Coulter slams .....THe GOP in her new book

we need term limits............and a very limited term....

That has some problems though. Think about the mess we'll create when we have a sea of junior senators/reps who spend their entire time in office getting acclimated with how things work. I can see a lot of lost efficiency there.

I think campaign finance reform should come before term limits..
She writes a book once every other month or so, along with many other "conservative" media stars. They make loads of cash selling them to adoring fans. Hannity and Beck are really big on that business model.

She's a conservative and I'm a libertarian, and as such I generally agree with her on fiscal issues and disagree with her on social issues and our overuse of the military.

However, she's a great writer, nobody crushes liberal arguments like she does.
I hope Republicans follow Coulters advice

A sure path to failure

Say it with me, Rightwinger


Republicans would do better to follow my advice than Coulters in 2016

1. Empty out the Clown Car quickly- Don't let the radical fringe candidates linger in the primaries. They demand attention and finances that can be used better elsewhere. Democrats use them to label you the party of stupid

2. Let Hillary be Hillary- Stay away from the Whitewater, Lewinsky and Benghazi attacks that are going nowhere. Hillary is old news. Make her look old and unspectacular. Brand the GOP as the party of the future not the party nitpicking old news

3. Choose an electable candidate- Christie, Rubio, Ryan and maybe Bush. Give them room to establish their own platform

4. Avoid any contact with the TeaParty- Americans hate them and think they are nuts. This means Rand Paul and Ted Cruz

The problem with your list

1--can't unless the party split

3--see explaination for 1

4--see explaination for 1!:tongue:
Say it with me, Rightwinger


Republicans would do better to follow my advice than Coulters in 2016

1. Empty out the Clown Car quickly- Don't let the radical fringe candidates linger in the primaries. They demand attention and finances that can be used better elsewhere. Democrats use them to label you the party of stupid

2. Let Hillary be Hillary- Stay away from the Whitewater, Lewinsky and Benghazi attacks that are going nowhere. Hillary is old news. Make her look old and unspectacular. Brand the GOP as the party of the future not the party nitpicking old news

3. Choose an electable candidate- Christie, Rubio, Ryan and maybe Bush. Give them room to establish their own platform

4. Avoid any contact with the TeaParty- Americans hate them and think they are nuts. This means Rand Paul and Ted Cruz

The problem with your list

1--can't unless the party split

3--see explaination for 1

4--see explaination for 1!:tongue:

A Tea Party split hands the election to the Democrats

Let me guess.

She wants the GOP to quadruple down on its batshit craziness. She wants to make the Kool Aid pitcher bigger.

Coulter is a far right commentator and author. She has no political power. If you don't like her opinions don't buy her books.

But I understand, all you libs have to do all day every day is find someone to demonize.

I don't buy her books. Nor am I a liberal. I just happen to be one of the sane conservatives who detests the damage assholes like her do.

Strike two! Try again.

Joe Scarborough, ladies and germs! Stand up, Joe and let 'em have a look at ya!
Republicans would do better to follow my advice than Coulters in 2016

1. Empty out the Clown Car quickly- Don't let the radical fringe candidates linger in the primaries. They demand attention and finances that can be used better elsewhere. Democrats use them to label you the party of stupid

2. Let Hillary be Hillary- Stay away from the Whitewater, Lewinsky and Benghazi attacks that are going nowhere. Hillary is old news. Make her look old and unspectacular. Brand the GOP as the party of the future not the party nitpicking old news

3. Choose an electable candidate- Christie, Rubio, Ryan and maybe Bush. Give them room to establish their own platform

4. Avoid any contact with the TeaParty- Americans hate them and think they are nuts. This means Rand Paul and Ted Cruz

The problem with your list

1--can't unless the party split

3--see explaination for 1

4--see explaination for 1!:tongue:

A Tea Party split hands the election to the Democrats

In the beginning before political identities are settled--but eventually elections will be determined how the moderates and indies swing.

A split now will undoubtedly effect American politics forever, but right now there are too many conflicting ideologies that is tearing up the repulican party. Corporate interest versus main street American interest. Hard right economic policies versus somewhat moderate Social conservative policies.

Name an issue, you can identify a two way split within the Republican party. They are barely hanging on to the national scene with these conflicts trying to redefine them.
Kind of make their politicians seem a bit schzoid.
There are people on both the right and the left that cash in on this business model. "Making money" is something that a lot of people tend to want to do.

conservatives making money = evil
liberals making money = cool

Agree, Red on that one. Trust me, if the Democrats didn't make people money they wouldn't be voted into office, period. It's all about money, and most of the time the funding the Republicans/Democrats get come from the same source, which should be an immediate red flag.

Books by professional pundits are just Kool-Aid dispensers.

Can you blame someone for being upset with a party who (like the Dems) is completely incapable of thinking for itself and must follow the "party line" always, no exceptions? The GOP and Democratic parties - as I see it - have been in power much too long, and have been infiltrated by just about every special interest imaginable. We need something fresh and genuine, and more importantly - real.

Nice try until you said "both parties". There is a reason why Dems are known to form a circular firing squad and repubs aren't.

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