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Could Trump actually beat Hillary in a debate?

CLINTON: I'm not going to sink to personal attacks. I am going to stick to the very serious issues America is facing!


TRUMP: You and your husband's personal problems made America a joke all over the world!

(wilder applause, laughter, hoots)

Trump wins.
sooner or later Trump will have to debate the issues and let go of the school yard bickering.

It's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, anyone can, and will win a debate with him.
As I opined, the man does 'Saul Alynski' better than Saul Alynski....so maybe not.

Hell, Democrats won Congress with the slogan of 'Change' yet never clearly defined what that 'Change would be, much like Obama's 'Hope and Change'. NOT MEANT AS AN ATTACK - just pointing out that perhaps, in part, the only thing Trump has to do is promise 'Change', to 'Take America Back' from the self-serving Washington Establishment Elitists who have set themselves up above the law / Constitution - which includes the politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle, thus tapping into the anger citizens feel - the 'Insurgence' / 'Insurgency uprising' going on.

I think Trump may appeal enough to Liberals / Democrats and unhappy Conservatives (GOP) to pull the whole thing off without going to much 'into the weeds'. Who knows...
in rightwingnut fantasy land.
In reality Hillary is holding on to a primary lead against a old Socialist who really should not have had a shot. The scandal-storm surrounding Hillary has taken it's toll, and so far she has been rather 'sheltered' so far - no one has come after her like she will see if she wins the DNC nomination.

As my uncle used to say, "There's many a slip between a cup and a lip" -- this race / election isn't a given. There is a LOT of race, and a lot of things, yet to come. To be honest, I don't think there is any clear-cut definitive, stand-out ,sure-fire winner in this race...yet...not even Hillary.
Hillary has bagged the nomination. I could hear Sanders's tone of defeat in his on air interviews this weekend.
Hillary has bagged the nomination. I could hear Sanders's tone of defeat in his on air interviews this weekend.
I think Sanders has MASSIVELY surpassed his own expectations, coming farther and creating more interest / excitement than even he ever thought he would get.

(Playing 'Devil's advocate' for a minute ,being serious and trying to be 'non-insulting / non-confrontational.... Political pundits say 'momentum is everything' in the 1st primaries. That being said, HAD Hillary not won in Iowa - losing those coin flips, HAD Hillary not won those 'Super Delegates' and walked away with delegates in the 2nd primary... Let's say Bernie takes it all in the 1st 2 primaries. With Bernie carrying that momentum, would Hillary been in serious trouble or would the rest of the country 'righted the ship' and 'returned order'?)
Bernie's standing has nothing to do with your ridiculous claim about Biden.
Meh, it would surprise me precisely zero if he were to do exactly what I said. If Hillary seriously implodes, do you for a second think the DNC is going to actually nominate Bernie? Seriously?

Do you seriously think Hillary is going to be out of the running for any reason? I know you hope that, but sadly for you, your hopes don't count for anything.
If she is, it will be of her own doing. She's a terrible candidate.

No, she's not a terrible candidate, but if she were a terrible candidate, can you imagine how bad she would tromp the right wing if she were a good one?
With her connections and ruthlessness, there should have been no way for an inexperienced community organizer to knock her off in '08, and an only recently socialist turned democrat should not even be registering in the polls against her now. She is the ultimate insider running in a time when the electorate is completely fed up with insider politics as usual. She's a terrible candidate at a terrible time.

You're free to vote for whoever you want. Perhaps one of the clowns in the clown car is more to your liking.
I would expect a presidential debate to be staged between actual candidates for the presidency. So the chances of a Trump/Clinton debate are remote. The bus is idling, Hillary, why not just crawl under it and save Your Democrat Party the effort of having to throw you under it? You're going there - history proves it.

All that considered, I do wonder who Trump might debate. Probably not Nutty Old Uncle Bernie - more likely Kerry....Biden....maybe Algore. Or, if Democrats become sufficiently desperate, maybe Michael D?
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"
My dog could beat Hillary in a debate.
Perhaps. But could your dog beat both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in a debate? ;-)
All he ever offers are platitudes with no substance. While I don't agree with Hillary on anything I don't think Trump could best her on substance. She would constantly be able to use one phrase that would keep Trump perpetually in defense mode, "Remember when you said......*insert liberal positions here*"
My dog could beat Hillary in a debate.

My dog could beat you in a debate. While he has a frisbee in his mouth. Asleep.
Trump destroyed Jeb and Rubio and neither of them has a brain clot. What's he going to do to stroke-grandma?
Trump destroyed Jeb and Rubio and neither of them has a brain clot. What's he going to do to stroke-grandma?
His strategy is mostly name calling, won't work in the general. He will be called out on how ridiculous his plans are. And like the last debate he will have no answers.
he'll cream her with every disgusting and unlawful thing she has done. From Beghazi, lying to protect her and Obama's ass. and then he can Throw at her how, she and her serial adulterer hubby tried to RUIN a young woman's life because she got swept into that snakes den all the while he was President. Throw at her we see what party it is that has a WAR on women.

and then ask. IS that we really want again? and you all can say: hell no
he'll cream her with every disgusting and unlawful thing she has done. From Beghazi, lying to protect her and Obama's ass. and then he can Throw at her how, she and her serial adulterer hubby tried to RUIN a young woman's life because she got swept into that snakes den all the while he was President. Throw at her we see what party it is that has a WAR on women.

and then ask. IS that we really want again? and you all can say: hell no

The guy on his third wife is going to do that? That is funny.
he'll cream her with every disgusting and unlawful thing she has done. From Beghazi, lying to protect her and Obama's ass. and then he can Throw at her how, she and her serial adulterer hubby tried to RUIN a young woman's life because she got swept into that snakes den all the while he was President. Throw at her we see what party it is that has a WAR on women.

and then ask. IS that we really want again? and you all can say: hell no

Well he was accused of raping his wife...

Trump has plenty in the closet...

Thing is the RW nuts have been trying to pin something Hillary for decades... And what do they have? Nothing

The RW have lied, invented shit... and still have nothing... Why? because there is nothing...

Look at the emails thing... Colin Powell did the exact same thing, but it was OK for him....
There are things I don't like about Cruz as well, but at least these 3 are not a Socialist or a corrupt, scandal-plagued criminal who was so incompetent that they got Americans needlessly killed and jeopardized our national security.

Hillary is none of the things you have said, but that's how the conservative media had portrayed her. All of these so-called "scandals" are Republican witch hunts based on innuendo and lies. None of these investigations, even those conducted solely by Republicans, have netted a shred of evidence or wrong-doing on her part.

Hillary is highly respected internationally for her work on behalf women in Africa.

The Benghazi dead horse has been flogged so relentless there is no flesh on its bones. And still no finding of incompetence or cover up.

No evidence that she jeopardized national security either.

Right wingers keep lying about the Clintons because lies are all they have against her.
There are things I don't like about Cruz as well, but at least these 3 are not a Socialist or a corrupt, scandal-plagued criminal who was so incompetent that they got Americans needlessly killed and jeopardized our national security.

Hillary is none of the things you have said, but that's how the conservative media had portrayed her. All of these so-called "scandals" are Republican witch hunts based on innuendo and lies. None of these investigations, even those conducted solely by Republicans, have netted a shred of evidence or wrong-doing on her part.

Hillary is highly respected internationally for her work on behalf women in Africa.

The Benghazi dead horse has been flogged so relentless there is no flesh on its bones. And still no finding of incompetence or cover up.

No evidence that she jeopardized national security either.

Right wingers keep lying about the Clintons because lies are all they have against her.

you live in fantasy land. Hillary Clinton is the most crooked politician ever to run for president. LBJ held that title until she came along, She makes LBJ look like a school boy.
you live in fantasy land. Hillary Clinton is the most crooked politician ever to run for president. LBJ held that title until she came along, She makes LBJ look like a school boy.

Then she must be the smartest politician ever because she's never been caught doing any of it. No evidence of any wrongdoing. No one testifying against her. Even Nixon and Reagan couldn't prevent their aides from turning states' evidence.

I would say Dick Cheney could certainly give LBJ a run for his money. He refused to put his Haliburton shares in a blind trust when he was VP, and then encouraged W to subcontract out much of the Iraq war supply lines to Haliburton, as well as Katrina clean up operations. The US army bought Tamiflue from a company Rumsfeld held a big stake in.

My definition of corruption is a politician who uses the office to line his own pockets. No administration did it better than Bush2.

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