Could you take your AR15, walk through a hostile BLM protest . . .

This thread really shows how the leftist bigots have their values turned upside down. More venom for a teenager (white) who broke curfew than a crowd of felons and rapists committing arson (because they were BLM followers).
The protesters went home.. and the police didn't arrest the rioters.. They just encouraged the vigilantes.

Please note where I said RIOTERS. Now a few of your protestors did indeed stay to riot, but the rioters were there to riot, and they ignored the curfew. You don't care about them.

So he just has to wait until someone pushes him a little hard and he unloads on them?
They did more than push him a little hard. One was ready to bash his brains in with a skateboard and the other had a gun pointed at him.

BTW, this also shows what idiots the BLM lowlifes are - without the brains they were born with. What person in his right mind chases after someone holding a loaded rifle?
This thread really shows how the leftist bigots have their values turned upside down. More venom for a teenager (white) who broke curfew than a crowd of felons and rapists committing arson (because they were BLM followers).

Why do you think they had a curfew?
Why do you think they had a curfew?
Because the BLM lowlife scumbag thugs were totally out of control, and the police - instructed by the liberals afraid of angering the BLM terrorists - were told to stand down.

How about some condemnation for the BLM thugs burning the place down? They’re certainly a lot worse than a clean white teen who stayed out too late.
What I mean that a random person could do essentially the same thing that Kyle Rittenhouse did. Take a gun, walk through an angry crowd, get harassed, kill people, say he was afraid for his life, claim self defense and get off Scott free.

We could get a whole rash of these shootings.
If no one attacked him, he couldn't do it. If someone attacked him, using deadly force? Then, yes, someone can do that.
Thanks to verdict, a new precedence has been set.

You can take your guns to any disturbance you want, shoot as many people as you want, and walk away scot free.
Riots are illegal. Its rather stupid to create a riot, then bitch because someone you don't like showed up with a
There are six states and the District of Columbia where the open carrying of firearms is illegal – so an AR 15 likely won’t be used; but the principle remains the same: rightwing racists and bigots are at liberty to murder Americans of color engaged in lawful protest, claiming ‘self-defense.’
Riots aren't lawful protests.
If Rittenhouse would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of rushing off into a crowd of hostile protestors, two people would still be alive.

If the militia guys stopped Kyle from running off into a crowd of hostile protestors, two people would still be alive.

If all the if's, could's and should's were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas all year.
If the fools that got killed and injured had stayed home, Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn't have shot them.

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The protesters went home.. and the police didn't arrest the rioters.. They just encouraged the vigilantes.

Repeating a lie over and over and over again does not imbue it with any truth.

It is still a lie the dozenth time you tell it, or the hundredth time you tell it, or the thousandth time you tell it, as it was the first time you told it.

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