Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

No. We keep having that thrown in our face. so to me it says get ready for your new masters in the country
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?

I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.

you can't be living in reality
Romney's TAX RETURNS? The ad where Obama and Democrats had Republicans pushing grandma over a cliff in a wheelchair.
get real and get into real America
Real Americans voted for Obama in 2012 in much greater numbers than they voted for Romney. The trend against voting Republican has a correlation with the growing minority and female vote. That trend won't end. Get ready to deal with it.
Remind me what position Ann Coulter occupies in either government or the GOP.
This is what makes you an assclown.
FAIL!!! :lol:

El Rushbo doesn't hold an official party position either but you people swallow what he says, hook, line, & sinker :thup:

More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.
The GOP is poised for the biggest take over in Congress in history.
Remind me what elected position or what postion in the GOP Coulter holds.

You are an ignorant ass-clown posting crap so everyone can laugh at you.

"The GOP is poised for the biggest take over in Congress in history."


I do love it when you are so unbelievably stupid.

Ok, the largest swing in the Senate EVER was in 1958, when the Democrats picked-up 29 seats, in the middle of extremely popular Ike Eisenhower's 2nd term. This made for a +29.59% shift in a Senate of 98 seats.

The second largest swing in the Senate EVER was in 1946, where the GOP picked up 27 seats and took the Senate for the first time since 1928. Shift: +28.13%

The third/fourth largest swings in the Senate ever were in 1928 and 1930, where the Republicans gained 26 seats in the Senate and lost 26 seats in 1930, going from R+1 in the Senate after the 1926 elections back to R+1 after the 1930 elections. The shift in both cases was +27.01%.

The GOP is likely to pick up 6 or 7 seats in 2014, which will be a shift of +6 to +7%.

In the US HOR, the largest swing was in 1874, where the Democrats picked up 155 seats in the US HOR, a shift of +67.92% in a HOR of 333 seats.

The second largest swing in the HOR was in 1891, where the Democrats picked up 160 seats, a shift of +48.05%.

The third largest swing, officially, was in 1864, where the GOP picked up 76 seats, a shift of +39.79%. However, about half of the congress was missing due to secession and Civil War. So, this statistic is hard to really compare with any other cycles.

The next largest swing was in 1895, where the GOP picked up 136 seats, a shift of +38.10%.

The GOP shifts in 1994 and 2010 were "just" +24.83% and +29.90%, respectively.


Google Sheets - create and edit spreadsheets online for free.

There is no sign at all that the GOP will come even close to any of these statistics.

The GOP may, just maybe pick up 11 seats in the HOR, a +2.52% shift.

Furthermore, 2 weeks before the mid-terms in 2010, generic polling was showing GOP at at least +5 and as high as +14.

View attachment 33047

Right now?

View attachment 33048

Huge difference to 2010.

So, back to your quote:

"The GOP is poised for the biggest take over in Congress in history."

NO, you stupid fuck. Not even close. And also, this has nothing to do with the Latino vote or Ann Coulter, which was the OP, you stupid fuck.

Ahhh, I see that our fake Rabbi has passed the Vigilante 101 course in expressing self through meme graphics.

Now, back to the OP, which is "Coulter to GOP: stop 'constantly sucking up" to Latino Voters.

There you go, little boytoy fake Rabbi bot thing, wrap your algorhythms around that one.
My response to you, and all the liberals here, was directly on topic and not one of you cowards wants to address the data.

Live in your bubbles.
More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

Good plan Blondy.They're only the largest ethnic minority and soon to be ethnic majority. Go ahead and ignore them.

for sure since they will soon be your all's new masters you all should start bowing now
You're being sarcastic......right?
no she is probably right.....
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
you are as clueless about "Latinos" as you are about pot.....i dont believe you live in this State Katz...if you do.....i dont believe you know any Mexicans,which does not surprise me......most of the shit you say about them is bullshit.....just like the shit you say about pot....
The implied point being, that accommodating Illegal Aliens, just to obtain more votes, is tantamount to acting against the best interests of the Nation and its People.

Really? Frankly, I look at Hispanics and I see folks who are in the same boat I'm in. Yeah, I get paid a little more than the Hispanic Chicks on the floor, but we all get cheated by the rich people who pay our salaries if they think they can get away with it.

The real chumps are the White Folks who vote Republican and then wonder why their job gets shipped to China or their health care benefits get stripped.
the real chumps Joe are you people who keep voting for these same 2 parties no matter what,and believe all these promises being made.....these assholes put the people first while they are campaigning....and then when elected,after they throw you the customary bone....then they come first and you second....thats being a chump........
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
^ dopey post of the day. A lot of them, most of them, work harder than any injun Katzndogz has EVER worked. FACT!!!
No one ever said latinos didn't work. They certainly do. They are just far more loyal to other latinos than to either republicans or democrats. They have far more self interest than Americans. They follow the money, all the time, every time. That's one of the reasons the cartels have gotten so powerful. They pay off. Their money is always good.
And that's where you're a tool. He takes our money and fucks over you. It doesn't matter which party they are in.

I'm the one who's actually interested in helping the middle class. Make government smaller. I'll compete. I want government to stop helping the big companies who pay them off. You don't want government to stop helping the rich people who pay them off. You're drinking the rhetoric policicians care about you. That's actually a classic example of a sucker. Someone who believes politicians, lawyers and used care salesmen. And you buy two of the three.

so why is it that the Libertarian party never gets one percent of the vote if what you are selling is so awesome?

I don't think that the politician "cares" about me, but he does have a vested interest in keeping me happy as a voter.
only when its time to run for office Joe....
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The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....
The way to win Hispanics is to point out obamacare hurt their medical insurance, Obama has cost many of them full-time jobs with his policies/obamacare, liberals are counter to the Catholic church teachings that many Hispanics follow, liberals cater to the latest minority group so Hispanics will be dumped for Asians or another group in due time just ask blacks...
you need more than that......i know lots of American born Mexicans who agree with Republicans about Illegals and other points.....but they wont side with them because the farther right made it a racial thing....and that pissed many of them off see it here in these threads....if you look "Hispanic" you must be one of them illegals....i seen this quite often....
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....

Doing nothing works better than granting Amnesty. Deporting 20 million infiltrators is certainly manageable if we can cope with the hissy fits of liberals and Hispanic activists. The message for Hispanic Americans is clear - remove your competitors in the labor market and YOUR INCOME WILL INCREASE. If Hispanic-Americans want to be thought of as Americans then they should side with Americans, if they want to be thought of as apart from Americans, then they can side with Mexican infiltrators. Regardless, the status quo of keeping the infiltrators in limbo can be maintained for decades/centuries as a policy and it's preferable to granting Amnesty.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....
Make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job or sell or rent them a house or a car or to give them anything but emergency life-saving medical attention or to give them educational or financial or money wire-transfer services etc. etc. etc. and they'll self-deport at their own expense at the speed of light - falling all over each other in the scramble to get the hell outta Dodge before the advance-warning deadline when all that goes into effect. But, we lack the resolve and willpower to do that.
Latinos love American handouts, they know they can come here and Maria can drop a baby at the local hospital and not only will that bill be paid, but then the baby is their ticket to more government handouts. Meanwhile, hubby Juan will be able to quickly get a job paid under the table by some crooked employer.
It's too bad Mexicans don't have the balls to have a their own version of an "Arab Spring" and fix their own countries problems.
But then again why should they, since the American taxpayer is willing to foot the bill as soon as they sneak across the border.
Latinos love American handouts, they know they can come here and Maria can drop a baby at the local hospital and not only will that bill be paid, but then the baby is their ticket to more government handouts. Meanwhile, hubby Juan will be able to quickly get a job paid under the table by some crooked employer.
It's too bad Mexicans don't have the balls to have a their own version of an "Arab Spring" and fix their own countries problems.
But then again why should they, since the American taxpayer is willing to foot the bill as soon as they sneak across the border.
Oh, yeah, and re-interpret the 14th Amendment on the SCOTUS level so that it can no longer be used to grant citizenship to Anchor Babies.
Make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job or sell or rent them a house or a car or to give them anything but emergency life-saving medical attention or to give them educational or financial or money wire-transfer services etc. etc. etc. and they'll self-deport at their own expense at the speed of light - falling all over each other in the scramble to get the hell outta Dodge before the advance-warning deadline when all that goes into effect. But, we lack the resolve and willpower to do that.

Pretty much for the same reason we don't have the death penalty for jaywalking. The cure would be worse than the problem.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....
Make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job or sell or rent them a house or a car or to give them anything but emergency life-saving medical attention or to give them educational or financial or money wire-transfer services etc. etc. etc. and they'll self-deport at their own expense at the speed of light - falling all over each other in the scramble to get the hell outta Dodge before the advance-warning deadline when all that goes into effect. But, we lack the resolve and willpower to do that.

Instead, we go in the opposite direction, we do stupid shit like giving them drivers licenses, which will only encourage more criminals to sneak into OUR country.
Latinos love American handouts, they know they can come here and Maria can drop a baby at the local hospital and not only will that bill be paid, but then the baby is their ticket to more government handouts. Meanwhile, hubby Juan will be able to quickly get a job paid under the table by some crooked employer.
It's too bad Mexicans don't have the balls to have a their own version of an "Arab Spring" and fix their own countries problems.
But then again why should they, since the American taxpayer is willing to foot the bill as soon as they sneak across the border.
Oh, yeah, and re-interpret the 14th Amendment on the SCOTUS level so that it can no longer be used to grant citizenship to Anchor Babies.
As long as Dimocrats are continually elected to offices, that will never happen.
Make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job or sell or rent them a house or a car or to give them anything but emergency life-saving medical attention or to give them educational or financial or money wire-transfer services etc. etc. etc. and they'll self-deport at their own expense at the speed of light - falling all over each other in the scramble to get the hell outta Dodge before the advance-warning deadline when all that goes into effect. But, we lack the resolve and willpower to do that.

Pretty much for the same reason we don't have the death penalty for jaywalking. The cure would be worse than the problem.
If it's painful now, then let's 'take the pain' and get this the hell over with... it will only get worse, the longer we delay.

We did just fine before these last 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens showed-up here, and, after a period of adjustment, we'll do just fine, once they're gone.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....
Make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job or sell or rent them a house or a car or to give them anything but emergency life-saving medical attention or to give them educational or financial or money wire-transfer services etc. etc. etc. and they'll self-deport at their own expense at the speed of light - falling all over each other in the scramble to get the hell outta Dodge before the advance-warning deadline when all that goes into effect. But, we lack the resolve and willpower to do that.

Instead, we go in the opposite direction, we do stupid shit like giving them drivers licenses, which will only encourage more criminals to sneak into OUR country.

We need national standards on this stuff...

We can begin with nullifying State or Local -level 'sanctuary' legislation, from the Federal level.

And work our way outwards from there.

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