Could you take your AR15, walk through a hostile BLM protest . . .


The Rittenhouse verdict authorizes rightwing racists and bigots to murder with impunity.

To the member of the DNC who programmed this this bot -- I don't know if you released this one as a beta version and simply forgot about it or what, but could you please update its algorithms so it appears more human, please? This one just repeats the same stupid declarative sentences ad nauseum calling everything racist. It never actually argues any points in a rational manner, and just trots out these lame one liners. Could you do us all a solid and please program it in such a way that it isn't so irritating in its repetitive banality? TIA.

Yes, though, by all means -- a white kid protecting himself from being attacked by white pedophiles and assorted white terrorists is SUCH a case of racism.
get harassed, kill a bunch of people, claim you thought you were going to die, claim self-defense and get off Scott free?

What I mean that a random person could do essentially the same thing that Kyle Rittenhouse did. Take a gun, walk through an angry crowd, get harassed, kill people, say he was afraid for his life, claim self defense and get off Scott free.

We could get a whole rash of these shootings.

If enough of these Black LIES Matter filth end up being shot and killed by “vigilantes”, then perhaps the remaining instances of this subhuman shit will come to realize that rioting and looting and destroying and otherwise committing such rashes of violent, destructive crimes against actual human beings and their properties might not be such a good idea after all. If not, then surely, they'll stop when enough of them have been killed that there are not enough of them left to hold a proper riot.

If the government/police doesn't want to do the job they collect taxes for why should the business owners pay taxes to them?

They'd be more protected hiring some good Sicilian family members to provide the protection and adjudicate any disputes or wrongdoing.


If enough of these Black LIES Matter filth end up being shot and killed by “vigilantes”, then perhaps the remaining instances of this subhuman shit will come to realize that rioting and looting and destroying and otherwise committing such rashes of violent, destructive crimes against actual human beings and their properties might not be such a good idea after all. If not, then surely, they'll stop when enough of them have been killed that there are not enough of them left to hold a proper riot.

"this subhuman shit"

They are exercising their First Amendment rights as expressed in the Bill of Rights. They are complaining that police are too rough.

Is that a reason to kill them?
"this subhuman shit"

They are exercising their First Amendment rights as expressed in the Bill of Rights. They are complaining that police are too rough.

Is that a reason to kill them?


They were not peacefully protesting and most likely didn't have a permit.

They were burning, looting, and murdering, people which is called a riot and the government is supposed to protect the citizens and business owners from such acts of violence.

The rioters should have all been arrested and had to do a couple years in the cooler.


It wasnt murder. Didnt you follow the case? Why do you ignorant people keep commenting on cases you know nothing about?
Needless to say, only rightwing racists and bigots who are white are at liberty to murder people of color with impunity:

“How legal technicalities and a culture of guns make it possible for (mostly white) men to get away with murder.”

Needless to say, only rightwing racists and bigots who are white are at liberty to murder people of color with impunity:

“How legal technicalities and a culture of guns make it possible for (mostly white) men to get away with murder.”

Black people murder people of color with impunity. Shit, they didnt even make black gangs in a shoot out even go to court over it. People died, many injured, not one person charged. Black privilege at its finest..
You can if the laws of your state allow it.

The real question is why the fuck would you want to?
Needless to say, only rightwing racists and bigots who are white are at liberty to murder people of color with impunity:

“How legal technicalities and a culture of guns make it possible for (mostly white) men to get away with murder.”


Did you talk to the people of color who had their businesses burnt out and looted about how they feel about this?


Thanks to verdict, a new precedence has been set.

You can take your guns to any disturbance you want, shoot as many people as you want, and walk away scot free.

What precedence is that? Rioters can't just attack people for having the gall to try and put out arson fires.


You have a problem with that?

Or is a little arson in black neighborhoods ok with you?
"this subhuman shit"

They are exercising their First Amendment rights as expressed in the Bill of Rights. They are complaining that police are too rough.

Is that a reason to kill them?

Not when they burn shit down you moron.

No one disputes that protests are ok. Only ignorant fucks, like you, claim rioting is the same as protesting.

It ain't dipshit.
Really? Good, then shut up the next time a black criminal gets killed by the cops.
An armed citizen carrying a concealed handgun is making a withdraw from an ATM.

An attacker attempts to rob the citizen; the armed citizen kills his attacker.

That’s an example of appropriate, lawful self-defense.

A rightwing racist travels 20 miles to another state where he has no business being, intentionally places himself in a potentially dangerous situation, with the hope of killing an American of color.

He lies about ‘protecting’ a business whose building is empty, whose owners he doesn’t know, he lies about being ‘EMS,’ and he’s openly carrying a semi-automatic carbine in anticipation of killing an American of color.

This is not an example of appropriate, lawful self-defense – it’s an example of reckless, irresponsible, criminal vigilantism.
Thanks to verdict, a new precedence has been set.

You can take your guns to any disturbance you want, shoot as many people as you want, and walk away scot free.


When's the rioter who pointed the illegal firearm he had in his possession at Rittenhouse going to be charged with a crime?


"this subhuman shit"

They are exercising their First Amendment rights as expressed in the Bill of Rights. They are complaining that police are too rough.

Is that a reason to kill them?
Burning down people's businesses in order to terrorize the general population is NOT a constitutional right.

You are merely too utterly stupid to be know what is a constitutional right and what isn't

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