Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

If it's painful now, then let's 'take the pain' and get this the hell over with... it will only get worse, the longer we delay.

We did just fine before these last 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens showed-up here, and, after a period of adjustment, we'll do just fine, once they're gone.

I'm not seeing a problem that is so bad that we need to take such draconian measures.

Also, I think you are a bit confused. The GOP doesn't want them to leave. They just want to keep them in a second-class status where they can be easily exploited.

The Dems want to give them full voting rights - you know, all the stuff White People enjoy.

For some reason, they find the latter more appealing. Couldn't imagine why.
Imagine what America will be like when people coming from a shithole country apply the same goverance here when they become the majority. We already see what happens when a self-proclaimed Kenyan is in charge.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?

I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.

you can't be living in reality
Romney's TAX RETURNS? The ad where Obama and Democrats had Republicans pushing grandma over a cliff in a wheelchair.
get real and get into real America
Real Americans voted for Obama in 2012 in much greater numbers than they voted for Romney. The trend against voting Republican has a correlation with the growing minority and female vote. That trend won't end. Get ready to deal with it.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....

Doing nothing works better than granting Amnesty. Deporting 20 million infiltrators is certainly manageable if we can cope with the hissy fits of liberals and Hispanic activists. The message for Hispanic Americans is clear - remove your competitors in the labor market and YOUR INCOME WILL INCREASE. If Hispanic-Americans want to be thought of as Americans then they should side with Americans, if they want to be thought of as apart from Americans, then they can side with Mexican infiltrators. Regardless, the status quo of keeping the infiltrators in limbo can be maintained for decades/centuries as a policy and it's preferable to granting Amnesty.
Mexicans born here are some of the harshest critics about wont hear too many say anything thanks to many on the far right who have turned this into a racial thing....look at some of the comments in this thread.....its even worse in others....why would they side with people who seem to think all Hispanics are the same?.....look at Katz's comments in this thread....she said in another thread that Mexicans change their ID's every few months....why would they want to side with assholes like her?...
If it's painful now, then let's 'take the pain' and get this the hell over with... it will only get worse, the longer we delay.

We did just fine before these last 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens showed-up here, and, after a period of adjustment, we'll do just fine, once they're gone.

I'm not seeing a problem that is so bad that we need to take such draconian measures.

That's because you don't know enough about how societies and economies function to recognize the problem. Ignorance is bliss.
Do you subscribe to the notion that north American Latino's are not capable of assimilation the same way European Latino's have?

I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.

you can't be living in reality
Romney's TAX RETURNS? The ad where Obama and Democrats had Republicans pushing grandma over a cliff in a wheelchair.
get real and get into real America
Real Americans voted for Obama in 2012 in much greater numbers than they voted for Romney. The trend against voting Republican has a correlation with the growing minority and female vote. That trend won't end. Get ready to deal with it.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....

Doing nothing works better than granting Amnesty. Deporting 20 million infiltrators is certainly manageable if we can cope with the hissy fits of liberals and Hispanic activists. The message for Hispanic Americans is clear - remove your competitors in the labor market and YOUR INCOME WILL INCREASE. If Hispanic-Americans want to be thought of as Americans then they should side with Americans, if they want to be thought of as apart from Americans, then they can side with Mexican infiltrators. Regardless, the status quo of keeping the infiltrators in limbo can be maintained for decades/centuries as a policy and it's preferable to granting Amnesty.
Mexicans born here are some of the harshest critics about wont hear too many say anything thanks to many on the far right who have turned this into a racial thing....look at some of the comments in this thread.....its even worse in others....why would they side with people who seem to think all Hispanics are the same?.....look at Katz's comments in this thread....she said in another thread that Mexicans change their ID's every few months....why would they want to side with assholes like her?...

Hispanic-American have to either piss or get off the pot. If they're Americans then they had better demonstrate it and if they want to side with Mexicans, then they're simply reinforcing the perception that much of white American has that "blood is thicker than national identity."
If it's painful now, then let's 'take the pain' and get this the hell over with... it will only get worse, the longer we delay.

We did just fine before these last 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens showed-up here, and, after a period of adjustment, we'll do just fine, once they're gone.

I'm not seeing a problem that is so bad that we need to take such draconian measures.

That's because you don't know enough about how societies and economies function to recognize the problem. Ignorance is bliss.

No, I just don't see the problem other than your racism and anger.

I do think we need immigration reform, and yes, I think greater enforcement with employers should be a major part of that. I also think that we need to cut down on LEGAL immigration, because that undermines the skilled labor market.

The reality is, 12 million of them are already here and are integrated into our society.
Hispanic-American have to either piss or get off the pot. If they're Americans then they had better demonstrate it and if they want to side with Mexicans, then they're simply reinforcing the perception that much of white American has that "blood is thicker than national identity."

And what compelling reason can you give them for doing that? You know, you guys were the ones that came up with laws like Arizona's "Driving While Brown" laws that probably turned Hispanics against you on this issue.
More excellent GOP minority voter outreach, this is sure to help!

Ann Coulter To GOP Stop Sucking Up To Hispanics

The link within that link:

Ann Coulter GOP Should Stop Constantly Sucking Up to Hispanic Voters Mediaite

...Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats, not to mention election fraud, as a reason they’re doing better than they should...
...She told O’Reilly she’s getting tired of Republicans ducking on this issue and suggested “instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna go home and say ‘Screw you.’”

I want to thank Ann Coulter, among others, for making sure that the GOP becomes a relatively meaningless regional party over the next years.

Thank you, Ann.

She's an idiot.

Hispanics voted 44% for Bush in his first election.

If Republicans can capture 40% of the Hispanic vote, they'll be hard to beat, at least for a generation.
The GOP is spending too much time sucking up to you, even though you are a joke. The Teabaggers are even more pathetic, because frankly, you can smell the racism.
Did you know the Democrats started the KKK and legislated Jim Crowe laws to keep the black man down after republicans freed them? TEAparty folks aren't the racists; its democrats just using different methods to keep blacks on the liberal plantation.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....
Make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job or sell or rent them a house or a car or to give them anything but emergency life-saving medical attention or to give them educational or financial or money wire-transfer services etc. etc. etc. and they'll self-deport at their own expense at the speed of light - falling all over each other in the scramble to get the hell outta Dodge before the advance-warning deadline when all that goes into effect. But, we lack the resolve and willpower to do that.

Instead, we go in the opposite direction, we do stupid shit like giving them drivers licenses, which will only encourage more criminals to sneak into OUR country.
no it doesnt....they dont sneak in to get a license....where do you people get this shit....
There's a great deal of ignorance, stupidity, and hate exhibited by the right in this thread, in essence making Coulter correct, there's no point in republicans and conservatives seeking to reach out to Hispanics.
If it's painful now, then let's 'take the pain' and get this the hell over with... it will only get worse, the longer we delay.

We did just fine before these last 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens showed-up here, and, after a period of adjustment, we'll do just fine, once they're gone.

I'm not seeing a problem that is so bad that we need to take such draconian measures.

That's because you don't know enough about how societies and economies function to recognize the problem. Ignorance is bliss.

No, I just don't see the problem other than your racism and anger.

I do think we need immigration reform, and yes, I think greater enforcement with employers should be a major part of that. I also think that we need to cut down on LEGAL immigration, because that undermines the skilled labor market.

The reality is, 12 million of them are already here and are integrated into our society.

The last thing this country and our labor market need is 20 million UNSKILLED laborers. In the coming decades we're going to be faced with severe job losses due to robotics being implemented in more and more job functions. This means we're going to be carrying a lot of deadweight in our population that we need to support. Better to get rid of 20 million infiltrators now rather than hug them and make them citizens and then make everyone else poorer forever after by increasing the burden of caring for them, and their descendents forever.

We need to be moving up the labor value chain, not DOWN. Taking the cast-offs from Central American who couldn't make a go of it in their more rudimentary economies and trying to move them up the labor chain in our advanced economy is madness.

Like I said, most of this is above you. You're just oblivious to it and so you just label everything short of a warm embrace as racism and anger.
“Coulter was quick to point to minority groups and immigrant voters being solid blocks for Democrats...”

But does she and others on the right ever stop to consider why.
He's a human being, not a thing, you stupid fuck.

Now, back to the OP, which is about Ann Coulter and her stupid advice vis-a-vis Latinos.

Pay attention, you stupid fuck.
Learn to read a correctly spelled name you stupid fucking, fucker, fuckhead who can't fucking read a fucking sentence.


Yep, Repubs need to focus on their core voters :up: white xenophobes who, ironically, stole this land from the native americans who, ironically, vote Repub like Katzndogz.


That's retarded.
Hispanic-American have to either piss or get off the pot. If they're Americans then they had better demonstrate it and if they want to side with Mexicans, then they're simply reinforcing the perception that much of white American has that "blood is thicker than national identity."

And what compelling reason can you give them for doing that? You know, you guys were the ones that came up with laws like Arizona's "Driving While Brown" laws that probably turned Hispanics against you on this issue.

Compelling reason? Easy. There are successful Hispanics - do they want to align themselves with the moochers, the losers, who vote Democrat or do they want to see themselves as belonging with the winners, the successful people, the Republicans?

There's a lot of face, pride, involved here. Being seen as a Democratic moocher while your white colleagues are identifying as successful Republicans is going to be personally demeaning for a lot of Hispanic people who are successful in their lives. These are the very people that Republicans are capturing RIGHT now. They'll be recruiting up and coming successful people to switch over.

That process though will take care of itself. The real action is in the white vote - peeling white Democrats away from the Party of Color and Welfare:

Arizona has recently operated as something of a poster child for everything you could possibly do wrong as a Republican-governed state bordering Mexico. George W. Bush won the state by 10 points in 2004; hometown hero John McCain won by eight in 2008.

But Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, who spearheaded the state’s controversial immigration law, won by 12 points. Romney won by almost the same margin as McCain (it was a closer race nationally, but Romney didn’t have McCain’s “home team advantage”). The Hispanic vote grew, and dropped off substantially for Brewer and Romney, but it was compensated for by a surge in white support, particularly among non-college educated whites.​
I'm not assuming anything. it's the liberals on here who assumes we all need to PANDER to any group, race or color. If they didn't use class warfare they wouldn't have anything
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.

you can't be living in reality
Romney's TAX RETURNS? The ad where Obama and Democrats had Republicans pushing grandma over a cliff in a wheelchair.
get real and get into real America
Real Americans voted for Obama in 2012 in much greater numbers than they voted for Romney. The trend against voting Republican has a correlation with the growing minority and female vote. That trend won't end. Get ready to deal with it.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....

Doing nothing works better than granting Amnesty. Deporting 20 million infiltrators is certainly manageable if we can cope with the hissy fits of liberals and Hispanic activists. The message for Hispanic Americans is clear - remove your competitors in the labor market and YOUR INCOME WILL INCREASE. If Hispanic-Americans want to be thought of as Americans then they should side with Americans, if they want to be thought of as apart from Americans, then they can side with Mexican infiltrators. Regardless, the status quo of keeping the infiltrators in limbo can be maintained for decades/centuries as a policy and it's preferable to granting Amnesty.
Mexicans born here are some of the harshest critics about wont hear too many say anything thanks to many on the far right who have turned this into a racial thing....look at some of the comments in this thread.....its even worse in others....why would they side with people who seem to think all Hispanics are the same?.....look at Katz's comments in this thread....she said in another thread that Mexicans change their ID's every few months....why would they want to side with assholes like her?...

Hispanic-American have to either piss or get off the pot. If they're Americans then they had better demonstrate it and if they want to side with Mexicans, then they're simply reinforcing the perception that much of white American has that "blood is thicker than national identity."
they do demonstrate it....when are "Americans" like you going to start treating other Americans with the same respect you think you deserve?...i noticed you said jack shit about the bigoted comments made about them.....why is that?....should they respect "Americans" who talk about them like Katz and Shootspeeders do?...
There's a great deal of ignorance, stupidity, and hate exhibited by the right in this thread, in essence making Coulter correct, there's no point in republicans and conservatives seeking to reach out to Hispanics.
shut the fuck up dont do questions so why are you even here?.....oh wait you dont do questions....
Obama did not win by using class warfare.

Obama did not win because Romney didn't have a clear message. Americans heard it loud and clear after dozens of debates.

There are more Democrats in this country than Republicans, and Obama's strategists did a better job of mobilizing them to vote.

You're right that the GOP shouldn't pander to minorities and women. Their platform will turn off those voters anyway. It's better to go down while being true to yourselves.

you can't be living in reality
Romney's TAX RETURNS? The ad where Obama and Democrats had Republicans pushing grandma over a cliff in a wheelchair.
get real and get into real America
Real Americans voted for Obama in 2012 in much greater numbers than they voted for Romney. The trend against voting Republican has a correlation with the growing minority and female vote. That trend won't end. Get ready to deal with it.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
lots of people dont believe in amnesty....but they also realize you are not going to kick 12 million people out of the they realize you are going to have to do something....

Doing nothing works better than granting Amnesty. Deporting 20 million infiltrators is certainly manageable if we can cope with the hissy fits of liberals and Hispanic activists. The message for Hispanic Americans is clear - remove your competitors in the labor market and YOUR INCOME WILL INCREASE. If Hispanic-Americans want to be thought of as Americans then they should side with Americans, if they want to be thought of as apart from Americans, then they can side with Mexican infiltrators. Regardless, the status quo of keeping the infiltrators in limbo can be maintained for decades/centuries as a policy and it's preferable to granting Amnesty.
Mexicans born here are some of the harshest critics about wont hear too many say anything thanks to many on the far right who have turned this into a racial thing....look at some of the comments in this thread.....its even worse in others....why would they side with people who seem to think all Hispanics are the same?.....look at Katz's comments in this thread....she said in another thread that Mexicans change their ID's every few months....why would they want to side with assholes like her?...

Hispanic-American have to either piss or get off the pot. If they're Americans then they had better demonstrate it and if they want to side with Mexicans, then they're simply reinforcing the perception that much of white American has that "blood is thicker than national identity."
they do demonstrate it....when are "Americans" like you going to start treating other Americans with the same respect you think you deserve?...i noticed you said jack shit about the bigoted comments made about them.....why is that?....should they respect "Americans" who talk about them like Katz and Shootspeeders do?...

So long as they support racial/ethnic policies, they don't get any respect from me.

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