Could this election year put an end to career politicians on the left?

Obama was a career politician too. Worse than that, he started out as a lawyer. Then an Illinois Senator.

President Trump on the other hand, is not a career politician. That's why he's accomplishing so much.

Praytell, what has Trump accomplished that wasn't handed to him on a silver platter by Obama?
Tax cuts. Cutting regulations. Nullifying the Iran deal.
Which regulation did he cut that had the biggest impact on your life?
Food and many recalls have we had on basic food needs, since deregulating the FDA? The EPA, our water supply is getting bad, the air we breath has gotten worse. Banks are back to preditorial lending, want more?

Who is telling you this shit?

It seems like a pretty simple question. I just want to know what has had the biggest impact on your life. So what's your answer?

Oh hell, it is like a smorgasbord of choices, don't you think.

Tell you what, you choose 1 and we shall discuss if it was good or bad.

What Regulations Has the Trump Administration Eliminated So Far?

I can't really think of anything that's had a significant impact in my life. What about you? Which one has had the biggest impact on your life? So many choices, surely one of these has impacted you in some way.

Wait, wait, wait, wait! Which one affected YOUR life negatively is the question, because if none have, then they weren't needed in the 1st place, lol.

If none affected you negatively, then we BOTH can agree it was a GOOD thing to get costs off of business, correct?

Still waiting to hear which one impacted your life most.

So you are stating that none of them hurt you? Then why are you crying?
It seems like a pretty simple question. I just want to know what has had the biggest impact on your life. So what's your answer?

Oh hell, it is like a smorgasbord of choices, don't you think.

Tell you what, you choose 1 and we shall discuss if it was good or bad.

What Regulations Has the Trump Administration Eliminated So Far?

I can't really think of anything that's had a significant impact in my life. What about you? Which one has had the biggest impact on your life? So many choices, surely one of these has impacted you in some way.

Wait, wait, wait, wait! Which one affected YOUR life negatively is the question, because if none have, then they weren't needed in the 1st place, lol.

If none affected you negatively, then we BOTH can agree it was a GOOD thing to get costs off of business, correct?

Still waiting to hear which one impacted your life most.

So you are stating that none of them hurt you? Then why are you crying?

Why are you celebrating?
One thing I hope emerges out of all this, is that perhaps finally after 50 plus years of white tired old people dusting themselves off every presidential election year, maybe this is the finali for this group, once and for all.

Once Bernie loses and he will if he becomes our nominee, I am hoping his old man high, will deflate and he along with Liz, Biden and the rest of these tired old white people will slither away, like Hillary never to be seen on the national stage again for our votes...that my friends is the desires of all of us....its time for NEW EVERYTHING WITH DEMOCRATS, BECAUSE WE ARE FUCKED WHEN IT COMES TO WINNING SHIT WITHOUT PROMISING FREE SOCIALIZED EVERYTHING....OBAMA I MISS YOU!!

Obama was a career politician too. Worse than that, he started out as a lawyer. Then an Illinois Senator.

President Trump on the other hand, is not a career politician. That's why he's accomplishing so much.

Praytell, what has Trump accomplished that wasn't handed to him on a silver platter by Obama?

LOL...I keep hearing we are headed for a recession. If that is the case, will it be Obama's fault? Iguess you idiots want Obama to take credit but not blame. Let me tell you something. Cutting regulations and reducing taxes does NOT equal a recesssion. Anybody with money in the stock market would have to be a complete MORON to vote for Bernie Sanders.

One way or another, your Orange Overlord finds a way to fuck up everything he touches.


So you actually got to meet him in person and he shook your hand?

You lucky dawg.

Me shake Drumpf's hand? Pass - and besides, my hand being twice his hand's size, I'd probably break a few bones and end up being arrested by the Secret Service. :)
One thing I hope emerges out of all this, is that perhaps finally after 50 plus years of white tired old people dusting themselves off every presidential election year, maybe this is the finali for this group, once and for all.

Once Bernie loses and he will if he becomes our nominee, I am hoping his old man high, will deflate and he along with Liz, Biden and the rest of these tired old white people will slither away, like Hillary never to be seen on the national stage again for our votes...that my friends is the desires of all of us....its time for NEW EVERYTHING WITH DEMOCRATS, BECAUSE WE ARE FUCKED WHEN IT COMES TO WINNING SHIT WITHOUT PROMISING FREE SOCIALIZED EVERYTHING....OBAMA I MISS YOU!!

Obama was a career politician too. Worse than that, he started out as a lawyer. Then an Illinois Senator.

President Trump on the other hand, is not a career politician. That's why he's accomplishing so much.
The man lost a billion dollars in one years and is still reaping tax benefits from it. He's filed bankrupcy 8 times, and had to sell us and his family out to Russia to get loans. The man's a loser and if it wasn't for Mitch McConnel and the GOP he'd be in prison today...miss me on this shit, his accomplishments all stem from self indulgent policies that keep him in tax payer pockets....get a clue you idiot

Who filled your head with all that shit?

Ahhh.....those Democrats. Right.
What the fuck was I thinking, I forgot, you brain dead motherfuckers cringe and get hives when truth is spoken, my bad
you are a prime example of the importance of boys growing up without a father in the home ...nobody taught you how to be a man that stands on his own 2 feet instead you are a whiny butthurt wimp.
This coming from a redneck that voted for Trump cause he felt LEFT BEHIND.....IF ANYBODY IS GUILTY OF WHINING, FIND A MIRROR WHITE PEOPLE, YOU REEEEEEEKKKKKK OF IT!!
Oh hell, it is like a smorgasbord of choices, don't you think.

Tell you what, you choose 1 and we shall discuss if it was good or bad.

What Regulations Has the Trump Administration Eliminated So Far?

I can't really think of anything that's had a significant impact in my life. What about you? Which one has had the biggest impact on your life? So many choices, surely one of these has impacted you in some way.

Wait, wait, wait, wait! Which one affected YOUR life negatively is the question, because if none have, then they weren't needed in the 1st place, lol.

If none affected you negatively, then we BOTH can agree it was a GOOD thing to get costs off of business, correct?

Still waiting to hear which one impacted your life most.

So you are stating that none of them hurt you? Then why are you crying?

Why are you celebrating?

If laughing is celebrating, then yes, I guess I am! You are sitting here asking about regulations that were eliminated, and you can't state it was a bad idea, but want us to state why it was a good idea.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If you can't state why it was a bad idea to get rid of them, then there was no reason for them to be there in the 1st place, lol! It is incumbent upon YOU to tell us why the change was bad, if you want them back in place. If you agree that they should NOT be back in place, or we BOTH agree they had no affect at all, then we agree-)

I consider that a WIN-WIN, don't you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Obama was a career politician too. Worse than that, he started out as a lawyer. Then an Illinois Senator.

President Trump on the other hand, is not a career politician. That's why he's accomplishing so much.

Praytell, what has Trump accomplished that wasn't handed to him on a silver platter by Obama?

LOL...I keep hearing we are headed for a recession. If that is the case, will it be Obama's fault? Iguess you idiots want Obama to take credit but not blame. Let me tell you something. Cutting regulations and reducing taxes does NOT equal a recesssion. Anybody with money in the stock market would have to be a complete MORON to vote for Bernie Sanders.

One way or another, your Orange Overlord finds a way to fuck up everything he touches.


So you actually got to meet him in person and he shook your hand?

You lucky dawg.

Me shake Drumpf's hand? Pass - and besides, my hand being twice his hand's size, I'd probably break a few bones and end up being arrested by the Secret Service. :)
LOLOLOL...who wants to shake the hand of a man that grabs women by the can only imagine how many lice eggs in those nails of his....
One thing I hope emerges out of all this, is that perhaps finally after 50 plus years of white tired old people dusting themselves off every presidential election year, maybe this is the finali for this group, once and for all.

Once Bernie loses and he will if he becomes our nominee, I am hoping his old man high, will deflate and he along with Liz, Biden and the rest of these tired old white people will slither away, like Hillary never to be seen on the national stage again for our votes...that my friends is the desires of all of us....its time for NEW EVERYTHING WITH DEMOCRATS, BECAUSE WE ARE FUCKED WHEN IT COMES TO WINNING SHIT WITHOUT PROMISING FREE SOCIALIZED EVERYTHING....OBAMA I MISS YOU!!

Obama was a career politician too. Worse than that, he started out as a lawyer. Then an Illinois Senator.

President Trump on the other hand, is not a career politician. That's why he's accomplishing so much.

Praytell, what has Trump accomplished that wasn't handed to him on a silver platter by Obama?

Nothing. This is Trump's presidency now, not Obama's. Trump has even managed to make most of Obama's ruinous policies disappear in a puff of smoke.
Jealousy and envy does that to ya!! I just wish Obama had passed some law on golf and eating like a pig was mandatory for presidents....maybe he'd get something done once he abolished it.
I can't really think of anything that's had a significant impact in my life. What about you? Which one has had the biggest impact on your life? So many choices, surely one of these has impacted you in some way.

Wait, wait, wait, wait! Which one affected YOUR life negatively is the question, because if none have, then they weren't needed in the 1st place, lol.

If none affected you negatively, then we BOTH can agree it was a GOOD thing to get costs off of business, correct?

Still waiting to hear which one impacted your life most.

So you are stating that none of them hurt you? Then why are you crying?

Why are you celebrating?

If laughing is celebrating, then yes, I guess I am! You are sitting here asking about regulations that were eliminated, and you can't state it was a bad idea, but want us to state why it was a good idea.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If you can't state why it was a bad idea to get rid of them, then there was no reason for them to be there in the 1st place, lol! It is incumbent upon YOU to tell us why the change was bad, if you want them back in place. If you agree that they should NOT be back in place, then we agree-)

I really just wanted to know if any regulations that were repealed had any impact on your life. I take it they haven't. Thanks
Praytell, what has Trump accomplished that wasn't handed to him on a silver platter by Obama?

LOL...I keep hearing we are headed for a recession. If that is the case, will it be Obama's fault? Iguess you idiots want Obama to take credit but not blame. Let me tell you something. Cutting regulations and reducing taxes does NOT equal a recesssion. Anybody with money in the stock market would have to be a complete MORON to vote for Bernie Sanders.

One way or another, your Orange Overlord finds a way to fuck up everything he touches.


So you actually got to meet him in person and he shook your hand?

You lucky dawg.

Me shake Drumpf's hand? Pass - and besides, my hand being twice his hand's size, I'd probably break a few bones and end up being arrested by the Secret Service. :)
LOLOLOL...who wants to shake the hand of a man that grabs women by the can only imagine how many lice eggs in those nails of his....

OK, now we know what you Leftists really think about the crotches of women.

Ladies of BOTH sides of the aisle, may I suggest you band together for 30 minutes, and GET HIM-)
Wait, wait, wait, wait! Which one affected YOUR life negatively is the question, because if none have, then they weren't needed in the 1st place, lol.

If none affected you negatively, then we BOTH can agree it was a GOOD thing to get costs off of business, correct?

Still waiting to hear which one impacted your life most.

So you are stating that none of them hurt you? Then why are you crying?

Why are you celebrating?

If laughing is celebrating, then yes, I guess I am! You are sitting here asking about regulations that were eliminated, and you can't state it was a bad idea, but want us to state why it was a good idea.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If you can't state why it was a bad idea to get rid of them, then there was no reason for them to be there in the 1st place, lol! It is incumbent upon YOU to tell us why the change was bad, if you want them back in place. If you agree that they should NOT be back in place, then we agree-)

I really just wanted to know if any regulations that were repealed had any impact on your life. I take it they haven't. Thanks

Well they did, they lowered costs for business which allowed them to expand easier.

If you have a problem with any of the repeals, feel free to voice your opinion. If not, we will consider everything all good, Trump was correct, and let everyone know you agree with us-)
Still waiting to hear which one impacted your life most.

So you are stating that none of them hurt you? Then why are you crying?

Why are you celebrating?

If laughing is celebrating, then yes, I guess I am! You are sitting here asking about regulations that were eliminated, and you can't state it was a bad idea, but want us to state why it was a good idea.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If you can't state why it was a bad idea to get rid of them, then there was no reason for them to be there in the 1st place, lol! It is incumbent upon YOU to tell us why the change was bad, if you want them back in place. If you agree that they should NOT be back in place, then we agree-)

I really just wanted to know if any regulations that were repealed had any impact on your life. I take it they haven't. Thanks

Well they did, they lowered costs for business which allowed them to expand easier.

If you have a problem with any of the repeals, feel free to voice your opinion. If not, we will consider everything all good, Trump was correct, and let everyone know you agree with us-)

So are you saying that his regulations repeals allowed you to expand your business?
So you are stating that none of them hurt you? Then why are you crying?

Why are you celebrating?

If laughing is celebrating, then yes, I guess I am! You are sitting here asking about regulations that were eliminated, and you can't state it was a bad idea, but want us to state why it was a good idea.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If you can't state why it was a bad idea to get rid of them, then there was no reason for them to be there in the 1st place, lol! It is incumbent upon YOU to tell us why the change was bad, if you want them back in place. If you agree that they should NOT be back in place, then we agree-)

I really just wanted to know if any regulations that were repealed had any impact on your life. I take it they haven't. Thanks

Well they did, they lowered costs for business which allowed them to expand easier.

If you have a problem with any of the repeals, feel free to voice your opinion. If not, we will consider everything all good, Trump was correct, and let everyone know you agree with us-)

So are you saying that his regulations repeals allowed you to expand your business?

LOL, it makes no difference! What I am saying is it allowed business to expand easier, and unless you can point to a regulation that was a bad repeal, there was no reason for that regulation to be there in the 1st place!

Over regulation= bloated government, period! Now you got a bad repeal? Then speak up!
Praytell, what has Trump accomplished that wasn't handed to him on a silver platter by Obama?

LOL...I keep hearing we are headed for a recession. If that is the case, will it be Obama's fault? Iguess you idiots want Obama to take credit but not blame. Let me tell you something. Cutting regulations and reducing taxes does NOT equal a recesssion. Anybody with money in the stock market would have to be a complete MORON to vote for Bernie Sanders.

One way or another, your Orange Overlord finds a way to fuck up everything he touches.


So you actually got to meet him in person and he shook your hand?

You lucky dawg.

Me shake Drumpf's hand? Pass - and besides, my hand being twice his hand's size, I'd probably break a few bones and end up being arrested by the Secret Service. :)
LOLOLOL...who wants to shake the hand of a man that grabs women by the can only imagine how many lice eggs in those nails of his....

Look: You're the one who's bitching about the Democrats not giving you much of a choice. Yet you have an alternative in Trump. Obviously someone has filled your head full of fuck and you don't realize how much this President is benefiting you black folks.

Remember when he said "What do you have to lose"? So what have you lost over the last three years? Has your life really become that much worse under this President? Disregard the steady stream of crap the tainted leftist media is feeding you, and think for yourself. Look around you: Find some new sources of information.

Obama is not coming back, and none of those running Democrats are going to bring back the Obama "glory days." These are different times we live in, so you can continue to believe the line of crap those Democrats are force-feeding you, or not. It's entirely up to you.
LOL...I keep hearing we are headed for a recession. If that is the case, will it be Obama's fault? Iguess you idiots want Obama to take credit but not blame. Let me tell you something. Cutting regulations and reducing taxes does NOT equal a recesssion. Anybody with money in the stock market would have to be a complete MORON to vote for Bernie Sanders.

One way or another, your Orange Overlord finds a way to fuck up everything he touches.


So you actually got to meet him in person and he shook your hand?

You lucky dawg.

Me shake Drumpf's hand? Pass - and besides, my hand being twice his hand's size, I'd probably break a few bones and end up being arrested by the Secret Service. :)
LOLOLOL...who wants to shake the hand of a man that grabs women by the can only imagine how many lice eggs in those nails of his....

Look: You're the one who's bitching about the Democrats not giving you much of a choice. Yet you have an alternative in Trump. Obviously someone has filled your head full of fuck and you don't realize how much this President is benefiting you black folks.

Remember when he said "What do you have to lose"? So what have you lost over the last three years? Has your life really become that much worse under this President? Disregard the steady stream of crap the tainted leftist media is feeding you, and think for yourself. Look around you: Find some new sources of information.

Obama is not coming back, and none of those running Democrats are going to bring back the Obama "glory days." These are different times we live in, so you can continue to believe the line of crap those Democrats are force-feeding you, or not. It's entirely up to you.

Yeah, Black folks are really feelin' all those wonderful things the Racist in Chief is doing for them.

So much so, he could get as much as 9% of their vote this time around! :D
One way or another, your Orange Overlord finds a way to fuck up everything he touches.


So you actually got to meet him in person and he shook your hand?

You lucky dawg.

Me shake Drumpf's hand? Pass - and besides, my hand being twice his hand's size, I'd probably break a few bones and end up being arrested by the Secret Service. :)
LOLOLOL...who wants to shake the hand of a man that grabs women by the can only imagine how many lice eggs in those nails of his....

Look: You're the one who's bitching about the Democrats not giving you much of a choice. Yet you have an alternative in Trump. Obviously someone has filled your head full of fuck and you don't realize how much this President is benefiting you black folks.

Remember when he said "What do you have to lose"? So what have you lost over the last three years? Has your life really become that much worse under this President? Disregard the steady stream of crap the tainted leftist media is feeding you, and think for yourself. Look around you: Find some new sources of information.

Obama is not coming back, and none of those running Democrats are going to bring back the Obama "glory days." These are different times we live in, so you can continue to believe the line of crap those Democrats are force-feeding you, or not. It's entirely up to you.

Yeah, Black folks are really feelin' all those wonderful things the Racist in Chief is doing for them.

So much so, he could get as much as 9% of their vote this time around! :D

You're going to choke on those words, son. There were three recent polls that showed Trump at 30 percent or higher with black voters. Even if he only gets 20%, that would be disastrous for the Democrats, and you know damned well how the polls tend to underestimate him.

COMMENTARY: New polls show surging black support for Trump
When Trump wins re election we will see many old dem hacks in congress retire....
And hopefully most will be republicans....starting with Mitch and Lip-sy in the senate
Yes the GOP never Trumpers will vacate as well....and maybe then we will really have the government back in the hands of the people....its all good....MAGA....
So you actually got to meet him in person and he shook your hand?

You lucky dawg.

Me shake Drumpf's hand? Pass - and besides, my hand being twice his hand's size, I'd probably break a few bones and end up being arrested by the Secret Service. :)
LOLOLOL...who wants to shake the hand of a man that grabs women by the can only imagine how many lice eggs in those nails of his....

Look: You're the one who's bitching about the Democrats not giving you much of a choice. Yet you have an alternative in Trump. Obviously someone has filled your head full of fuck and you don't realize how much this President is benefiting you black folks.

Remember when he said "What do you have to lose"? So what have you lost over the last three years? Has your life really become that much worse under this President? Disregard the steady stream of crap the tainted leftist media is feeding you, and think for yourself. Look around you: Find some new sources of information.

Obama is not coming back, and none of those running Democrats are going to bring back the Obama "glory days." These are different times we live in, so you can continue to believe the line of crap those Democrats are force-feeding you, or not. It's entirely up to you.

Yeah, Black folks are really feelin' all those wonderful things the Racist in Chief is doing for them.

So much so, he could get as much as 9% of their vote this time around! :D

You're going to choke on those words, son. There were three recent polls that showed Trump at 30 percent or higher with black voters. Even if he only gets 20%, that would be disastrous for the Democrats, and you know damned well how the polls tend to underestimate him.

COMMENTARY: New polls show surging black support for Trump

So let's make us a little bet. Donnie gets anything north of 10% and I leave USMB permanently. You willing to do the same if he's at 10% or under?

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