Could The Trinity Doctrine Be Wrong?

I see. have to use other human beings that are not perfect, to send a message to God and Jesus cuz He won't hear you if you just talk to Him yourself?

This is the part that really upsets me.

Your opinion is based upon ignorance.

So... everyone who isn't a Catholic is ignorant now? I know that Gracie and I aren't the best of friends... but screw you because that's basically what you're saying. (And that means you're referring to me as well.)
I know I have insulted you and part of me knew the words I chose to use to respond to you was not nice of me.I like you, Meri. Always have. So I apologize that I offended you. We will just have to agree to disagree on this, and stick to our own paths.
It is not offense I feel, but more a combination of light frustration and light despair that I cannot make something that is so simple more clear to you.
Now you are being ridiculous.
Grin. NOW you know how I feel about how you view the rosary and art in churches. The wheat and grapes are "graven images" but you get that it is mere symbolism and has nothing to do with idolatry. The same is true of statuary "graven images". Most Catholic Churches also have "graven images" (plaques) of the Stations of the cross. We do not worship the images--the images call to mind our heritage. The same with statues of the Apostles, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, and other Saints.

Learning the history of al of this clarifies everything. No worship of Mary or any other Saint; no worship of imagery. just did try to explain and yes, it was inadequent..and sarcastic since you CAN'T explain. Which is fine. As I said...continue on. I'll watch.
I can explain and have explained, so the other option is the inability or disinclination to understand what is being explained. Again...that hardened heart, meaning people know what they believe and nothing will change their minds. And, that goes for me, too.
Do you confess to the windows? Do those windows tell you to do 10 Hail Grapes? No? Why not? Yet, you do those things for Mary and a priest, dontcha?

Just wondering.
Actually, as I am kneeling in prayer I do enumerate my most recent sins and meditate on how I might best rectify matters. (Keep in mind Hail Marys are used as a meditative prayer.)
Actually, as I am kneeling in prayer I do enumerate my most recent sins and meditate on how I might best rectify matters. (Keep in mind Hail Marys are used as a meditative prayer.)
lot of baggage above ...

why pray at all - it's what you do that matters and what you accomplish in the end is all that will be reviewed ... they may not even listen to prayers at all. being symptomatic of a guilty conscious, anyway. best they do not listen.

* just tell them how good they are and how your going to be - just like them. no baggage required.
This is the part that really upsets me.

So... everyone who isn't a Catholic is ignorant now? I know that Gracie and I aren't the best of friends... but screw you because that's basically what you're saying. (And that means you're referring to me as well.)
Just the ones who believe Catholics worship Mary and the saints.
This is the part that really upsets me.

So... everyone who isn't a Catholic is ignorant now? I know that Gracie and I aren't the best of friends... but screw you because that's basically what you're saying. (And that means you're referring to me as well.)

You're ignorant.
My heart is not hardened. I asked, you tried to answer to YOUR beliefs and it did nothing to answer what I asked. Like I said before....walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a damn duck! Hold your rosary beads. Confess to some guy as if he is Jesus himself when he isn't. Repent and do 24 Hail Mary's as you walk down the isle of the church surrounded with marble statues of Mary. And don't forget to bow and kiss the feet of your pope.

I don't get it. I never will because I will never be catholic. But if its your thang...ok. I know I have insulted you and part of me knew the words I chose to use to respond to you was not nice of me.I like you, Meri. Always have. So I apologize that I offended you. We will just have to agree to disagree on this, and stick to our own paths.
Yeah, it is hardened. It's cynical and bitter.

You should have stuck to your path before condemning the path of others.
Do you confess to the windows? Do those windows tell you to do 10 Hail Grapes? No? Why not? Yet, you do those things for Mary and a priest, dontcha?

Just wondering.
You aren't just wondering. You are expressing your displeasure over a faith that is not your own. Who the fuck does that? I'll tell you... a bitter cynical old hag who doesn't know better and needs to insult others to feel something.

Hail Grapes? Seriously?
Lots of people are ignorant..
Agree. And, it goes beyond that. Some are still early in their spiritual journey (even though they may be senior citizens). We don't expect everyone in grades K-12 to know calculus--many have not reached that point. The third possibility is the fringe. Every group has them, and the Catholic Church is no exception.
To alter the fabric of our existence for the better.
more delusion from the crucifier - prayer.

1st century liberation theology rewarded the individual for their works not servitude to earthly constraints.

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