Countdown.... When will Willis be out on her fanny?

No I have two Cardinal rules. Never argue too much over a prediction and never Gamble.

Having said that I can't imagine that such activity will go without some type of very critical scrutiny.

Additionally I'm sure the phone calls are already being made to her bosses from higher places with the frightening specter of such misbehavior tanking the entire case.

And the judge? The judge has to be royally pissed off right now.

Why would any phone calls be made exactly.

This is just another in the long line of flail mary's from maga.
I don't know..... I think they'll move her ass right the hell out of the picture.
If not this case has just been dealt a lethal blow that will not survive the appellate level.
Why would any phone calls be made exactly.
Daddy why do shoes have shoelaces?
Daddy is the ocean really blue or does it just leak from the sky?
Daddy how come stuff falls when you let go of it?
Very silly statement. You can continue to require proof up to and including an event hitting you in the face and you still can't really prove it. The fact that it made national headlines shows that there's some credibility to it. She sure as hell isn't out there denying it.
First, even in the court filing it doesn't include any evidence of a relationship other than some unnamed person may have said so.

Second, it made headlines as it was other phishing filing that had no evidence of a crime.

Third, why would she get in a silly pissing match with a maga fuckup. This case will get slapped down fast if the filer cannot produce factual evidence.
They say that the prosecutors in the OJ trial, Clark and Durden ended up having a sexual relationship because of the long hours they worked together. I'm sure you didn't mind that. You're reciting a claim made by somebody that Willis got indicted. Not a credible source.
Yeah I remember all of that..... Honestly I never had any strong opinions one way or another about that case. I remember it being a national spectacle.

I remember the misbehavior of the Los Angeles Police department and how they handled evidence.

I remember the limo drive being pulled into the picture to testify against his own boss and friend. For some reason I always remained ambivalent about the whole thing. I was a big Simpson fan when he played.... Maybe that affected my viewpoint. I probably should have had more sympathy for the woman but I just didn't. Shame on me maybe.

I also remember the romance rumors that took place and were printed all over the tabloids.... I didn't pay too much attention to it actually. To me it was just a distraction from the main spectacle.

That team of lawyers had to be the most legal talent ever assembled in one place for the same purpose.
Say what you want about Johnny Cochran.... Best damn courtroom orator of the last century.
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I don't know..... I think they'll move her ass right the hell out of the picture.
If not this case has just been dealt a lethal blow that will not survive the appellate level.
Great. And when they don't we can all point and laugh about how much your opinion is worth. :dunno:
It probably won't take too long.
It'll be done by her own people who will be afraid to lose all the traction they've gained so far in the case. The plan here has to be the quicker the better because longer they allow her to linger the more likely it is that the entire thing will just get thrown out.

She could actually be facing state and federal charges of her own at this point.

Nothing like that will happen.
They say that the prosecutors in the OJ trial, Clark and Durden ended up having a sexual relationship because of the long hours they worked together. I'm sure you didn't mind that. You're reciting a claim made by somebody that Willis got indicted. Not a credible source.

"What' u talkin' 'bout, Willis?"
They say that the prosecutors in the OJ trial, Clark and Durden ended up having a sexual relationship because of the long hours they worked together. I'm sure you didn't mind that. You're reciting a claim made by somebody that Willis got indicted. Not a credible source.

All the way back to the OJ trial?

Example 6,793 leftism is a mental disorder.
They say that the prosecutors in the OJ trial, Clark and Durden ended up having a sexual relationship because of the long hours they worked together. I'm sure you didn't mind that. You're reciting a claim made by somebody that Willis got indicted. Not a credible source.
Poor example. Both were on the team. It's not like was one the team and the other wasn't. To arouse you, I also heard Clark didn't wear underwear to work on certain days.
Take a look at Fani. I can understand why she had to steal money to bribe people to date her. The girl was lonely, and rightly so. But that doesn't make it right, and it certainly doesn't make her someone you can trust. Kinda reminds me of Swalwell and how he got taken for a ride by that Chinese spy. Back to MAGA
It probably won't take too long.
It'll be done by her own people who will be afraid to lose all the traction they've gained so far in the case. The plan here has to be the quicker the better because longer they allow her to linger the more likely it is that the entire thing will just get thrown out.

She could actually be facing state and federal charges of her own at this point.

my god this case just went kapooofffff

that dude met with the WH twice for 8hrs each....lolololol

this is so great...god damned crooked scvartzes....lololol
Take a look at Fani. I can understand why she had to steal money to bribe people to date her. The girl was lonely, and rightly so. But that doesn't make it right, and it certainly doesn't make her someone you can trust. Kinda reminds me of Swalwell and how he got taken for a ride by that Chinese spy. Back to MAGA
typical liberal colored woman...loud, fat, ugly snarling pig

may her and her family suffer such nightmare tragedy

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