Could you take your AR15, walk through a hostile BLM protest . . .

What I mean that a random person could do essentially the same thing that Kyle Rittenhouse did. Take a gun, walk through an angry crowd, get harassed, kill people, say he was afraid for his life, claim self defense and get off Scott free.

We could get a whole rash of these shootings.
Yes, you can take a gun to where a bunch of loser douche bags are and when they attack you, you can shoot them dead. That is how self defense works. Welcome to citizen rights 101.
There are six states and the District of Columbia where the open carrying of firearms is illegal – so an AR 15 likely won’t be used; but the principle remains the same: rightwing racists and bigots are at liberty to murder Americans of color engaged in lawful protest, claiming ‘self-defense.’
It would really be interesting if this board could install a hyperbole filter.
There are six states and the District of Columbia where the open carrying of firearms is illegal – so an AR 15 likely won’t be used; but the principle remains the same: rightwing racists and bigots are at liberty to murder Americans of color engaged in lawful protest, claiming ‘self-defense.’
It wasnt murder. Didnt you follow the case? Why do you ignorant people keep commenting on cases you know nothing about?
Not just because he's a whitey. Oh no. He's a whitey who fights back. The worst kind of evil. A whitey who refuses to bend over and take it up the ass from a bunch of ignorant savages.
So true. The leftists are trying to beat us into submission with everything they have: silencing, siccing the FBI on dissenters, and trying to imprison a whitey who exercised his rights against leftist savages.
get harassed, kill a bunch of people, claim you thought you were going to die, claim self-defense and get off Scott free?


Did they have permits for that protest?

Was it peaceful?


Was it a riot that happened on the spur of the moment?


There are six states and the District of Columbia where the open carrying of firearms is illegal – so an AR 15 likely won’t be used; but the principle remains the same: rightwing racists and bigots are at liberty to murder Americans of color engaged in lawful protest, claiming ‘self-defense.’

1) The people killed were white.

2) People who disagree with the BLM terror organization and show up to fight against it are allowed by law to defend themselves if one or more of the savages threaten his life.

3) The bigots in this case are leftwingers, ready to crucify White Boy because he defended himself against their savages. If he were black, there wouldn’t even have been a trial.
There are six states and the District of Columbia where the open carrying of firearms is illegal – so an AR 15 likely won’t be used; but the principle remains the same: rightwing racists and bigots are at liberty to murder Americans of color engaged in lawful protest, claiming ‘self-defense.’
The only racist I see here is you.

1. They rioting, not protesting.

2. No one of color was killed in this incident you fucking moron. All parties involved were white.

You need to be barred from the internet for spreading your misinformation.
A better question might be, why are BLM rioters left unmolested by police? Maybe if the policce did their damn job stuff like this wouldnt happen
They were under orders by the left wing politicians to stand down, and allow BLM savages to cause millions of dollars of damage - and to kill (or try to) any dissenter who gets in the way of the destruction.

This is what America looks like under Leftist Control.

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