Coulter jumping off the Trump Train?

The Obamacare repeal passed the House. The Senate is sitting on it. What do you expect Trump to do?
To call this a "repeal" is a stretch of comic proportions. This is what they were promising for eight years, really? It's gonna be as "great" as Trump promised?

Coulter knows she was HAD, and is willing to admit it. No doubt, as we speak, Rush & Sean & Levin are trying to figure out how they'll save face with their lambs.

The GOP threw a Hail Mary and it went straight out of bounds. Now the Regressive Left has the momentum for 2018. The Democratic party won't need to bother with a Reformation of any kind.

Great. My nightmare scenario continues to play out in real time.
Lets face it, Ann Coulter is just a political entertainer that gets paid to comment on current events. She sells books. She makes outrageous statements and she gets well paid for it.
24 hours ago you were denying she made those outrageous statements.

At what point is anything that comes from the GOP supposed to be taken seriously?
A what point is anything the media publishes supposed to be taken seriously?

I told you yesterday not to believe anything these media people in New York and Washington say or do and yet you persist.
The Obamacare repeal passed the House. The Senate is sitting on it. What do you expect Trump to do?
To call this a "repeal" is a stretch of comic proportions. This is what they were promising for eight years, really? It's gonna be as "great" as Trump promised?

Coulter knows she was HAD, and is willing to admit it. No doubt, as we speak, Rush & Sean & Levin are trying to figure out how they'll save face with their lambs.

The GOP threw a Hail Mary and it went straight out of bounds. Now the Regressive Left has the momentum for 2018. The Democratic party won't need to bother with a Reformation of any kind.

Great. My nightmare scenario continues to play out in real time.
Lets face it, Ann Coulter is just a political entertainer that gets paid to comment on current events. She sells books. She makes outrageous statements and she gets well paid for it.
24 hours ago you were denying she made those outrageous statements.

At what point is anything that comes from the GOP supposed to be taken seriously?
A what point is anything the media publishes supposed to be taken seriously?

I told you yesterday not to believe anything these media people in New York and Washington say or do and yet you persist.
Are you going to go around and tell millions of people that, and convince them to not listen to the media?

I dunno, maybe you think the press has no influence. I'd disagree with that. They can influence both public opinion and the behaviors of national politicians. They're on a mission now. What I don't understand is how Trump didn't know this was going to happen.
The Obamacare repeal passed the House. The Senate is sitting on it. What do you expect Trump to do?
To call this a "repeal" is a stretch of comic proportions. This is what they were promising for eight years, really? It's gonna be as "great" as Trump promised?

Coulter knows she was HAD, and is willing to admit it. No doubt, as we speak, Rush & Sean & Levin are trying to figure out how they'll save face with their lambs.

The GOP threw a Hail Mary and it went straight out of bounds. Now the Regressive Left has the momentum for 2018. The Democratic party won't need to bother with a Reformation of any kind.

Great. My nightmare scenario continues to play out in real time.
Lets face it, Ann Coulter is just a political entertainer that gets paid to comment on current events. She sells books. She makes outrageous statements and she gets well paid for it.
24 hours ago you were denying she made those outrageous statements.

At what point is anything that comes from the GOP supposed to be taken seriously?
A what point is anything the media publishes supposed to be taken seriously?

I told you yesterday not to believe anything these media people in New York and Washington say or do and yet you persist.
Are you going to go around and tell millions of people that, and convince them to not listen to the media?

I dunno, maybe you think the press has no influence. I'd disagree with that. They can influence both public opinion and the behaviors of national politicians. They're on a mission now. What I don't understand is how Trump didn't know this was going to happen.
The media is playing you. This faux outrage over Comey's firing is transparent as Hell, and you want to believe a God Damned word they say?

Monday they claimed Trump gave a way secrets to the Russians. Turns out nobody could possibly know if he did. So it's Bullshit.
Next this story of an investigation into a DNC staffer getting murdered to keep him quiet surfaces.......and WHAM.....the media brings up this bogus story about Trump asking Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation. They use a phone call from a super secret guy who is a friend of Comey who knows about a memo they never see to bring a false charge of obstruction.

The source is the NYTimes.........mkay?

It's either the Washington Compost or the failing NY Times doing this.
Yesterday the Washington Compost cheered breaking this story about Trump giving away secrets and Barack Obama paid them a visit and was high-fiving them.

The whole lot of them should be in jail.

Stop being a shitforbrains and wake the fuck up.

To call this a "repeal" is a stretch of comic proportions. This is what they were promising for eight years, really? It's gonna be as "great" as Trump promised?

Coulter knows she was HAD, and is willing to admit it. No doubt, as we speak, Rush & Sean & Levin are trying to figure out how they'll save face with their lambs.

The GOP threw a Hail Mary and it went straight out of bounds. Now the Regressive Left has the momentum for 2018. The Democratic party won't need to bother with a Reformation of any kind.

Great. My nightmare scenario continues to play out in real time.
Lets face it, Ann Coulter is just a political entertainer that gets paid to comment on current events. She sells books. She makes outrageous statements and she gets well paid for it.
24 hours ago you were denying she made those outrageous statements.

At what point is anything that comes from the GOP supposed to be taken seriously?
A what point is anything the media publishes supposed to be taken seriously?

I told you yesterday not to believe anything these media people in New York and Washington say or do and yet you persist.
Are you going to go around and tell millions of people that, and convince them to not listen to the media?

I dunno, maybe you think the press has no influence. I'd disagree with that. They can influence both public opinion and the behaviors of national politicians. They're on a mission now. What I don't understand is how Trump didn't know this was going to happen.
The media is playing you. This faux outrage over Comey's firing is transparent as Hell, and you want to believe a God Damned word they say?

Monday they claimed Trump gave a way secrets to the Russians. Turns out nobody could possibly know if he did. So it's Bullshit.
Next this story of an investigation into a DNC staffer getting murdered to keep him quiet surfaces.......and WHAM.....the media brings up this bogus story about Trump asking Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation. They use a phone call from a super secret guy who is a friend of Comey who knows about a memo they never see to bring a false charge of obstruction.

The source is the NYTimes.........mkay?

It's either the Washington Compost or the failing NY Times doing this.
Yesterday the Washington Compost cheered breaking this story about Trump giving away secrets and Barack Obama paid them a visit and was high-fiving them.

The whole lot of them should be in jail.

Stop being a shitforbrains and wake the fuck up.

Okay, I'll try to stop being played by my former profession and listen instead to Rush & Sean & Levin.

I think I've got it now.
Lets face it, Ann Coulter is just a political entertainer that gets paid to comment on current events. She sells books. She makes outrageous statements and she gets well paid for it.
24 hours ago you were denying she made those outrageous statements.

At what point is anything that comes from the GOP supposed to be taken seriously?
A what point is anything the media publishes supposed to be taken seriously?

I told you yesterday not to believe anything these media people in New York and Washington say or do and yet you persist.
Are you going to go around and tell millions of people that, and convince them to not listen to the media?

I dunno, maybe you think the press has no influence. I'd disagree with that. They can influence both public opinion and the behaviors of national politicians. They're on a mission now. What I don't understand is how Trump didn't know this was going to happen.
The media is playing you. This faux outrage over Comey's firing is transparent as Hell, and you want to believe a God Damned word they say?

Monday they claimed Trump gave a way secrets to the Russians. Turns out nobody could possibly know if he did. So it's Bullshit.
Next this story of an investigation into a DNC staffer getting murdered to keep him quiet surfaces.......and WHAM.....the media brings up this bogus story about Trump asking Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation. They use a phone call from a super secret guy who is a friend of Comey who knows about a memo they never see to bring a false charge of obstruction.

The source is the NYTimes.........mkay?

It's either the Washington Compost or the failing NY Times doing this.
Yesterday the Washington Compost cheered breaking this story about Trump giving away secrets and Barack Obama paid them a visit and was high-fiving them.

The whole lot of them should be in jail.

Stop being a shitforbrains and wake the fuck up.

Okay, I'll try to stop being played by my former profession and listen instead to Rush & Sean & Levin.

I think I've got it now.

I wanted to be a journalist but I decided that my politics would be a liability, so I got out while I was in college.
Instead I ended up being a Green Beret.
I really loved the job. I'm glad I made the choice.
I don't like having to put up with a bunch of self-centered ass-kissers who will only end up fucking me out of any decent paying job I might apply for.
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Lets face it, Ann Coulter is just a political entertainer that gets paid to comment on current events. She sells books. She makes outrageous statements and she gets well paid for it.
Agreed, but let's not forget the RWNJs treated her like a goddess spreading gospel during the Obama administration. For them to throw her under the bus now would be hypocritical at best. :)
The media is playing you. This faux outrage over Comey's firing is transparent as Hell, and you want to believe a God Damned word they say?

Monday they claimed Trump gave a way secrets to the Russians. Turns out nobody could possibly know if he did. So it's Bullshit.
Next this story of an investigation into a DNC staffer getting murdered to keep him quiet surfaces.......and WHAM.....the media brings up this bogus story about Trump asking Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation. They use a phone call from a super secret guy who is a friend of Comey who knows about a memo they never see to bring a false charge of obstruction.

The source is the NYTimes.........mkay?

It's either the Washington Compost or the failing NY Times doing this.
Yesterday the Washington Compost cheered breaking this story about Trump giving away secrets and Barack Obama paid them a visit and was high-fiving them.

The whole lot of them should be in jail.

Stop being a shitforbrains and wake the fuck up.

Disagreed here. You can't praise the media when they say something you agree with then condemn them when they don't without looking like a partisan nutjob.

Those who claim there is a media conspiracy are as idiotic as Hillary was when she claimed there was "a vast right-wing conspiracy".

The fact remains that "the media" is a large number of businesses seeking to make a profit. Nothing sells better than controversy. While journalists often lean left, their bosses and stock shareholders often lean right. In the end, it's up to American citizens to use critical thinking and good judgment to see through the "infotainment" aspects of American media, be it Fox, MSNBC or CNN, and decide for themselves what is bullshit and what is fact. To just broadly claim all those who disagree with you are being played by the media is to use a childish argument of schoolyard name-calling and bullying.
So Ann Coulter is expressing disappointment and dismay over Trump's presidency so far: Ann Coulter Is Worried The ‘Trump-Haters Were Right’

There's no way to know whether she was actually buying what Trump has been selling - which is a little difficult for me to believe - or if she's just trying to protect her "image".

Interesting also that she says "Trump was our last shot", which might explain his appeal. "Last gasp" or "Hail Mary" might also apply. "We had no choice" is another interesting quote.

Uhhhh. I’m not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.

I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s op-ed in The New York Times today. Where is the great negotiation? Where is the bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?

Trump was our last shot. I kind of thought it was Romney, and then lo and behold like a miracle Trump comes along. I still believe in Trumpism. I have no regrets for ferociously supporting him. What choice did we have?

We had no choice. Yeah, I mean, my fingers are still crossed. It’s not like I’m out yet, but boy, things don’t look good. I’ve said to other people, it’s as if we’re in Chicago and Trump tells us he’s going to get us to LA in six days. But for the first three days we are driving towards New York. Yes, it is true he can still turn around and get us to LA in three days, but I’m a little nervous.

I imagine a lot of conservatives will be train-hopping over the next few months as the Trump train steams for the cliff. OTOH, if Trump resigns and Pence becomes President, I think we'll see a reinvigorated RNC with unity behind a solid agenda. Sadly, I've been wrong before and this may be more wishful thinking than reality. Time will tell.
Y'know, there are so many twists and turns here that your theory is as good as any.

Trump is now an albatross the size of a freakin' Buick around the necks of the party, more so than Nixon was. At least Nixon was qualified. This is a mess that we just haven't seen before.

No doubt Pence is warming up in the bullpen and thinking about a Veep. The question is, how many other top Repubs are already working with him or in other capacities towards the inevitable.

So, to your point, it would/will be interesting to see if, and how quickly, the party recovers. This needs to happen quickly, though, so that Pence can try to settle the ship before next November..
The Republicans are certainly worried and they probably realize that any serious legislation for this year is shot. Moving forward depends upon Trump, whether he stops shooting himself in the foot with tweets and disregarding advice from his counselors or whether he chooses to resign for "medical reasons" for the "good of the nation.

A speech that could go something like this:

"Thank you my fellow Americans for electing me to be your President. It has been a great honor to serve you. Due to medical reasons, I have been limited in my ability to serve our great nation. It would be wrong for me to stay in office when I cannot continue give you and our great nation the full 100% it deserves. Therefore, I must offer my resignation for the good of our nation and retire with gratefulness at being able to serve you as your President. God bless America!"
No. This is the bull shit that the media is trying to sell. If you ask Ann Coulter who she would vote for today, you think she'd say "not Trump"? She's disappointed, yeah so am I. I'm disappointed he didn't repeal Obamacare. Do I wish I had voted for Hillary instead? You must be fucking nuts!
The Obamacare repeal passed the House. The Senate is sitting on it. What do you expect Trump to do?

I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I wanted Obamacare repealed and not replaced. I'm disappointed in Trumpcare.
No. This is the bull shit that the media is trying to sell. If you ask Ann Coulter who she would vote for today, you think she'd say "not Trump"? She's disappointed, yeah so am I. I'm disappointed he didn't repeal Obamacare. Do I wish I had voted for Hillary instead? You must be fucking nuts!
Not media "bull shit" as mentioned previously but agreed 100%, given the two choices, Coulter, like many Americans, would pick the lesser of two evils. The lesser evil won on November 8th, 2016.

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