Coulter: Only white liberals take Kwanzaa seriously. American Blacks celebrate Christmas.

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Merry Christmas, fellow Christians!

"Kwanzaa was the result of a '60s psychosis grafted onto the black community by the founder of a murderous black nationalist cult with the FBI's seal of approval."

Why reprint Ann Coulter?

Ms. Coulter is a powerful American broad who speaks her mind. The fact that she was one of the first to realize that Donald J. Trump was the only hope to schlong Hillary Clinton in 2016 makes her a prophetess.
i forgot to link it. no big deal

Why rehash something from 2017 and make the claim that you did?
this is a scandal as big as the Access Hollywood tape. i'm young, i make mistakes!

No, this is you being a douche pretending that you have something uber serious to say while creating as much imaginary conflict as possible.

DW: Bieber.
Merry Christmas, fellow Christians!

"Kwanzaa was the result of a '60s psychosis grafted onto the black community by the founder of a murderous black nationalist cult with the FBI's seal of approval."

and Ann Coulter is a elitist white supremacist who has endless opinions about everything under the sun and is a witch in hiding.
Merry Christmas, fellow Christians!

"Kwanzaa was the result of a '60s psychosis grafted onto the black community by the founder of a murderous black nationalist cult with the FBI's seal of approval."

and Ann Coulter is a elitist white supremacist who has endless opinions about everything under the sun and is a witch in hiding.
You have a SISTER!
Nobody cares about Kwanza

If that were true these whiny petulant waaaah-I'll-hold-my-breath-'til-I-turn-blue butthurt threads from klowns who clearly have no involvement with Kwanzaa, would not exist.

And yet ---- here they are. Aren't they.
Christmas was first attacked by Puritans. There were fines and sometimes whippings and the stocks for celebrating Christmas in Puritan controlled areas of early America and England.
And their descendants, the liberals, are still at it.

( And of course communists tried to wipe it out in areas they controlled.)
Christmas was first attacked by Puritans. There were fines and sometimes whippings and the stocks for celebrating Christmas in Puritan controlled areas of early America and England.

Yep. It was illegal in Massachusetts.

And their descendants, the liberals, are still at it.

Trust me, the hyperconservative "Puritans" are in no way the antecedents of "Liberals". They're exactly what Liberals opposed.
Doublethink falls helplessly to the ground, gasps for air, suffocates.

( And of course communists tried to wipe it out in areas they controlled.)


Such as?
Ann Coulter has published the same column at Christmas time for many years now. It has taken on the character of a political "Christmas Carol" to Conservatives, and reminds us of the idiocy of white Liberals, trying to tell Black folks what they ought to think.
Ann Coulter has published the same column at Christmas time for many years now. It has taken on the character of a political "Christmas Carol" to Conservatives, and reminds us of the idiocy of white Liberals, trying to tell Black folks what they ought to think.

You mean like the OP here?

And like this thread yesterday?

I know, right. You'd think if something's going on that a person is just not involved with they would leave it to those who are. But trolls and racists and fascists don't work that way. They've got to jump in everybody else's grille.
Ann Coulter has published the same column at Christmas time for many years now. It has taken on the character of a political "Christmas Carol" to Conservatives, and reminds us of the idiocy of white Liberals, trying to tell Black folks what they ought to think.

"reminds us of the idiocy of white Liberals, trying to tell Black folks what they ought to think. "

You speak for "us." Interesting.
I don't know about that. I was at the mall last week and the place was packed with people buying gifts for Kwanzaa.
That surprises me, but I'll take your word for it.

Coulter's take is out of date here. I don't see white folks bothering with Kwanzaa much, nor regular black folks. It does, after all, appropriate most of the trappings of Christianity and Judaism and attach non-religious meaning to them. To celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, and then Kwanzaa, the atheist imitation, is odd.

Meanwhile, Kwanzaa has settled into the cultural diversity centers, roping in schools for its continued existence. Little student performances at African-American centers, for example. But it's really thin. That's my personal experience, anyway.
It's ironic how all the leftists whining about a Kwanzaa thread and how abhorrent and unnecessary it is are the very ones
keeping the thread going. The thread is instructional though and demonstrates how left wing righteous indignation is so absurd so often.
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