Could you take your AR15, walk through a hostile BLM protest . . .

Thanks to verdict, a new precedence has been set.

You can take your guns to any disturbance you want, shoot as many people as you want, and walk away scot free.
"New precedence"? Are you talking about actually following the facts to the conclusion?
About time, huh?
get harassed, kill a bunch of people, claim you thought you were going to die, claim self-defense and get off Scott free?

Absolutely if they attacked me first. It is called self defense. go look it up.

A good example of that is the Kyle Rittenhouse case that happen just last week. A Left Wing mob attacked Kyle and he used his AR for self defense and after reviewing all the facts the jury found him not guilty.
An armed citizen carrying a concealed handgun is making a withdraw from an ATM.

An attacker attempts to rob the citizen; the armed citizen kills his attacker.

That’s an example of appropriate, lawful self-defense.

A rightwing racist travels 20 miles to another state where he has no business being, intentionally places himself in a potentially dangerous situation, with the hope of killing an American of color.

He lies about ‘protecting’ a business whose building is empty, whose owners he doesn’t know, he lies about being ‘EMS,’ and he’s openly carrying a semi-automatic carbine in anticipation of killing an American of color.

This is not an example of appropriate, lawful self-defense – it’s an example of reckless, irresponsible, criminal vigilantism.
BULLSHIIIT. You are allowed to travel to Kenosha. You are allowed to do it even if there is a riot happening there. If someone attacks you at that riot, you are allowed to shoot them dead. At no point did Rittenhouse commit a single crime. Not fucking one.
get harassed, kill a bunch of people, claim you thought you were going to die, claim self-defense and get off Scott free?

Nope and I would not let my kids do it. That being said explain to me how this incident is racism and why does BLM care about a white kid shooting three white people. They don’t care about blacks shooting blacks they said so. Only about whites shooting blacks. Are you ever not a complete hypocrite? Honest question.
BULLSHIIIT. You are allowed to travel to Kenosha. You are allowed to do it even if there is a riot happening there. If someone attacks you at that riot, you are allowed to shoot them dead. At no point did Rittenhouse commit a single crime. Not fucking one.

There was a curfew in place. Kyle disregarded that ......
Did anyone else get arrested for a curfew violation? If not, you can shove that weak shit up your ass.

Kenosha has a very weak police force.. They welcomed the vigilante militias.

Would YOU violate a curfew?
Kenosha has a very weak police force.. They welcomed the vigilante militias.

Would YOU violate a curfew?
No. If you want to get Kyle on a curfew charge, good luck with that. That fuckin kid is going to be rich, so he can get great lawyers, not that he would need one for such an insignificant charge.
Yep. Most of the protesters went home by dark for three days. Kyle just made the things more difficult for law enforcement.
Most of the protesters went home by dark for three days.

But not the 3 he shot.


Nor any of the crowd they were hanging with.


Because if they had obeyed the curfew, they wouldn't have been in shot.

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But not the 3 he shot.


Nor any of the crowd they here hanging with.


Because if they had obeyed the curfew, they wouldn't have been in shot.


If Kyle Rittenhouse, the militia guys and the demonstrators obeyed the curfew, yes, nobody would've been shot.

If everyone left their guns at home, nobody would've been shot.

If Kyle didn't stupidly run off alone into a hostile group of protestors, nobody would've been shot.

That's all true.
To join the vigilante militias? He made the job of the police harder.
You have just proved to the USMB forum that you have no fucking clue what the word "vigilante" means.

Is it too many syllables for you, moron?

All you did was parrot that word to describe Kyle because your feeble mind was easily brainwashed by the fake news media into believing that Kyle was vigilante.

I challenge you to explain to the USMB forum the reasoning that you used to come to the ridiculous conclusion that Kyle is a vigilante.
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What I mean that a random person could do essentially the same thing that Kyle Rittenhouse did. Take a gun, walk through an angry crowd, get harassed, kill people, say he was afraid for his life, claim self defense and get off Scott free.

We could get a whole rash of these shootings.
you must mean like the looting, burning, and murdering the SCUM demonRATS support...without any charges....hmmm
"this subhuman shit"

They are exercising their First Amendment rights as expressed in the Bill of Rights. They are complaining that police are too rough.

Is that a reason to kill them?
yo, go get hit side YOUR head with a skateboard from behind....i bet you just shake the idiots hand, right?
There was a curfew in place. Kyle disregarded that ......
Did anyone else get arrested for a curfew violation? If not, you can shove that weak shit up your ass.


See the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

It is unconstitutional for authorities to single out one individual for prosecution, while looking the other way while large numbers of others are openly committing the same violation.

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