Countdown to the end of Hamas....WOW!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
From Quora:

Hamas cowards are sitting in their cold Rafah tunnels with limited oxygen praying that Israel doesn’t initiate its plan to enter Rafah and liquidate it from Hamas terrorists.

They know this is the end for them. They know their leaders will be found and eliminated. They know the hostages, which was their only bargaining chip are in Rafah and are about to be found.

These little snakes are trying to do whatever they can to prevent this operation.

Of course, as always, the world obliges and pressures Israel to not enter Rafah.

There is no possible explanation of why the world is trying to prevent this operation other than the desire to keep Hamas alive.

There will be no “Humanitarian crisis” unless Hamas creates one.

Israel has already begun to notify civilians that they should evacuate, and has provided many places, all of which Israel already cleansed of Hamas, for them to go.

This is the final stronghold for Hamas. They know it, Israel knows it, and the international community knows it.

Biden himself has shown his true colors and is calling on Israel not to enter Rafah. Of course he knows full well that Israel has no intention of listening to a senile man who sees people where there are none and confuses Egypt with Mexico.

All the heavy guns are being taken out to prevent Israel from achieving victory. First the threat of freezing aid if Israel goes in. Then, when Biden realizes no one cares what he has to say, he pulls the Ramadan card.

The audacity to tell Israel not to attack Hamas on a Muslim holiday when this all started on a Jewish holiday on which Jews were murdered and raped is repulsive. Shame on you, Biden.

But here is the thing. The Jewish people are done listening to foreign governments who think they have any moral standing to tell Israel not to defend itself.

Israel will do what is good for Israel and if anyone doesn’t like it, well, too bad for them.

Hamas, here we come. Nowhere else to run. Nowhere else to hide. We are coming for you and you will die like the cowards you are, at the hand of the IDF, preferably a female soldier because, well, after what you did to Jewish women, I think we can agree that it’s only fair you are eliminated by Jewish women. Karma is coming for you.

It’s too late to surrender. You had your chance. The party is now over and Hamas is about to become a thing of the past.

Hamas will join the club with many nations and empires that tried to annihilate the Jews and failed. You guys can all sit in the depths of hell crying how unfair it is that the Jews are still thriving and flourishing as a nation while you and your people have been eliminated from the world.
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From Quora:

Hamas cowards are sitting in their cold Rafah tunnels with limited oxygen praying that Israel doesn’t initiate its plan to enter Rafah and liquidate it from Hamas terrorists.

They know this is the end for them. They know their leaders will be found and eliminated. They know the hostages, which was their only bargaining chip are in Rafah and are about to be found.

These little snakes are trying to do whatever they can to prevent this operation.

Of course, as always, the world obliges and pressures Israel to not enter Rafah.

There is no possible explanation of why the world is trying to prevent this operation other than the desire to keep Hamas alive.

There will be no “Humanitarian crisis” unless Hamas creates one.

Israel has already begun to notify civilians that they should evacuate, and has provided many places, all of which Israel already cleansed of Hamas, for them to go.

This is the final stronghold for Hamas. They know it, Israel knows it, and the international community knows it.

Biden himself has shown his true colors and is calling on Israel not to enter Rafah. Of course he knows full well that Israel has no intention of listening to a senile man who sees people where there are none and confuses Egypt with Mexico.

All the heavy guns are being taken out to prevent Israel from achieving victory. First the threat of freezing aid if Israel goes in. Then, when Biden realizes no one cares what he has to say, he pulls the Ramadan card.

The audacity to tell Israel not to attack Hamas on a Muslim holiday when this all started on a Jewish holiday on which Jews were murdered and raped is repulsive. Shame on you, Biden.

But here is the thing. The Jewish people are done listening to foreign governments who think they have any moral standing to tell Israel not to defend itself.

Israel will do what is good for Israel and if anyone doesn’t like it, well, too bad for them.

Hamas, here we come. Nowhere else to run. Nowhere else to hide. We are coming for you and you will die like the cowards you are, at the hand of the IDF, preferably a female soldier because, well, after what you did to Jewish women, I think we can agree that it’s only fair you are eliminated by Jewish women. Karma is coming for you.

It’s too late to surrender. You had your chance. The party is now over and Hamas is about to become a thing of the past.

Hamas will join the club with many nations and empires that tried to annihilate the Jews and failed. You guys can all sit in the depths of hell crying how unfair it is that the Jews are still thriving and flourishing as a nation while you and your people have been eliminated from the world.
Hamas should be men and accept defeat.

If not, they will go down as cowards for taking down others who had nothing to do with their beef. By the way, just what is their beef when they are the government of a country but couldn't represent their citizens with any dignity or concern?

Let us pray for IDF the same way we pray for American troops (or Canadian special forces when we assist in secrecy).

To all those who believe Israel is wrong to kill these terrorists, you are sadly living in a world of sunshine and unicorns while they are surrounded by evil.
IDF though they would go into Gaza and quickly eradicate Hamas.
But the Hamas freedom fighters have made the IDF pay dearly for their genocidal incursion into Gaza.
You are such a strong keyboard warrior. To hell with your warped bias.

Every IDF soldier who died did so retaliating for the cowardice of Oct 7th, full stop. Just as good men died on the beaches of Normandy, it takes courage of Good Men to ensure evil doesn't reign.

I don't wish for the death of even one single person who is innocent. These terrorists deserve their fate. Hamas cannot and must not be allowed to survive and if we are all being honest there would be no debating this.

You celebrate the death of good men because you don't have the moral compass to speak the truth. Israel hasn't run Gaza since 2005. 19 Years of what? Tunnels and missiles? Israel walked away and what did Hamas do, they created an authoritarian system without elections. Great "men" indeed.

You insult yourself with such comments. I am proud of men who face these cowards who hold innocent people hostage. That takes courage and principle. I will say this in the face of ANY debater, protester or historically challenged person.

Let's stop with the false moral equovilancies. It may be a complicated region but there is nothing complicated about cowardly hostage takers. None whatsoever.
IDF though they would go into Gaza and quickly eradicate Hamas.
But the Hamas freedom fighters have made the IDF pay dearly for their genocidal incursion into Gaza.
They aren’t freedom fighters. They are evil cocksuckers.

And nothing done by Israel is even marginally akin to “genocide.”
The heroic Gazan freedom fighters remind me of the patriotic Minute Men of the American revolution who valued Freedom from tyranny more than life itself. .. :thup:
Remind me again when it was that the Minute Men hid behind women and children or conducted terror attacks where they killed innocent civilians, raped women and took hostages?
The heroic Gazan freedom fighters remind me of the patriotic Minute Men of the American revolution who valued Freedom from tyranny more than life itself. .. :thup:
You don't even realize how deep in the depths of depair you have driven yourself.

RIP to all Good Men who fought against terrorism, IDF or otherwise. Men we could only all wish to emulate.

These were all men with dreams and ambitions, snuffed out because of some backwards ideology of sychophants kidnapped their citizens.

Disgusting, cowardly people "men" who hold babies as hostages. I spit at their feet. I spit at their lineage.

You just described the good Palestinian men courageous stand against the evil Israeli IDF terrorists.
You have been into the good stuff tonight have you?

I will try and be respectful to your buzz, when you land back on planet earth come and talk to me.

Any man who hides behind kids who they kidnapped are cowards. Plain and simple.

I can even have some grudging respect for the depraved cowardice of a man who blows himself up in a complete commitment to his warped ideology of death that sends him to hell. I cannot have even a shred of respect for a man who hides behind kids and who abandons his people.

I stand with the IDF and Israel and unpopular as it is today. I am a Noahide and I'm no longer afraid to acknowledge this. Let G-d decide my fate.
Israel is totally wrong how they have treated the Palestinian people.
Like you, I also believe in following the 7 Noahide laws.
Really? The irony. Tell me what law these terrorist animals are upholding by kidnapping innocent kids? Cowards,.

I've seen people stare at my star of David and treat me differently. I can;t even imagine what it would feel to be a full fledged Jew today just trying to peacefully follow the path of Hashem.

Please explain what path you follow that believes the IDF men who lost their lives fighting these animals has earned your rage?

I stand with Israel. I was born in Mount Sinai, this was always my path. I believe in 613 Mitzvoh as shared by Moses. What say you?

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