Coulter jumping off the Trump Train?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
So Ann Coulter is expressing disappointment and dismay over Trump's presidency so far: Ann Coulter Is Worried The ‘Trump-Haters Were Right’

There's no way to know whether she was actually buying what Trump has been selling - which is a little difficult for me to believe - or if she's just trying to protect her "image".

Interesting also that she says "Trump was our last shot", which might explain his appeal. "Last gasp" or "Hail Mary" might also apply. "We had no choice" is another interesting quote.

Uhhhh. I’m not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.

I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s op-ed in The New York Times today. Where is the great negotiation? Where is the bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?

Trump was our last shot. I kind of thought it was Romney, and then lo and behold like a miracle Trump comes along. I still believe in Trumpism. I have no regrets for ferociously supporting him. What choice did we have?

We had no choice. Yeah, I mean, my fingers are still crossed. It’s not like I’m out yet, but boy, things don’t look good. I’ve said to other people, it’s as if we’re in Chicago and Trump tells us he’s going to get us to LA in six days. But for the first three days we are driving towards New York. Yes, it is true he can still turn around and get us to LA in three days, but I’m a little nervous.

I'm happy with how things have went so far with the Supreme Court.
The rest has been disappointing, but I'm not ready to completely throw my hands in the air just yet.
I never expected anything from Trump.

All he really has to do is not fuck with my guns and he will be better than anything the democrooks have to offer.


Trump just needs to totally ignore all of this Russian hacking and collusion nonsense the liberal media is obsessed with; and get back to working on his original agenda and plan that got him elected. ..... :cool:
Trump just needs to totally ignore all of this Russian hacking and collusion nonsense the liberal media is obsessed with; and get back to working on his original agenda and plan that got him elected. ..... :cool:
His administration is essentially falling apart with leaks from his own people, and he has the media using every resource to bring him down.

Keeping this together will require something just this side of a miracle.
So Ann Coulter is expressing disappointment and dismay over Trump's presidency so far: Ann Coulter Is Worried The ‘Trump-Haters Were Right’

There's no way to know whether she was actually buying what Trump has been selling - which is a little difficult for me to believe - or if she's just trying to protect her "image".

Interesting also that she says "Trump was our last shot", which might explain his appeal. "Last gasp" or "Hail Mary" might also apply. "We had no choice" is another interesting quote.

Uhhhh. I’m not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.

I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s op-ed in The New York Times today. Where is the great negotiation? Where is the bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?

Trump was our last shot. I kind of thought it was Romney, and then lo and behold like a miracle Trump comes along. I still believe in Trumpism. I have no regrets for ferociously supporting him. What choice did we have?

We had no choice. Yeah, I mean, my fingers are still crossed. It’s not like I’m out yet, but boy, things don’t look good. I’ve said to other people, it’s as if we’re in Chicago and Trump tells us he’s going to get us to LA in six days. But for the first three days we are driving towards New York. Yes, it is true he can still turn around and get us to LA in three days, but I’m a little nervous.

Trump is doing a good job considering he has to fight obstructionist Democrats and liberal media.
It will all come down to promises. He has to take the reigns and call out anyone who is against the campaign promises he made and which his supporters voted for. If he doesn't keep his promises, their party will lose big in the mid terms, he will be a one term president and a blip in American political history. Bottom line, he has to push forward as promised.

If he fails, the replacement will be a far left socialist with a strong populist undertone, in the mold of Bernie Sanders. They will bankrupt America and you will wake up in a country you have fought so hard for so long to not be.

She is right about being weary, he has to avoid the tendency to desire approval from the media and the left, it simply isn't going to happen. He has to understand that his leadership is based on keeping his campaign promises. If his policies succeed, and he will expand the party appeal. Noone is loyal to someone who doesn't deliver, and certainly whether it was supporters of the Democrats in 2012 who voted for Trump or supporters who voted for Trump in 2016 who might vote for the Dems in 2020, people vote for what they want to see enacted. That's the job of the GOP. There's no shame in changing alliances as a voter.

America is at the crossroads and thus it requires a drastic turn back to what made it successful. This is precisely what so many socialists and alt-left progressives do NOT want. Trump and the GOP either do it now, or they kiss American ideals and values goodbye in four years.
I'm happy with how things have went so far with the Supreme Court.
The rest has been disappointing, but I'm not ready to completely throw my hands in the air just yet.

happy about the supreme court.

happy no wall is being built - even if just "yet". not a fan of the wall idea. not like they don't have a dozen ways to get here, the wall is just blocking one and poorly. enforce our laws and let border patrol do their job w/o politics. THEN lets see where we are in a year.
economy is doing VERY well.

obama care is being looked into. this is all overblown bullshit to me. we don't have a medical issue in this country we have an insurance one. they've doubled the price of healthcare and made us dependent on insurance. buying more insurance chances not one thing about our healthcare, just who has access to it. we need to tighten up laws around who can sue who and for why, hold them responsible if found to be a frivolous lawsuit and make them pay for it, review all the paperwork we've dumped into the system in the interest of "high standards" (we compare ourselves to europe a lot but do *they* have the same regulations we do? or less? a lot less? do their doctors make $300k+ a year, or do ours? compare #'s to #'s and let's fix the system, not the payment of it.

happy he's got balls to tell people to back off. obama went on a global "BOW BEFORE ZOD" tour as soon as he took office that made US leadership look the fool. trump is screwing up on a social front a lot, but make no mistake he won't bow before anyone.

other than this - gotta give it time. regardless of what he does many simply won't be happy and if ann is one of them, so be it. making a "celebrity list" of people who hate trump is pointless as he will still be president.

not a huge trump fan but he's president. let's hope he gets more right than wrong.
It will all come down to promises. He has to take the reigns and call out anyone who is against the campaign promises he made and which his supporters voted for. If he doesn't keep his promises, their party will lose big in the mid terms, he will be a one term president and a blip in American political history. Bottom line, he has to push forward as promised.

If he fails, the replacement will be a far left socialist with a strong populist undertone, in the mold of Bernie Sanders. They will bankrupt America and you will wake up in a country you have fought so hard for so long to not be.

She is right, he has to avoid the tendency to desire approval from the media and the left, it simply isn't going to happen. He has to understand that his leadership is based on keeping his campaign promises. They will succeed, and he will expand the party appeal.

America is at the crossroads and thus it requires a drastic turn back to what made it successful. This is precisely what so many socialists and alt-left progressives do NOT want. Trump and the GOP either do it now, or they kiss American ideals and values goodbye in four years.
I don't know how any of that happens. She voted for something that is essentially impossible: A real bull in a china shop, a guy whose ego is so powerful that it would just maul Congress and get everything she wanted.

First, there are too many constitutional checks and balances for that. Second, there are too many Republicans who know it won't work politically and will rather save themselves. And third, not even Donald Trump can out-ego a national, professional politician.

This was a pipe dream, a Hail Mary.
His administration is essentially falling apart with leaks from his own people, and he has the media using every resource to bring him down.
Our beloved Pres Trump's administration is doing just fine.

It's the loony liberal media that keeps insinuating the Trump ship is sinking.

When in reality, Trump is doing a stellar job as president. .... :thup: .. :cool:
It will all come down to promises. He has to take the reigns and call out anyone who is against the campaign promises he made and which his supporters voted for. If he doesn't keep his promises, their party will lose big in the mid terms, he will be a one term president and a blip in American political history. Bottom line, he has to push forward as promised.

If he fails, the replacement will be a far left socialist with a strong populist undertone, in the mold of Bernie Sanders. They will bankrupt America and you will wake up in a country you have fought so hard for so long to not be.

She is right, he has to avoid the tendency to desire approval from the media and the left, it simply isn't going to happen. He has to understand that his leadership is based on keeping his campaign promises. They will succeed, and he will expand the party appeal.

America is at the crossroads and thus it requires a drastic turn back to what made it successful. This is precisely what so many socialists and alt-left progressives do NOT want. Trump and the GOP either do it now, or they kiss American ideals and values goodbye in four years.
I don't know how any of that happens. She voted for something that is essentially impossible: A real bull in a china shop, a guy whose ego is so powerful that it would just maul Congress and get everything she wanted.

First, there are too many constitutional checks and balances for that. Second, there are too many Republicans who know it won't work politically and will rather save themselves. And third, not even Donald Trump can out-ego a national, professional politician.

This was a pipe dream, a Hail Mary.

If he plays this right, I don't think this at all.

First, he tells the GOP and Democrats. "It's on now". You don't support me, I link those dissenting votes online with a twitter link and you deal with the consequences".

He was elected on promises. If people defy these promises, yes, their political career is at risk. The problem is, he has been wavering of late. So-called advisors telling him it "cant be done". Of course it can be done, they were able to get the votes for healthcare weren't they? He was able to beat a massive favourite who had $1.2B and the entire world in her corner didn't he?

If the right policies aren't in place to defend American values, America as we know it is done, and so will liberty across the globe. He has to play hardball as he did in the campaign and not worry about being presidential. Forget being presidential, America has a steep climb with no time for niceties. In regards to the leaks, he just has to call everything "fake news" and diffuse the leaks and once again point out that there are people trying to sabotage his promises. It's a common tactic to deny and deflect, every intelligence agency does it and so do governments.

Voters went out on a limb, a hail Mary as you suggest; so you can be sure they understand what is going on so they will remain loyal as long as he does as he promised. He has to be courageous and bold enough to call it out and push forward the agenda that he was elected to push forward. Being unpredictable is one of his strengths.
many presidents *not* elected on promises??? have past presidents worked to keep their promises?

and fake news is fake news. screaming NO IT ISN'T is on par with the black knight saying his arm wasn't off.

denial is strong in liberals. if pushed too far, redefine the word and to A-HA!
It will all come down to promises. He has to take the reigns and call out anyone who is against the campaign promises he made and which his supporters voted for. If he doesn't keep his promises, their party will lose big in the mid terms, he will be a one term president and a blip in American political history. Bottom line, he has to push forward as promised.

If he fails, the replacement will be a far left socialist with a strong populist undertone, in the mold of Bernie Sanders. They will bankrupt America and you will wake up in a country you have fought so hard for so long to not be.

She is right, he has to avoid the tendency to desire approval from the media and the left, it simply isn't going to happen. He has to understand that his leadership is based on keeping his campaign promises. They will succeed, and he will expand the party appeal.

America is at the crossroads and thus it requires a drastic turn back to what made it successful. This is precisely what so many socialists and alt-left progressives do NOT want. Trump and the GOP either do it now, or they kiss American ideals and values goodbye in four years.
I don't know how any of that happens. She voted for something that is essentially impossible: A real bull in a china shop, a guy whose ego is so powerful that it would just maul Congress and get everything she wanted.

First, there are too many constitutional checks and balances for that. Second, there are too many Republicans who know it won't work politically and will rather save themselves. And third, not even Donald Trump can out-ego a national, professional politician.

This was a pipe dream, a Hail Mary.

If he plays this right, I don't think this at all.

First, he tells the GOP and Democrats. "It's on now". You don't support me, I link those dissenting votes online with a twitter link and you deal with the consequences".

He was elected on promises. If people defy these promises, yes, their political career is online. The problem is, he has been wavering of late. So-called advisors telling him it cant be done". Of course it can be done, they were able to get the votes for healthcare weren't they?

If the right policies aren't in place to defend American values, America as we know it is done, and so will liberty across the globe. He has to play hardball as he did in the campaign and not worry about being presidential. In regards to the leaks, he just has to call everything "fake news" and diffuse the leaks and once again point out that there are people trying to sabotage his promises.

Voters went out on a limb, a hail Mary as you suggest; so you can be sure they understand what is going on. He has to be courageous and bold enough to call it out and push forward the agenda that he was elected to push forward.
He's becoming more isolated by the day, and - this is the important part - 2018 is creeping up. While his personal polling numbers are interesting fodder, the important polls are those being run by GOP incumbents. If they sense that they need to distance themselves, they sure as hell will, and it will be obvious.

I don't know how a man on an island gets his way, not in a republic. Especially a guy who behaves like this.
Patience... patience....

The wall of China wasn't built in 100 days, either. He's up against a swamp full of traitors, it's gonna take some time...
So Ann Coulter is expressing disappointment and dismay over Trump's presidency so far: Ann Coulter Is Worried The ‘Trump-Haters Were Right’

There's no way to know whether she was actually buying what Trump has been selling - which is a little difficult for me to believe - or if she's just trying to protect her "image".

Interesting also that she says "Trump was our last shot", which might explain his appeal. "Last gasp" or "Hail Mary" might also apply. "We had no choice" is another interesting quote.

Uhhhh. I’m not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.

I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s op-ed in The New York Times today. Where is the great negotiation? Where is the bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?

Trump was our last shot. I kind of thought it was Romney, and then lo and behold like a miracle Trump comes along. I still believe in Trumpism. I have no regrets for ferociously supporting him. What choice did we have?

We had no choice. Yeah, I mean, my fingers are still crossed. It’s not like I’m out yet, but boy, things don’t look good. I’ve said to other people, it’s as if we’re in Chicago and Trump tells us he’s going to get us to LA in six days. But for the first three days we are driving towards New York. Yes, it is true he can still turn around and get us to LA in three days, but I’m a little nervous.

The problem with one-issue voters is they have little common-sense or faith in the process. Not to mention the simple fact that everyone is suspect now. Nobody can be trusted. Democrats are as crooked and dishonest as they come. So is their media. Anyone who is a media employee cannot be trusted completely. I remember when Arrianna Huffington was Bill Maher's conservative punching bag on his show "POLITICALLY INCORRECT". She was supposed to be the one person on his show that spouted conservative viewpoints. Turns out she was simply playing a role. When the show was cancelled she created the Huffington Posts and it turns out she was a fake. All this time we were being jobbed by Bill Maher.

Everyone, including Ann needs to stop thinking aloud because the press can be trusted to twist everything you say. Every unguarded word you utter. KEEP THIS ONE FACT IN MIND AT ALL TIMES.

Here's the facts. The media is out to destroy Trump, plain and simple. They will stop at nothing to do it. Keep this in mind when you read any story. That is the current atmosphere in Washington. It's an old game using the veil of highly classified information and ultra super secret investigations to manipulate the facts so you cannot be exposed as a practitioner of yellow journalism. One always has to keep on the lookout for any backsliding by Trump, because let's face it, I think anyone else would have folded under the pressure by now. This why we voted for Trump. Because he was our best hope to stop the Establishment. Why is this? Because the man doesn't quit. He may be stopped one time but the man will still keep going. His staff can't keep up with him. The media is using this against him.
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It will all come down to promises. He has to take the reigns and call out anyone who is against the campaign promises he made and which his supporters voted for. If he doesn't keep his promises, their party will lose big in the mid terms, he will be a one term president and a blip in American political history. Bottom line, he has to push forward as promised.

If he fails, the replacement will be a far left socialist with a strong populist undertone, in the mold of Bernie Sanders. They will bankrupt America and you will wake up in a country you have fought so hard for so long to not be.

She is right, he has to avoid the tendency to desire approval from the media and the left, it simply isn't going to happen. He has to understand that his leadership is based on keeping his campaign promises. They will succeed, and he will expand the party appeal.

America is at the crossroads and thus it requires a drastic turn back to what made it successful. This is precisely what so many socialists and alt-left progressives do NOT want. Trump and the GOP either do it now, or they kiss American ideals and values goodbye in four years.
I don't know how any of that happens. She voted for something that is essentially impossible: A real bull in a china shop, a guy whose ego is so powerful that it would just maul Congress and get everything she wanted.

First, there are too many constitutional checks and balances for that. Second, there are too many Republicans who know it won't work politically and will rather save themselves. And third, not even Donald Trump can out-ego a national, professional politician.

This was a pipe dream, a Hail Mary.

If he plays this right, I don't think this at all.

First, he tells the GOP and Democrats. "It's on now". You don't support me, I link those dissenting votes online with a twitter link and you deal with the consequences".

He was elected on promises. If people defy these promises, yes, their political career is online. The problem is, he has been wavering of late. So-called advisors telling him it cant be done". Of course it can be done, they were able to get the votes for healthcare weren't they?

If the right policies aren't in place to defend American values, America as we know it is done, and so will liberty across the globe. He has to play hardball as he did in the campaign and not worry about being presidential. In regards to the leaks, he just has to call everything "fake news" and diffuse the leaks and once again point out that there are people trying to sabotage his promises.

Voters went out on a limb, a hail Mary as you suggest; so you can be sure they understand what is going on. He has to be courageous and bold enough to call it out and push forward the agenda that he was elected to push forward.
He's becoming more isolated by the day, and - this is the important part - 2018 is creeping up. While his personal polling numbers are interesting fodder, the important polls are those being run by GOP incumbents. If they sense that they need to distance themselves, they sure as hell will, and it will be obvious.

I don't know how a man on an island gets his way, not in a republic. Especially a guy who behaves like this.
Again you talk about behavior.

Apparently that's all in your head.
You assume that Fake News is real because of your inherent prejudices.
So Ann Coulter is expressing disappointment and dismay over Trump's presidency so far: Ann Coulter Is Worried The ‘Trump-Haters Were Right’

There's no way to know whether she was actually buying what Trump has been selling - which is a little difficult for me to believe - or if she's just trying to protect her "image".

Interesting also that she says "Trump was our last shot", which might explain his appeal. "Last gasp" or "Hail Mary" might also apply. "We had no choice" is another interesting quote.

Uhhhh. I’m not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.

I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s op-ed in The New York Times today. Where is the great negotiation? Where is the bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?

Trump was our last shot. I kind of thought it was Romney, and then lo and behold like a miracle Trump comes along. I still believe in Trumpism. I have no regrets for ferociously supporting him. What choice did we have?

We had no choice. Yeah, I mean, my fingers are still crossed. It’s not like I’m out yet, but boy, things don’t look good. I’ve said to other people, it’s as if we’re in Chicago and Trump tells us he’s going to get us to LA in six days. But for the first three days we are driving towards New York. Yes, it is true he can still turn around and get us to LA in three days, but I’m a little nervous.

Sounds like Coulter is saying that so far Trump isn't doing exactly what she'd hoped but she still hasn't lost hope. Sounds like somebody with her eyes open. I don't always agree with her but I like that she doesn't avoid criticizing someone she voted for.

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