Could you take your AR15, walk through a hostile BLM protest . . .

Repeating a lie over and over and over again does not imbue it with any truth.

It is still a lie the dozenth time you tell it, or the hundredth time you tell it, or the thousandth time you tell it, as it was the first time you told it.

I posted the evidence the first time.. Do you have children? Would you support them traveling to a riot with a firearm and breaking the city curfew?
Bob..Surada is a femine name. I am a grandmother. I am against vigilantes of any stripe.
You’re a grandmother??? I thought you were early 20s.

Are you against felons and arsonists and assaulters and rapists too?
That’s not true. There have been 30 murders during the BLM rage of terrorism. You just don’t hear about them because….reasons.

Well, you heard of these 30 murders so give us names, dates and locations.
I posted the evidence the first time.. Do you have children? Would you support them traveling to a riot with a firearm and breaking the city curfew?
Once the peaceful protestors left, Kyle was there only one there with a decent heart. The rest were felons and thugs.
With his skittles? Zimmerman stalked Travon,scared him created a response and then killed him. He too had fantasies of being a cop.
Trayvon was beating George’s head into the concrete. You forgot that detail.
Well, you heard of these 30 murders so give us names, dates and locations.
That’s the problem. There’s no attention on them because they were all committed by BLM savages. As you do yourself, the leftists downplay the subhuman behavior committed by these thugs.
That’s the problem. There’s no attention on them because they were all committed by BLM savages. As you do yourself, the leftists downplay the subhuman behavior committed by these thugs.

Well, YOU know about these 30 murders so share your information with the board.
Bob..Surada is a femine name. I am a grandmother. I am against vigilantes of any stripe.
You mean like the vigilante mob that tried to run down Kyle and kill him? All because he tried to help put out a street fire that they started?

They were coward vigilantes, weren't they? They didn't go after any of the adult buggaloo boys. Like the little chickenshits they were they went after the baby faced kid with the first aid kit.

Got a big surprised, didn't they?
You mean like the vigilante mob that tried to run down Kyle and kill him? All because he tried to help put out a street fire that they started?

They were coward vigilantes, weren't they? They didn't go after any of the adult buggaloo boys. Like the little chickenshits they were they went after the baby faced kid with the first aid kit.

Got a big surprised, didn't they?
With his skittles? Zimmerman stalked Travon,scared him created a response and then killed him. He too had fantasies of being a cop.

Created a response?

ab so lute ly.

he was slamming Zimmermans head against a concrete sidewalk.

Something not even the hardest head can take for long.
Bob..Surada is a femine name.
You Moon Bats don't know anymore about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

We can never be sure you are really the gender you claim to be.
You Moon Bats don't know anymore about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

We can never be sure you are really the gender you claim to be.

Don't be an ass.

And that was another case where an anti-white president took the black’s side without knowing any of the details. “If I had a son….”
You Moon Bats don't know anymore about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.

We can never be sure you are really the gender you claim to be.
We can never be sure you are really the gender you claim to be.

Considering her group believes there are about 20 genders, she could change it twice a day.

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