Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

Repubs time is limited. The math is against them.
The math that ha the GOP controlling a majority of state legislatures, a majority of governorships, a majority in the House, and soon to be a majority in the Senate?
Yeah, tell us about it.
Here is some more math: a clear majority of Americans want the Republican party to control the Congress. They are fed up with Democrat rule and obstruction from the Senate.
Did you know the Democrats started the KKK and legislated Jim Crowe laws to keep the black man down after republicans freed them? TEAparty folks aren't the racists; its democrats just using different methods to keep blacks on the liberal plantation.

Wow. Seriously, you are trotting out that old Canard?

Naw, you teabaggers aren't racist at all...

Compelling reason? Easy. There are successful Hispanics - do they want to align themselves with the moochers, the losers, who vote Democrat or do they want to see themselves as belonging with the winners, the successful people, the Republicans?

There's a lot of face, pride, involved here. Being seen as a Democratic moocher while your white colleagues are identifying as successful Republicans is going to be personally demeaning for a lot of Hispanic people who are successful in their lives. These are the very people that Republicans are capturing RIGHT now. They'll be recruiting up and coming successful people to switch over.

Actually, guy, nobody really wants to "identifying' as a Republican anymore.
The last thing this country and our labor market need is 20 million UNSKILLED laborers. In the coming decades we're going to be faced with severe job losses due to robotics being implemented in more and more job functions. This means we're going to be carrying a lot of deadweight in our population that we need to support. Better to get rid of 20 million infiltrators now rather than hug them and make them citizens and then make everyone else poorer forever after by increasing the burden of caring for them, and their descendents forever.

Or we could have an economy based on finding jobs for everyone instead of making a few people rich and having the ability to make the rest of us do "The Hunger Games" for that soul-stealing job in a factory.
Compelling reason? Easy. There are successful Hispanics - do they want to align themselves with the moochers, the losers, who vote Democrat or do they want to see themselves as belonging with the winners, the successful people, the Republicans?

There's a lot of face, pride, involved here. Being seen as a Democratic moocher while your white colleagues are identifying as successful Republicans is going to be personally demeaning for a lot of Hispanic people who are successful in their lives. These are the very people that Republicans are capturing RIGHT now. They'll be recruiting up and coming successful people to switch over.

Actually, guy, nobody really wants to "identifying' as a Republican anymore.

Romney WON the majority of white men, white women and white youth. The loser whites stick with the Democrats and help them win elections but every year the smartest of those who remained bolt the party at every election and head for the Republicans.

Look at where the biggest movement happened in the '12 election - white youth fled the Democrats more so than white middle aged or white seniors. They see that the Democrats really have nothing to offer whites of their generation. All the racial goodies that the Democrats dangle for youth are all focused on youth of color.

Whites are NOT migrating TO the Democrats. Not one age group moved to the Democrats. All age groups fled the Democrats.

The last thing this country and our labor market need is 20 million UNSKILLED laborers. In the coming decades we're going to be faced with severe job losses due to robotics being implemented in more and more job functions. This means we're going to be carrying a lot of deadweight in our population that we need to support. Better to get rid of 20 million infiltrators now rather than hug them and make them citizens and then make everyone else poorer forever after by increasing the burden of caring for them, and their descendents forever.

Or we could have an economy based on finding jobs for everyone instead of making a few people rich and having the ability to make the rest of us do "The Hunger Games" for that soul-stealing job in a factory.

And Obama still hasn't taken his rainbow farting flying unicorn out for a ride.

Romney WON the majority of white men, white women and white youth.


Look at where the biggest movement happened in the '12 election - white youth fled the Democrats more so than white middle aged or white seniors. They see that the Democrats really have nothing to offer whites of their generation. All the racial goodies that the Democrats dangle for youth are all focused on youth of color.

Well, no, they really didn't. What did happen is a lot of folks who came out and voted for Obama in 08 didn't bother to do so in 12 if they didn't live in a Swing State.

As far as vote totals, Romney got about as many votes as McCain did.
Romney WON the majority of white men, white women and white youth.


This thread is about Coulter's advice. The media kept trumpeting how Obama had a lock on the women's vote and the youth vote. He didn't. If women and youth found Obama appealing, then white women and white youth would have as well, but the majority didn't. This tells us that Obama didn't actually appeal to women or youth, he appealed to minorities.

Every election cycle, more whites migrate over to the Republicans and Republicans can capture more whites who currently vote for Democrats by simply sticking to their position of advancing anti-racist policies. More and more whites are sick of the racist policies that Democrats advance. This natural erosion process is on auto-pilot.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....
Make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job or sell or rent them a house or a car or to give them anything but emergency life-saving medical attention or to give them educational or financial or money wire-transfer services etc. etc. etc. and they'll self-deport at their own expense at the speed of light - falling all over each other in the scramble to get the hell outta Dodge before the advance-warning deadline when all that goes into effect. But, we lack the resolve and willpower to do that.

Instead, we go in the opposite direction, we do stupid shit like giving them drivers licenses, which will only encourage more criminals to sneak into OUR country.
no it doesnt....they dont sneak in to get a license....where do you people get this shit....

Did I say that was the only reason ? They don't exclusively come here for that, it's just one of the benefits that many states offer illegals that make it easier to stay here. It adds to the reason to sneak into the country.
Romney WON the majority of white men, white women and white youth.


This thread is about Coulter's advice. The media kept trumpeting how Obama had a lock on the women's vote and the youth vote. He didn't. If women and youth found Obama appealing, then white women and white youth would have as well, but the majority didn't. This tells us that Obama didn't actually appeal to women or youth, he appealed to minorities.

Every election cycle, more whites migrate over to the Republicans and Republicans can capture more whites who currently vote for Democrats by simply sticking to their position of advancing anti-racist policies. More and more whites are sick of the racist policies that Democrats advance. This natural erosion process is on auto-pilot.

That's really not the case.

The thing was, Obama does about as well with white folks as Democrats always do. He got about 41% of it. The high water mark for a Democrat with the White Vote was Bill Clinton with 44% in 1996.

the problem you don't get is that with minorities becoming a large slice of the electorate, the amount of white folks who vote against their own economic interest (because if you ain't making six figure, you have no business voting Republican) isn't going to cut it for you.

And in 2016, the Democrats will run Hillary, and a lot of women who aren't particularly partisan will jump at the chance to put a woman in the White House.
There's a great deal of ignorance, stupidity, and hate exhibited by the right in this thread, in essence making Coulter correct, there's no point in republicans and conservatives seeking to reach out to Hispanics.
There's a great deal of cliché and robotic comments exhibited in your post.
That's really not the case.

The thing was, Obama does about as well with white folks as Democrats always do. He got about 41% of it. The high water mark for a Democrat with the White Vote was Bill Clinton with 44% in 1996..

Rikurzhen said:

"Romney WON the majority of white men, white women and white youth."

How very telling.
Yes, it says Democrats have a women problem. Maybe because they are anti-woman.

yet the Republicans are the ones who lost 5 of hte last 6 popular votes for President.
So? It's a cycle. The cycle right now is swinging against the Democrats, who will take the beating of a lifetime in November.

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