Coulter On Feminism: 'All Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers'...

Rosie O'Donnel is very ugly on the inside too. She once told an employee that her 'lying' caused her Cancer. Real nice person huh?

I see Coulter's now supporting Romney, after saying the GOP would lose unless they nominated Christie.
Rosie O'Donnel is very ugly on the inside too. She once told an employee that her 'lying' caused her Cancer. Real nice person huh?

rosie_o_donnell.jpg sure made your photoshopping.


Her head WAS Photoshopped onto the body of another infamous pig.

But that face? All Rosie.
Perhaps a more innocuous photo of her as the bubbly "Betty Rubble" from 1994's 'Flinstones' Hollywood epic would be more to her taste?

Im truly a lucky engaged to a model/actress who the granddaughter of a late republican Vermont state senator. Think im extreme?shes hot,and a rightwinger..
Ann is just stupid enough to think womens only worth is their ability to meet todays standard of beauty.

She used to be a man so she thinks it makes her an expert on dick straightening
Her adam's apple and neck are quite masculine; without the long, bleached hair, she appears male.
Coulter On Feminism: 'All Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers'...

"Every morning, Brittany Geldert stepped off the bus and bolted through the double doors of Fred Moore Middle School, her nerves already on high alert, bracing for the inevitable.


Pretending not to hear, Brittany would walk briskly to her locker, past the sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders who loitered in menacing packs.


Like many 13-year-olds, Brittany knew seventh grade was a living hell. But what she didn't know was that she was caught in the crossfire of a culture war being waged by local evangelicals inspired by their high-profile congressional representative Michele Bachmann, who graduated from Anoka High School and, until recently, was a member of one of the most conservative churches in the area. When Christian activists who considered gays an abomination forced a measure through the school board forbidding the discussion of homosexuality in the district's public schools, kids like Brittany were unknowingly thrust into the heart of a clash that was about to become intertwined with tragedy."

Ann is just stupid enough to think womens only worth is their ability to meet todays standard of beauty.

She used to be a man so she thinks it makes her an expert on dick straightening
Her adam's apple and neck are quite masculine; without the long, bleached hair, she appears male.

Nah, but this heinous nutter sure does.

idiot paulian nutbar calling anyone a "heinous nutter" is beyond funny.

what a freak.

Get over it weirdo. You're never gonna get Rachel Maddcow. She just aint into you. Even your buddy Ravi the Raving Lunatic has a better shot with her. You suck that bad. :lol:
Why are there no funny CONSERVATIVES?

I guess the same reason there were no funny Soviets or Nazis either.
just a re-post to prove once again what a sociopath the o/p is:

it's good to see threads like this every so often. it lets you know who the stupidest people on the board are.

coultergeist is just jealous because she has an adams apple and gepetto hasn't made her "real girl" yet.

not a "conservative"


not a "conservative


not a "conservative"


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