrogance from the "people of color" and their libfag agitators.

Dumb fuck. Those people served in our military the same as the rest of Americans. They are Americans, much more so than you are. Their 'arrogance' is that they ask to be treated as the rest of Americans.

Now what this country does not need is people like you that want to deny anyone their Constitutional rights as Americans. In the Declaration of Independence, the ideal was stated, "That all men are created equal". In the eyes of the laws of the land, that is what has taken us over 200 years to get where we are at. Still not there all the way.
If course not! Today the year is 2014. It would be rather silly to pass the civil rights act of 1964 during the year 2014.

Considering that democrats today are stuck in the 1960's I would expect they'd pass it only if it included the year 1964 in its title.
Most conservatives are still secretly seething about the passage of the CRA. Don't believe those who insist otherwise. They're lying.
Queen inadvertently hits the mark, imo. If we had the blatant injustice we had in the early 60s, society would still address it.

A lot of whites think we did enough and got jack shite in return for our efforts. Hell, even I look at affirm action in college entrance, and the people getting a leg up are the kids of already successful minorities and new immigrants.
Remind me sir...what efforts are these again?

Well sir let's start in 1863 with the emancipation proclamation.

Then let's move on to the winning of the civil war.

Moving on the 1964 civil rights act was passed by predominately white legislators, took some effort.

Jim Crow laws, segregation, poll taxes etc all went by the way side because of efforts of white legislators.

The NAACP formed by whites.

I could go on but do you recognize at least one common theme running through all of those? Other then they were white efforts?
If we only relied on history for our predictions instead of liberal/conservative made up BS then yes it would pass. It would pass with about 100 percent of the Republican vote as has all civil rights legislation. The democrats in the south would vote no and there may even be one who would filibuster the bill. History teaches us that the Republicans have always supported civil rights as has history taught us that Democrats lie about history. But I guess I would too if I were part of the party that actually did put the black man in chains and NEVER bothered to apologize. Why don't they apologize? Because they are unrepentant they think giving the black man a little something, but not enough to make a difference, is enough.
Most conservatives are still secretly seething about the passage of the CRA. Don't believe those who insist otherwise. They're lying.

Flip a liberal over an you can always find racism.

Why do you equate the CRA to blacks? One obvious reason is that you believe all blacks to be poor. Even if that were true, which it is not, in so doing you exclude the poor whites which there are many more.

You're a racist just like most whites, and some blacks, in the Democrat party nothing has changed in 200 years.

The CRA, yeah I hate what it did to the economy in 2008 who wouldn't other then a democrat dreamer?
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Laws don't write themselves, it's the PEOPLE that write them.

Those Southerners holding on to their so-called "traditional values" of cotton-pickin' and Jim Crow Laws.

Nice try.
Why do you people seek to impose yourselves where they aren't welcome? Talk about the sense of narcissism, entitlement, and arrogance from the "people of color" and their libfag agitators.

Dumb fuck. Those people served in our military the same as the rest of Americans. They are Americans, much more so than you are. Their 'arrogance' is that they ask to be treated as the rest of Americans.

Now what this country does not need is people like you that want to deny anyone their Constitutional rights as Americans. In the Declaration of Independence, the ideal was stated, "That all men are created equal". In the eyes of the laws of the land, that is what has taken us over 200 years to get where we are at. Still not there all the way.

Please don't feed the troll. He's just trying to think of the most objectionable things he can in order to provoke an angry response. But he thinks it's funny to try to rile people up. I guess he parents never hugged him.

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