Could you believe how fast Republicans move when rich say "Hop to it"?



House passes bill to end FAA furloughs, now goes to Obama to sign | Fox News

The FAA reported more than 1,200 delays due to the sequester-tied cuts on Monday. On Tuesday, the agency reported "challenges" at airports in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the Dallas-Fort Worth area. On Wednesday, the FAA said there had been close to 900 flights delayed “attributable to staffing reductions resulting from the furlough.”


How sad. Board Directors and CEO's who don't have a "private plane" could be inconvenienced with (gasp) planes that have been rescheduled.

You know the complaints that made the Republicans "hop to it" are NOT coming from Coach.

The poor and the middle class may be suffering all across the country. But Republicans, in their typical "fuck 'em" way, don't seem to notice. Don't USMB Republicans call the poor "the lazy poor"? I seem to remember seeing that somewhere.

But when the wealthy tell the Republicans to "fix it", they are like the Keystone Cops" falling all over themselves to please their masters.

Being so blind to non partisanship means Republicans will pay in the future as their numbers decline.

It was just a few weeks ago this is what Republicans were saying.

Economic Armageddon? Republicans call sequester warnings hype | Fox News

Now they are rushing to fix a mess Boehner made a slide show of to convince Republicans to support.

Whose idea was the sequester? And does it matter? (+video) -

Exhibit B is a July 31, 2011, PowerPoint presentation found by John Avlon of The Daily Beast in an old e-mail, reported on Wednesday. The slideshow was put together by House Speaker John Boehner’s office and the GOP’s House-based think tank, the Republican Policy Committee, and describes a “new sequestration process” that would cut spending across the board if the cuts weren’t made by other means.
Ah yes. The rich and the GOP are all for "budget cuts" to government. But then, when they dont like the lessening of service provided, they bitch about it. How dare the rich be inconvenienced.

However, I doubt the rich or the GOP will give a fuck that the poor of America are inconvenienced by less police in the streets, or far longer response times from cops and firemen.
Ah yes. The rich and the GOP are all for "budget cuts" to government. But then, when they dont like the lessening of service provided, they bitch about it. How dare the rich be inconvenienced.

However, I doubt the rich or the GOP will give a fuck that the poor of America are inconvenienced by less police in the streets, or far longer response times from cops and firemen.

Don't worry, they won't.
i say this will be in the badlands before this time tomorrow....just another Dean..."i hate those rascally republicans" gets old Dean....and predictable....
since when did only "the rich" fly on commercial airplanes? Most of "the rich" have their own planes.

the OP is a false premise.
House passes bill to end FAA furloughs, now goes to Obama to sign | Fox News

The FAA reported more than 1,200 delays due to the sequester-tied cuts on Monday. On Tuesday, the agency reported "challenges" at airports in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the Dallas-Fort Worth area. On Wednesday, the FAA said there had been close to 900 flights delayed “attributable to staffing reductions resulting from the furlough.”


How sad. Board Directors and CEO's who don't have a "private plane" could be inconvenienced with (gasp) planes that have been rescheduled.

You know the complaints that made the Republicans "hop to it" are NOT coming from Coach.

The poor and the middle class may be suffering all across the country. But Republicans, in their typical "fuck 'em" way, don't seem to notice. Don't USMB Republicans call the poor "the lazy poor"? I seem to remember seeing that somewhere.

But when the wealthy tell the Republicans to "fix it", they are like the Keystone Cops" falling all over themselves to please their masters.

Being so blind to non partisanship means Republicans will pay in the future as their numbers decline.

It was just a few weeks ago this is what Republicans were saying.

Economic Armageddon? Republicans call sequester warnings hype | Fox News

Now they are rushing to fix a mess Boehner made a slide show of to convince Republicans to support.

Whose idea was the sequester? And does it matter? (+video) -

Exhibit B is a July 31, 2011, PowerPoint presentation found by John Avlon of The Daily Beast in an old e-mail, reported on Wednesday. The slideshow was put together by House Speaker John Boehner’s office and the GOP’s House-based think tank, the Republican Policy Committee, and describes a “new sequestration process” that would cut spending across the board if the cuts weren’t made by other means.

True. And let's also remember that the flight delays were also directly affecting members of Congress who NOW (as opposed to in years past) fly home pretty much EVERY weekend. Members of Congress were actually impacted by the budget cuts, and that just couldn't be allowed to continue as far as they were concerned.

If it affects the poor or the lower classes (whose votes they probably won't get anyway), then so what? If it affects the upper classes, they'll at least make sounds like they're going to tackle the issue, but they would be just as happy to leave the cuts in place in order to use it as a campaign issue against Obama and the Democrats.

But if the cuts affect THEM, get out of the way cuz they're going to take IMMEDIATE ACTION!
Another fail thread from rdea n........democracts bitch about it as much as fact librrald rife planes even though...they pollute...hmmmmm
Tead your article 340ish-41 vote......and you make it partisan..they quoted a got owned by your own article......lololo....dean makes everything a partisan issue......what a sheep
since when did only "the rich" fly on commercial airplanes? Most of "the rich" have their own planes.

the OP is a false premise.

Not so. Most Congressmen are rich and they don't have their own planes. And that is why they moved so fast to get this bill passed.
One thing you can count on , is that which will have the most damaging effect on our daily lives, is the route the rank and file will take. Sad to say that it's not the result of incompetence, but by design. You should all be proud. The Beast needs to feed, that's the bottom line. With the precision of a steamroller, when what is required is the precision of a scalpel, Those in control seek punitive means, to achieve their goal, while transferring blame anywhere they can make it stick. It is criminal, from the Executive, to the Legislative, to the Courts, but hey, they are in charge. No problem here. There is no Rape going on here at all, right, I mean, if there were, CNN would be covering it, right? ;) Fucking Gullible Idiots, just looking for someone to pin it all on. It's all good.
Dean is controlled by his Demons

[ame=]Rainbow in the Dark - Dio **High Quality** - YouTube[/ame]
House passes bill to end FAA furloughs, now goes to Obama to sign | Fox News

The FAA reported more than 1,200 delays due to the sequester-tied cuts on Monday. On Tuesday, the agency reported "challenges" at airports in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the Dallas-Fort Worth area. On Wednesday, the FAA said there had been close to 900 flights delayed “attributable to staffing reductions resulting from the furlough.”


How sad. Board Directors and CEO's who don't have a "private plane" could be inconvenienced with (gasp) planes that have been rescheduled.

You know the complaints that made the Republicans "hop to it" are NOT coming from Coach.

The poor and the middle class may be suffering all across the country. But Republicans, in their typical "fuck 'em" way, don't seem to notice. Don't USMB Republicans call the poor "the lazy poor"? I seem to remember seeing that somewhere.

But when the wealthy tell the Republicans to "fix it", they are like the Keystone Cops" falling all over themselves to please their masters.

Being so blind to non partisanship means Republicans will pay in the future as their numbers decline.

It was just a few weeks ago this is what Republicans were saying.

Economic Armageddon? Republicans call sequester warnings hype | Fox News

Now they are rushing to fix a mess Boehner made a slide show of to convince Republicans to support.

Whose idea was the sequester? And does it matter? (+video) -

Exhibit B is a July 31, 2011, PowerPoint presentation found by John Avlon of The Daily Beast in an old e-mail, reported on Wednesday. The slideshow was put together by House Speaker John Boehner’s office and the GOP’s House-based think tank, the Republican Policy Committee, and describes a “new sequestration process” that would cut spending across the board if the cuts weren’t made by other means.
Hop on this doooche bag.
Ah yes. The rich and the GOP are all for "budget cuts" to government. But then, when they dont like the lessening of service provided, they bitch about it. How dare the rich be inconvenienced.

However, I doubt the rich or the GOP will give a fuck that the poor of America are inconvenienced by less police in the streets, or far longer response times from cops and firemen.

Obama's plan to manufacture a crisis using the FAA backfired BIG TIME...
The regular run of the mill passenger was starting to make a stink about the delays
caused by Obama.

So there is no wonder this came to an end so quickly.
There is no way that a budget cut of 2% to the proposed increase in spending could cause any
actual cuts in services...

Obama got caught in his BS.
This thread is a.

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