Could trump take a plea deal, as the indictments pile up?

Whenever you post something about the 2020 election being stolen, I really have to wonder whether:

1. You're a treasonous SOB

2. You're an IDIOT

Please do tell which it is!
It was stolen. You are the idiot here.
Charges are piling up

More to come this week
If Trump was smart, he would work out a deal. Too many charges in too many jurisdictions

But Trump knows more than his lawyers
He knew more than the Generals. He knew more than Congress people who had been in office for decades. For a man that knew so much, he sure screwed up a lot.
Nice try…

But the fact that Trump was paying off hookers brought this all on him. Covering up the payment as part of his campaign made it a crime. Cohen went to jail for it.

Asking Ukraine to investigate a political rival is sleazy but not a crime. Holding back military aid until they deliver was an abuse of power.

Again Trump caused his own problems by not manning up and admitting he lost. Pressuring election officials is a crime. Substituting fake electors is a crime.

Trumps document problems are his own making. If he just turned them over, it would be no big deal. Hiding them, refusing to turn them over and cover up is a crime.

Why don’t you just admit Trump caused his own problems?
And Cohen is demanding a deposition trump bought in the suit in the Stormy case. Does trump tell the truth and anger Melania or lie and risk perjury charges? Decisions....Decisions?

Lies are catching up to Donald.
And Cohen is demanding a deposition trump bought in the suit in the Stormy case. Does trump tell the truth and anger Melania or lie and risk perjury charges? Decisions....Decisions?

Lies are catching up to Donald.
The fascist government is framing him. Try the truth.
you pathetic, hateful bas*&^%$

you wish he would take a plea

Why do you hate good presidents and support HIDEOUS ones?

He is the most corrupt human to ever sit in the Oval Office. History will pit him below Nixon in corruption.

Do you really want a man in the WH that treats our nation's top secrets like toilet paper?
He knew more than the Generals. He knew more than Congress people who had been in office for decades. For a man that knew so much, he sure screwed up a lot.

All of this could have been avoided if Trump acted like a responsible adult.
Don’t pay off Hookers
Admit you lost the election
Don’t run schemes to steal an election
Dont illegally store classified documents
I doubt Trump will plead guilty, even for lesser charges.

He'll likely be found quilty at trial in at least one of the multiple cases in the pipeline.

While in confinment, he'll probably write I book. Some are say'n, can't say who, but some...

..... ..... ..... He's already picked out a title...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Which will be "My Struggle".

Nah. That was over years ago. Yourt party is the one looking backward and the only defense they have is to pile up as many ridiculous charges in as many jurisdictions as they can. Not what America wants. It's shameful how they have weaponized the criminal justice system for political purposes. IMHO it's going to backfire on your party, big time.

We are not looking backward…we are looking forward to the upcoming trials
Nah. That was over years ago. Yourt party is the one looking backward and the only defense they have is to pile up as many ridiculous charges in as many jurisdictions as they can. Not what America wants. It's shameful how they have weaponized the criminal justice system for political purposes. IMHO it's going to backfire on your party, big time.
Rawley, your argument is full of horse crap. Trump has earned his indictments the old-fashioned way, the criminal way. He will be tried and most likely convicted in every trial.

Trump loses normal American voters every day. He is radioactive beyond Cult45.
Rawley, your argument is full of horse crap. Trump has earned his indictments the old-fashioned way, the criminal way. He will be tried and most likely convicted in every trial.

Trump loses normal American voters every day. He is radioactive beyond Cult45.
Good luck with that.

His poll numbers go up everytime your cult files new bullshit against him.

If trump is cornered, this may be the only way out. I have doubts he will ever drop out of the race, but stranger things have happened.
Going to trial is part of Trump’s ‘strategy’ to win the GOP nomination; Trump cult members would accept nothing less.
Trump does not and will never understand the reality of his indictments until they lock him up and he realizes that they really, really will not let him out.

Trump will believe that his trial is all theater - with himself as the star of the show.

Can't'll be a laugh!!!

Trump has gotten away with shit since he was a child.
He has played the system his whole adult life.

He doesn’t think this is any different
But he hasn’t faced criminal charges …yet
QED TDS You are losing voters and Trump is gaining them with this bullshit. Which works for me.
No, Trump is preaching to the choir
MAGA loves this shit
Regular Republicans are tired of it but will vote for him anyway
Moderates and Independents are fed up with the Trump antics
Democrats despise Trump

Biden 306
Trump 232

Nothing has changed
No, Trump is preaching to the choir
MAGA loves this shit
Regular Republicans are tired of it but will vote for him anyway
Moderates and Independents are fed up with the Trump antics
Democrats despise Trump

Biden 306
Trump 232

Nothing has changed
And they are coming to despise Biden.
All of this could have been avoided if Trump acted like a responsible adult.
Don’t pay off Hookers
Admit you lost the election
Don’t run schemes to steal an election
Dont illegally store classified documents
He would have been in great shape politically right now...if he hadn't committed so many crimes. But...since he is a mentally impaired, entitled, rich POS....he had to act like sm eight year old...

Oh...and you left out:
Show classified documents to unauthorized people
A crime committed by people who are now sitting on jail.

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