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Could Trump actually beat Hillary in a debate?

The places Donald WILL go:

E-mail Scandal
Clinton Foundation slush fund
Bill's history of being a dangerous sexual predator
Her being an enabler of a dangerous sexual predator
Benghazi - specifically how she lied to the families - saying it was a YouTube video
Bubba's half black bastard son
Her brain damage and the prism glasses
Her coughing fits and bad health
Monica Lewinsky
Asia fund raising scandal
Her speaking fees
Transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs
Cattle Futures

She's a treasure trove! She has more scandals than you can count.


Wait until the DNC releases Trump's list. IT IS GOING TO BE FABULOUS! The Dems will owe the GOP after the establishment runs a third party candidate to smash Da Donald.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

I hate to point out the obvious here (because I'm really not a big Trump supporter) but the rest of the GOP field have been trying to put Trump in "defense mode" through a number of debates and he hasn't blinked. What makes you think Hillary is any better suited to do what they couldn't do? How she's fended off Bernie Sander's attacks? Oh, that's right...Bernie has refused to attack her on things like Benghazi or the e-mail scandals! Do any of you think Trump is going to hold back any punches in attacking Clinton? The question I would have in a Clinton - Trump debate is whether anyone is going to want to vote for either of them by the end of one?

Hillary will have zero problems with Mr Trump.

At this level, you debate yourself. Simply give a modified stump and don't engage.

Claim victory after it is over.
hiLIARy: Bill and I, we support the children. We always have. We are big supporters of the children. Especially the children!! We love the children!!

Trump: What about Danney Lee Williams Jr. ? Did you and your pig husband support him?

hiLIARy: I ah, uh, um, err, I ....cough, cough. .(breaks down in a coughing fit and is carried off in a stretcher).

Trump: That (points at the pathetic hiLIARy now being hauled off in an reinforced stretcher) is why you can't vote for her.

Audience: :clap::clap2::clap::clap2::clap::clap2::clap::clap2:

that's right..... post more rumors and BS... that's all the right ever does

really disappointing but congrats on the new low.
The places Donald WILL go:

E-mail Scandal
Clinton Foundation slush fund
Bill's history of being a dangerous sexual predator
Her being an enabler of a dangerous sexual predator
Benghazi - specifically how she lied to the families - saying it was a YouTube video
Bubba's half black bastard son
Her brain damage and the prism glasses
Her coughing fits and bad health
Monica Lewinsky
Asia fund raising scandal
Her speaking fees
Transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs
Cattle Futures

She's a treasure trove! She has more scandals than you can count.

No one has the balls to attack her on all of her scandals. But that is about to change....
I think Trump would turn a debate with Hillary into some kind of carnival side show. Trump would try to intimidate Hillary by yelling and then invoke his pouty look if she yells back. The pouty look is to gain sympathy and make him look even more cuddly. Trump, as president, would sure get tiresome fast.
hiLIARy: Bill and I, we support the children. We always have. We are big supporters of the children. Especially the children!! We love the children!!

Trump: What about Danney Lee Williams Jr. ? Did you and your pig husband support him?

hiLIARy: I ah, uh, um, err, I ....cough, cough. .(breaks down in a coughing fit and is carried off in a stretcher).

Trump: That (points at the pathetic hiLIARy now being hauled off in an reinforced stretcher) is why you can't vote for her.

Audience: :clap::clap2::clap::clap2::clap::clap2::clap::clap2:

that's right..... post more rumors and BS... that's all the right ever does

really disappointing but congrats on the new low.

A new low? The Clinton's have no bottom. There is no low that is low enough for them. They are scum.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

I hate to point out the obvious here (because I'm really not a big Trump supporter) but the rest of the GOP field have been trying to put Trump in "defense mode" through a number of debates and he hasn't blinked. What makes you think Hillary is any better suited to do what they couldn't do? How she's fended off Bernie Sander's attacks? Oh, that's right...Bernie has refused to attack her on things like Benghazi or the e-mail scandals! Do any of you think Trump is going to hold back any punches in attacking Clinton? The question I would have in a Clinton - Trump debate is whether anyone is going to want to vote for either of them by the end of one?

Hillary will have zero problems with Mr Trump.

At this level, you debate yourself. Simply give a modified stump and don't engage.

Claim victory after it is over.

You can "debate yourself" if you have moderators that allow that to happen, Candy. Given performances like your namesake from the last Presidential election, Hillary Clinton would seem to have an advantage over Trump except that Trump doesn't care who's moderating a debate...he'll keep bringing up things Clinton doesn't want to discuss because that's what he DOES! The question then becomes...how does Hillary handle that? She already has a reputation for being less than truthful...if she comes across as being deceptive in the debates...then she's going to have lots of "problems" with Donald Trump because unlike Bernie Sanders he is going to hammer her on her honesty issue!
She will win the debates with him,

IF HE EVEN AGREES to debate her.... more than likely, he won't....and will find a way to cry foul...imo.
All the Hag has to do is ask "wheres the beef", then point out that she and the Donald agree on all the important points and that she has the experience. Lets face it the media and DOJ will do as their told, unions and public employees will fallow along to protect their jobs and pensions. I think she has it in the bag, regardless of the facts that she has little credibility, integrity, and is a proven pathological liar. The winner will be the media, its going to be a field day.
GOP turnout surged 50 percent, Democrats dropped nearly 30 percent in Iowa caucuses

Reality sucks huh?

You remind me of the rooster that crows in the morning when it sees the sun. The difference is that you believe the Rooster is responsible for the sunrise when everyone (including the rooster) knows differently.

Ignorance is bliss and you're orgasmic.

You don't make any sense, but I'm sure you've been told that many times.

Jilligan said that the Republican candidates makes their "electorate gag". I just showed how the electorate came out in record numbers to vote for their respective Republican candidate and I also showed how her beloved Democrat party appears to be the ones gagging their electorate.

When you were asked if you could be anymore stupid, you took it as a challenge and showed us that you could indeed be even more stupid.
There certainly is an enthusiasm gap right now between the Republicans and democrats, and that is huge in an election where turnout is key. Hillary is a terrible candidate, doesn't inspire, is unlikable and turns people off with her rhetorical screeching. Democrats are going to have to have something more to offer than "oh meh gerhd, they's gunna take away abertion!!".

well, I can tell you that women aren't going to vote for an anti-choice extremist who doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work. and that also means we can't vote for someone who will appoint judges who won't enforce our rights.

But you will vote for an extremist who on the one hand proclaims that women have the right to heard and believed when they say they were sexually assaulted while on the other denigrates women who did exactly that. "Nuts and sluts" won't just go away, you know.

if you have a problem with that, i'd suggest you get over it.

as for Hillary... the rightwingnuts have done nothing but make up insane things for years about her. luckily, most people don't care what rightwingnuts say about our candidates.

truth is you all suddenly love Bernie because you know 70% of the people in this country won't vote for a socialist.

which makes you think it doesn't matter what type of idiot you put up as your candidate.

it doesn't work that way.
Of course we'd love to see Bernie inherit the nomination after Hillary implodes, but the DNC won't let that happen. They have Crazy Uncle Joe waiting in the wings, ready to reluctantly accept the draft "for the good of the party".

How many of you silly goobers are there that actually believe that crap? I'm guessing at least a few dozen.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

By the time the Presidential debates roll around people are going to want real solutions and direct questions will have to be answered. The "I am going to make America Great Again" is not going to work.

Hillary Clinton is going to kick Trump's ass in any debate. She has the experience and knowledge to do it.

Trump will not be able to insult or offend her without offending the largest voting block in this country, (women.) Since Republicans are already on a slippery slope with women, as they were what delivered a 2nd term to Barack Obama. It's not going to be an easy feat for Donald Trump to keep his mouth shut.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"

Trump would have serious problems... He has created problems in a debate where you are right Clinton will just troll through...

But a bigger problem for trump is his history... He has a litany of beating up the little guys, being a bully. Clinton landry has been well aired and found wanting... There is no substance and eventually (after 6 weeks ) people as why are you talking about bullshit emails and not the economy. People start to ask what is your actual plan in details and that is when not only Trump has a problem but Cruz and Rubio have issues too... Cruz especially, he is hated even by his own side.

That's why Cruz won Iowa with the largest number of votes in history. SMH

Ted Cruz doesn't have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning the White House. I know that Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwd-d as continually promoted him to you. But Sweet Baby Jesus did you really believe you could put up a candidate that was born in Canada, without any blow-back? I mean after 4 years of going after Obama on his eligibility, only for him to produce a birth certificate showing him born on U.S. soil, you decide to bring up donate to and promote a candidate that was actually born in Canada?

I know you were also told that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough. That's not true. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee. By the Evangelical right wing dragging the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal, legitimate rape questions and answers. Women went running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

Immigration was also on the burner in 2012. Deportation, and a lot of nasty comments were made toward 17% population. The last President to win was G.W. Bush, who captured 44% of this block, Romney only got 27% of this block. This year Republicans need 46% of this block to win the White House, and Trump is polling at a Negative 75%,
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Ted Cruz would never win women. He's too far right, he wouldn't win Independents. As far as the Hispanic vote, he doesn't even speak Spanish, and has flip flopped all over the place on that issue.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights


Maybe in 2020 you people will pick candidates that can actually WIN the White House?


Let’s Elect Hillary Now
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I don't find Hillary to be that good of a debater. She's an excellent liar, and great at cover ups though.
With all that has gone on, Trump will have plenty of ammo against her. IF he will use it, and not wuss out like Romney, and McCain did in prior elections.
I don't find Hillary to be that good of a debater. She's an excellent liar, and great at cover ups though.
With all that has gone on, Trump will have plenty of ammo against her. IF he will use it, and not wuss out like Romney, and McCain did in prior elections.
Trump thinks Hillary will make a great President, he said so on several occasions....guess he doesn't follow the RNC mantra of....she's a liar, like you???? Unless she really is a liar and he supports liars because he's a liar himself?? I dunno??
I don't find Hillary to be that good of a debater. She's an excellent liar, and great at cover ups though.
With all that has gone on, Trump will have plenty of ammo against her. IF he will use it, and not wuss out like Romney, and McCain did in prior elections.
Trump thinks Hillary will make a great President, he said so on several occasions....guess he doesn't follow the RNC mantra of....she's a liar, like you???? Unless she really is a liar and he supports liars because he's a liar himself?? I dunno??

No clue. I have no faith in any politician.
You remind me of the rooster that crows in the morning when it sees the sun. The difference is that you believe the Rooster is responsible for the sunrise when everyone (including the rooster) knows differently.

Ignorance is bliss and you're orgasmic.

You don't make any sense, but I'm sure you've been told that many times.

Jilligan said that the Republican candidates makes their "electorate gag". I just showed how the electorate came out in record numbers to vote for their respective Republican candidate and I also showed how her beloved Democrat party appears to be the ones gagging their electorate.

When you were asked if you could be anymore stupid, you took it as a challenge and showed us that you could indeed be even more stupid.
There certainly is an enthusiasm gap right now between the Republicans and democrats, and that is huge in an election where turnout is key. Hillary is a terrible candidate, doesn't inspire, is unlikable and turns people off with her rhetorical screeching. Democrats are going to have to have something more to offer than "oh meh gerhd, they's gunna take away abertion!!".

well, I can tell you that women aren't going to vote for an anti-choice extremist who doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work. and that also means we can't vote for someone who will appoint judges who won't enforce our rights.

But you will vote for an extremist who on the one hand proclaims that women have the right to heard and believed when they say they were sexually assaulted while on the other denigrates women who did exactly that. "Nuts and sluts" won't just go away, you know.

if you have a problem with that, i'd suggest you get over it.

as for Hillary... the rightwingnuts have done nothing but make up insane things for years about her. luckily, most people don't care what rightwingnuts say about our candidates.

truth is you all suddenly love Bernie because you know 70% of the people in this country won't vote for a socialist.

which makes you think it doesn't matter what type of idiot you put up as your candidate.

it doesn't work that way.
Of course we'd love to see Bernie inherit the nomination after Hillary implodes, but the DNC won't let that happen. They have Crazy Uncle Joe waiting in the wings, ready to reluctantly accept the draft "for the good of the party".

How many of you silly goobers are there that actually believe that crap? I'm guessing at least a few dozen.

it's interesting how the poor little idiots have burned any bit of credibility they may have ever had.
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"
That loopy kunt only scares her husband...
Cavuto asks Hillary..."what do you consider your greatest accomplishments as Secretary of State"? And for you Mr a Trump...what do you consider her greatest failures?

Debate over.

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