Could Ukraine take back Crimea?

You are correct to point out that Putin's last, desperate hope of avoiding total failure and humiliation rests on withholding energy exports to Europe and bomber Ukrainian civilians to the point they will surrender, and while this does cause much pain in the rest of the world, it cannot save the Russian army from defeat and humiliation.
Russians are two weeks away from injecting 200,000 fresh troops into this conflict.
How many sheep-dipped Polish troops will be needed to counter that?

GETTR - The Marketplace of Ideas
From the first day of the invasion, Russia enjoyed a huge advantage in weaponry, but suffered from spectacularly poor military and political leadership and that is why Russia is losing on all fronts and that is why you are posting such desperate nonsense.
Then why is it Russia controls 20% of Ukraine today when it controlled 0% last February? Russia has never committed more than 20% of its military to the SMO in Ukraine. That has changed and there's nothing NATO can do to prevent Russia from killing Nazi war criminals in Ukraine.

Mission Accomplished?
Nine months into Putin's three day war you still haven't figured out that Russia is losing because its military and political leadership is shockingly incompetent. Russian forces have been chronically short of fuel, ammo and food because the AFU has systematically destroyed Russian supply depots and convoys carrying goods to the front lines and the Russians have been unable to stop them. There simply is no rational basis for believing Russia can win on the battlefield.
Russia and Ukraine are the two most corrupt states in Europe.
Both are plagued by black market profiteering.
If you honestly believe Ukraine can militarily defeat Russia, you are delusional.

Holding Ground, Losing War - The American Conservative

"Given Washington’s inability to end the war in Ukraine with the defeat of Russian arms, it seems certain that the Beltway will try instead to turn the ruins of the Ukrainian state into an open wound in Russia’s side that will never heal.

"From the beginning, the problem with this approach was that Russia always had the resources to dramatically escalate the fighting and end the fighting in Ukraine on very harsh terms.

"Escalation is now in progress

"In a public statement that should not surprise anyone, President Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists.

"Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine.

"Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine."
Russians are two weeks away from injecting 200,000 fresh troops into this conflict.
How many sheep-dipped Polish troops will be needed to counter that?

GETTR - The Marketplace of Ideas
The Russians will still be outnumbered by two to one, two battle hardened Ukrainian soldier for each poorly trained, poorly armed and poorly commanded Russian conscript. To regain the initiative, the Russians would need to send in about 800,000 well trained and well-armed new troops and even then it is doubtful the corrupt and incompetent Russian commanders would know what to do with them.
Russia and Ukraine are the two most corrupt states in Europe.
Both are plagued by black market profiteering.
If you honestly believe Ukraine can militarily defeat Russia, you are delusional.

Holding Ground, Losing War - The American Conservative

"Given Washington’s inability to end the war in Ukraine with the defeat of Russian arms, it seems certain that the Beltway will try instead to turn the ruins of the Ukrainian state into an open wound in Russia’s side that will never heal.

"From the beginning, the problem with this approach was that Russia always had the resources to dramatically escalate the fighting and end the fighting in Ukraine on very harsh terms.

"Escalation is now in progress

"In a public statement that should not surprise anyone, President Putin announced the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists.

"Many of these men will replace regular Russian Army forces in other parts of Russia and release them for operations in Ukraine.

"Other reservists will augment the Russian units already committed in Eastern Ukraine."
You are quoting a report from Sept. 22, at the beginning of the counter offensive when the outcome was still in doubt. There is no longer any rational basis to believe the Russian army can stop the advances of the AFU.
How many losses did the Russians suffer at Kharkiv?
How does that number compare to Ukrainian casualties?

Holding Ground, Losing War - The American Conservative

"The Russian command opted to withdraw its small force from the area that is roughly 1 percent of formerly Ukrainian territory (Kharkiv) currently under Russian control.

"However, the price for Kiev’s propaganda victory was high—depending on the source, an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 Ukrainian troops were killed or wounded in a flat, open area that Russian artillery, rockets, and air strikes turned into a killing field."
Lot of Russian tanks with missing turrets were left on the streets of Kharkiv and Bucharest. Doubt Russia will send their armor to be destroyed by the Javelins again
According to the Ukrainian side Russia has suffered many more casualties than they admit
You are quoting a report from Sept. 22, at the beginning of the counter offensive when the outcome was still in doubt. There is no longer any rational basis to believe the Russian army can stop the advances of the AFU.
The offensive launched on September 6th and an estimated 5000-10000 Ukrainian troops were killed or wounded in a pyrrhic victory.

"Ihor, a 30-year-old Ukrainian platoon commander, injured his back when the tank he was riding in crashed into a ditch..."

"'We lost five people for every one they did,' said Ihor, a 30-year-old platoon commander who injured his back when the tank he was riding in crashed into a ditch.

"Ihor had no military experience before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24.

"He made a living selling animal feed to pig and cow farms.

"His replacement as platoon commander also has no previous military experience, he said."
Our President choked out Putin and built an international coalition to support Ukraine

It worked
For whom?

"Oleksandr, a 28-year-old Ukrainian soldier, lost his arm while fighting Russian forces occupying Kherson..."

"Oleksandr said the Russian artillery fire was relentless. 'They were just hitting us all the time,' he said. 'If we fire three mortars, they fire 20 in return.'"

Your president supports this war the same way and for the $ame reasons he's supported every other war involving U$ weapon$ sale$ since 1972.
For whom?

"Oleksandr, a 28-year-old Ukrainian soldier, lost his arm while fighting Russian forces occupying Kherson..."

"Oleksandr said the Russian artillery fire was relentless. 'They were just hitting us all the time,' he said. 'If we fire three mortars, they fire 20 in return.'"

Your president supports this war the same way and for the $ame reasons he's supported every other war involving U$ weapon$ sale$ since 1972.
Yea…that is what war does
A war that Putin created

The Ukrainians are fighting for Patriotism
What is the Russian soldier fighting for?

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