Countering the pro black propaganda


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
One of the things you realize when living in America is how relentless the pro black propaganda is. It is everywhere, in your face, and non stop.

Let me say clearly why I think this propaganda fails now and will always fail.

First, many of the evils that blacks continue on about are firmly in the past, such as slavery. Therefore, while you can talk about them historically, they don't apply to the present. Are you still going to be talking about it in 500, 1000 years?

Secondly, the old white/black dynamic no longer applies in an America where millions of Asians, Hispanics etc. have immigrated to. The racial dynamic is now much more complex, and blacks are merely another group in America now. This renders their claim to special treatment problematic, because other groups are going to feel aggrieved that they do not get this treatment.

And finally, isn't it interesting how blacks are encouraged to have a strong group identity, but others and in particular whites are prevented from doing so? It no longer makes sense that everything which is not black should be rendered black, but everything that is black is fine being black. The fact is, people make the individual decision to avoid blacks, because of the black dysfunction, which is good enough reason. You cannot expect people to just put up with that forever, and not seek out a space of their own which is separate from it. You cannot demand that I interact with blacks, when doing so is a potential threat. This is something I go on about because it is so important. With you people, it's always about getting others to do something, not doing it yourself. If you like blacks, associate with them! I'm not stopping you.

See how all of your propaganda just doesn't have a leg to stand on. My message to blacks and black enablers is simple: just give up and let us all live our lives. We would all be much happier.
One of the things you realize when living in America is how relentless the pro black propaganda is. It is everywhere, in your face, and non stop.

Let me say clearly why I think this propaganda fails now and will always fail.

First, many of the evils that blacks continue on about are firmly in the past, such as slavery. Therefore, while you can talk about them historically, they don't apply to the present. Are you still going to be talking about it in 500, 1000 years?

Secondly, the old white/black dynamic no longer applies in an America where millions of Asians, Hispanics etc. have immigrated to. The racial dynamic is now much more complex, and blacks are merely another group in America now. This renders their claim to special treatment problematic, because other groups are going to feel aggrieved that they do not get this treatment.

And finally, isn't it interesting how blacks are encouraged to have a strong group identity, but others and in particular whites are prevented from doing so? It no longer makes sense that everything which is not black should be rendered black, but everything that is black is fine being black. The fact is, people make the individual decision to avoid blacks, because of the black dysfunction, which is good enough reason. You cannot expect people to just put up with that forever, and not seek out a space of their own which is separate from it. You cannot demand that I interact with blacks, when doing so is a potential threat. This is something I go on about because it is so important. With you people, it's always about getting others to do something, not doing it yourself. If you like blacks, associate with them! I'm not stopping you.

See how all of your propaganda just doesn't have a leg to stand on. My message to blacks and black enablers is simple: just give up and let us all live our lives. We would all be much happier.

More stupidity from the terminally dumb.
it makes their situation worse
one of the biggest scams is the ''unarmed black man'' crap that has ruled MSM
my father was not a racist at all....
I grew up in a mostly black hood
I called my real brothers and black friends the N word
we dressed/talked black ..listened to black music....etc
..we were jumped by blacks/harassed by blacks....yet we were not racists or hated blacks because of it

as stated, my father never said a racist thing....never implied/etc anything racist
now his brothers did--quick quips about Jews and blacks
but my father was never a racist
..however, he did say all the blacks protesting for Mike Brown has put blacks back 50 years
This is only my OPINION:

1. The OP wants to know how to live our lives in the face of politically correct movements that are always in our face. Here are a few tips.

a. Just accept the fact that 2018 is a time of politically correct movements. So one should avoid agonizing over this fact and just move on.

b. Remember that elections occasionally count (as in 2016). So always vote, even if the weather is lousy and your choice is the lesser of two evils,

c. Don't pay attention to those politically correct movements. If they are on your TV screen, turn the channel. Do NOT read anything that you know will upset you.

d. Get a hobby that fascinates you. You will be so absorbed by your pastime that you will forget those unpleasant matters.

e. Never, ever forget how short life is. Before one imagines it, everyone will be old and sick. Don't let those unpleasant matters (and people) rob you of your limited and precious time here on earth.

Best wishes
This is only my OPINION:

1. The OP wants to know how to live our lives in the face of politically correct movements that are always in our face. Here are a few tips.

a. Just accept the fact that 2018 is a time of politically correct movements. So one should avoid agonizing over this fact and just move on.

b. Remember that elections occasionally count (as in 2016). So always vote, even if the weather is lousy and your choice is the lesser of two evils,

c. Don't pay attention to those politically correct movements. If they are on your TV screen, turn the channel. Do NOT read anything that you know will upset you.

d. Get a hobby that fascinates you. You will be so absorbed by your pastime that you will forget those unpleasant matters.

e. Never, ever forget how short life is. Before one imagines it, everyone will be old and sick. Don't let those unpleasant matters (and people) rob you of your limited and precious time here on earth.

Best wishes

Here is a tip-There is no such thing as politically correct.
Unless you were a slave, were forced to sit in the back of the bus, or couldn't attend school because of your skin color, please stop using these reasons to justify why you deserve something for nothing. You didn't experience that so please drop the "you owe me" crap & get a job!


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