Coulter was right about Romney ... but Ben ?

and the little RW cockroaches grit their teeth in total silence ...

Shepard Smith on Fox has just quoted Carson saying he has amended the Yale university class story. Something about a cowriter and he just
made some things up. Carson is toast
Coulter has no shortage of stupid remarks,but she isn't dumb enough to believe Carson has a chance to be president
Funny how the left hates little Ann Coulter but they quote her when it's convenient.
Funny how the left hates little Ann Coulter but they quote her when it's convenient.

funnier how RW dopes IMAGINE in their tiny little brain people are left and hate Coulter..
Funny how the left hates little Ann Coulter but they quote her when it's convenient.

I think Coulter is a foot soldier for Movement Conservatism. I think she speaks strategically. I think - when push comes to shove - she cares more about defeating the left than telling the truth (which means she's willing to lie to protect the country she loves). Both sides spin stories that help their respective movements.

When she says Carson can't win, she is trying to protect her party from sending a mentally disabled candidate on to a debate stage with Hillary Clinton. She is doing what she always does: protecting the movement. I don't hate her. I just know what she is, and I disagree with her politics and her methods.

But make no mistake, she understands that what separates great politicians from losers is that great politicians can handle intense media scrutiny without whining about how unfair the media is. Reagan never did this. He was called a senile idiot and a "B-rate Actor", but he ignored it and he stayed positive. Carson and Trump - on the other hand - are fucking whiners. Like the Republican base, they are whining about the main stream media. If your candidates can't handle media scrutiny, how in the fuck can they handle Putin and ISIS? Coulter knows this and she is trying to protect her idiot party from fucking up another election.

When Carson says in a whiney victimized tone "no other candidate has ever had to deal with these kinds of attacks", everyone knows he is full of shit, and everyone knows he is whiney loser. We can't have people like this in the White House. Carson should ignore the haters and tell us what his vision for the country is. Obama was attacked by the rightwing press more than any candidate in history, and he fucking ignored it. He never got caught whining about all the lies talk-radio spewed. He just kept repeating his vision for the country and he won in a landslide. Why on earth would Carson and Trump and your whole fucking party play the victim card? When did the party of Eisenhower - the party of quiet strength and responsible power - become such hysterical pussies?

Turn off talk radio and Fox News and stop fucking crying about the media and tell us how you would lead the country. Sound off like you gotta a pair!
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