Couple considering divorce to pay for childs healthcare

These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
I guess they should have aborted, right?

Your parents....? You bet.
Watch what you say you little fuck

Well, big fuck, I'll probably continue to say whatever I want and not really worry about you.
Have it your way, faggot

People do what they need to do.

These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.

What are they suppose to do???
Not have kids when you are broke, perhaps?

Not broke, 40 grand a year. No one expects their child to be developmentally disabled.
No one expects a lot of shit to happen. Thats why people prepare.
And that still doesnt change the fact these morons would rather FORCE taxpayers, by gaming the system, than ask for donations.

Did you read the article you posted?

This child needs 24-7 care until she dies.

Donations aren't going to pay for everything for the rest of her life.

She will never be able to take care of herself. When her parents die she will need hired people to take care of her. That's not cheap. She will probably end up in a facility.

Donations are fine but they don't last a lifetime.

Expecting someone to save up the millions of dollars it takes to care for the lifetime of a person with the needs their child has is ridiculous. No one can do that. Besides the fact that they didn't know they would have a disabled child.

If that couple lived in my state they would qualify for medicaid. My state joined Obamacare and expanded our medicaid rolls.

Texas didn't so people like this are just out of luck and are forced to do things they don't want to do for the sake of their child.

Expecting them to do something doesn't matter. We aren't dealing with what you want. We are dealing with REALITY. Reality is that there are people who need help from our government because they were born with disabilities.

Add to that fact that Texas is challenging the preexisting conditions protections laws in court so a child like theirs will never be able to have insurance. No one will sell it to her. She was preexisting condition from birth.

All of this just points out how stupid it is to not have proper health care coverage for the public. If insurance companies are going to get the legal right to deny people insurance then the same government that made that possible has to provide an alternative. Which is a form of medicaid.

Let me ask you this, if you have children did you save up the millions of dollars you would have needed to care for a disabled child? Because if you don't do what you demand others to do then you're just a hypocrite and used that demand as an excuse to whine about a person who actually needs help and can't get it.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!

Yes we are complaining.

Call it what you want.....

You lazy ass.
I'm a lazy ass. ?? What the fuck do you know about me, jerk??!

Aren't you the same one who just called someone a selfish prick based on a post they made.

And what do you know about them ?

As much as I know about you.

You see.....

It is clear you are a left winger:

1. You just KNOW you are the fucking smartest person in the world.
2. You have no respect for those who disagree with you and have problems calling them names.
3. You have double standards pouring out your ass.

Fuck off.
1. I am pretty damned smart. Certainly smarter than you
2. I have no respect for those who vilify those in need and call people who find themselves in a difficult situation idiots .
3 What double standards ? What the fuck are you talking about'
4. I was called lazy based on absolutely nothing that is known about me. I said "selfish prick" based on actual words and attitudes expressed here.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

People do what they need to do.

These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
And what the fuck was it that they needed to do. ? And how is providing health care "bailing them out" You want to know what personal responsibility is? It is full participation in society and the economy and support universal health care, even if, god forbid it might cost you something. But know this, what it costs up front is a hell of a lot less than the long term cost of having a lot of sick people out there who are no longer productive tax payers and, instead are on disability. It costs less to provide preventive than to have people showing up in the ER much sicker that they otherwise would have been. Smarten up !

Same bullshit speech that always comes from the left.

Sounds great on paper.
Just calling it bullshit does not make it bullshit. Try refuting it instead of just resorting to an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy..
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!

Yes we are complaining.

Call it what you want.....

You lazy ass.
I'm a lazy ass. ?? What the fuck do you know about me, jerk??!

Aren't you the same one who just called someone a selfish prick based on a post they made.

And what do you know about them ?

As much as I know about you.

You see.....

It is clear you are a left winger:

1. You just KNOW you are the fucking smartest person in the world.
2. You have no respect for those who disagree with you and have problems calling them names.
3. You have double standards pouring out your ass.

Fuck off.
1. I am pretty damned smart. Certainly smarter than you
2. I have no respect for those who vilify those in need and call people who find themselves in a difficult situation idiots .
3 What double standards ? What the fuck are you talking about'
4. I was called lazy based on absolutely nothing that is known about me. I said "selfish prick" based on actual words and attitudes expressed here.

1. Oh what a typical left think so highly of yourself.....
2. And so little of others.
3. And you call yourself smart.....hahahahahaha
4. Words and attitudes in a few posts with absolutely no context. You know nothing about the posters. What's so funny never asked. You simply condemned. Yep a mentally lazy, ignorant, arrogant, self aggrandizing left winger.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

People do what they need to do.

These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
And what the fuck was it that they needed to do. ? And how is providing health care "bailing them out" You want to know what personal responsibility is? It is full participation in society and the economy and support universal health care, even if, god forbid it might cost you something. But know this, what it costs up front is a hell of a lot less than the long term cost of having a lot of sick people out there who are no longer productive tax payers and, instead are on disability. It costs less to provide preventive than to have people showing up in the ER much sicker that they otherwise would have been. Smarten up !

Same bullshit speech that always comes from the left.

Sounds great on paper.
Just calling it bullshit does not make it bullshit. Try refuting it instead of just resorting to an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy..

Oh we go again.

Refute what....? Your claims.

You posted nothing to support them. It's all fantasy. are lazy.
For a nation that so likes to think it does the "right thing", America certainly is slow to put in place the means of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for such a basic thing as health. The resources are there; the refusal to share them is horrible.
People do what they need to do.

These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
And what the fuck was it that they needed to do. ? And how is providing health care "bailing them out" You want to know what personal responsibility is? It is full participation in society and the economy and support universal health care, even if, god forbid it might cost you something. But know this, what it costs up front is a hell of a lot less than the long term cost of having a lot of sick people out there who are no longer productive tax payers and, instead are on disability. It costs less to provide preventive than to have people showing up in the ER much sicker that they otherwise would have been. Smarten up !

Same bullshit speech that always comes from the left.

Sounds great on paper.
Just calling it bullshit does not make it bullshit. Try refuting it instead of just resorting to an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy..

Oh we go again.

Refute what....? Your claims.

You posted nothing to support them. It's all fantasy. are lazy.
Really Dude? A fantasy.? You are living in La La land. Pull your head out.

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

Insurers of Last Resort
Demand for uncompensated care is what Garthwaite calls relatively “inelastic”—it remains constant regardless of changes in healthcare supply. To demonstrate this, he and his coauthors Tal Gross of Columbia University and Matthew Notowidigdo of Northwestern University looked at 359 hospital closures from 1987 through 2000. Whenever a hospital closed, the uncompensated care costs for nearby hospitals rose significantly, suggesting that there was a nearly complete spillover effect. “Again, the cost does not go away,” Garthwaite says. “It’s passed on to the remaining hospitals.”

And who do you think ultimately bears that cost??

Hospital bills for uninsured patients fall on hospitals and taxpayers

SARASOTA, FL (WWSB) - A federal law requires hospitals to stabilize all patients that walk into emergency rooms whether or not they have health insurance.A 2015 study shows every emergency room visit by an uninsured patient leads to $900 in uncompensated costs.

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.

Do you have any more brilliant remarks to make?
These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
And what the fuck was it that they needed to do. ? And how is providing health care "bailing them out" You want to know what personal responsibility is? It is full participation in society and the economy and support universal health care, even if, god forbid it might cost you something. But know this, what it costs up front is a hell of a lot less than the long term cost of having a lot of sick people out there who are no longer productive tax payers and, instead are on disability. It costs less to provide preventive than to have people showing up in the ER much sicker that they otherwise would have been. Smarten up !

Same bullshit speech that always comes from the left.

Sounds great on paper.
Just calling it bullshit does not make it bullshit. Try refuting it instead of just resorting to an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy..

Oh we go again.

Refute what....? Your claims.

You posted nothing to support them. It's all fantasy. are lazy.
Really Dude? A fantasy.? You are living in La La land. Pull your head out.

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

Insurers of Last Resort
Demand for uncompensated care is what Garthwaite calls relatively “inelastic”—it remains constant regardless of changes in healthcare supply. To demonstrate this, he and his coauthors Tal Gross of Columbia University and Matthew Notowidigdo of Northwestern University looked at 359 hospital closures from 1987 through 2000. Whenever a hospital closed, the uncompensated care costs for nearby hospitals rose significantly, suggesting that there was a nearly complete spillover effect. “Again, the cost does not go away,” Garthwaite says. “It’s passed on to the remaining hospitals.”

And who do you think ultimately bears that cost??

Hospital bills for uninsured patients fall on hospitals and taxpayers

SARASOTA, FL (WWSB) - A federal law requires hospitals to stabilize all patients that walk into emergency rooms whether or not they have health insurance.A 2015 study shows every emergency room visit by an uninsured patient leads to $900 in uncompensated costs.

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.

Do you have any more brilliant remarks to make?

Did you read your own article.

It's inelastic. Do you know what that means ?
Better health care is achieved in other countries that are not superior to the U.S. There are social differences, certainly, but American inventiveness can come up with a workable solution. It only requires that sensible people think clearly about priorities.
And what the fuck was it that they needed to do. ? And how is providing health care "bailing them out" You want to know what personal responsibility is? It is full participation in society and the economy and support universal health care, even if, god forbid it might cost you something. But know this, what it costs up front is a hell of a lot less than the long term cost of having a lot of sick people out there who are no longer productive tax payers and, instead are on disability. It costs less to provide preventive than to have people showing up in the ER much sicker that they otherwise would have been. Smarten up !

Same bullshit speech that always comes from the left.

Sounds great on paper.
Just calling it bullshit does not make it bullshit. Try refuting it instead of just resorting to an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy..

Oh we go again.

Refute what....? Your claims.

You posted nothing to support them. It's all fantasy. are lazy.
Really Dude? A fantasy.? You are living in La La land. Pull your head out.

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

Insurers of Last Resort
Demand for uncompensated care is what Garthwaite calls relatively “inelastic”—it remains constant regardless of changes in healthcare supply. To demonstrate this, he and his coauthors Tal Gross of Columbia University and Matthew Notowidigdo of Northwestern University looked at 359 hospital closures from 1987 through 2000. Whenever a hospital closed, the uncompensated care costs for nearby hospitals rose significantly, suggesting that there was a nearly complete spillover effect. “Again, the cost does not go away,” Garthwaite says. “It’s passed on to the remaining hospitals.”

And who do you think ultimately bears that cost??

Hospital bills for uninsured patients fall on hospitals and taxpayers

SARASOTA, FL (WWSB) - A federal law requires hospitals to stabilize all patients that walk into emergency rooms whether or not they have health insurance.A 2015 study shows every emergency room visit by an uninsured patient leads to $900 in uncompensated costs.

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.

Do you have any more brilliant remarks to make?

Did you read your own article.

It's inelastic. Do you know what that means ?
Did you read it? Do you know what this means ?:

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

But when Trump games the system -- people cheer and touts how good of a business man he is

When parents game a system (that politicians refuse to fix) to save their child's life -- conservatives are outraged?

once again, trump lovers are pathetic.
Same bullshit speech that always comes from the left.

Sounds great on paper.
Just calling it bullshit does not make it bullshit. Try refuting it instead of just resorting to an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy..

Oh we go again.

Refute what....? Your claims.

You posted nothing to support them. It's all fantasy. are lazy.
Really Dude? A fantasy.? You are living in La La land. Pull your head out.

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

Insurers of Last Resort
Demand for uncompensated care is what Garthwaite calls relatively “inelastic”—it remains constant regardless of changes in healthcare supply. To demonstrate this, he and his coauthors Tal Gross of Columbia University and Matthew Notowidigdo of Northwestern University looked at 359 hospital closures from 1987 through 2000. Whenever a hospital closed, the uncompensated care costs for nearby hospitals rose significantly, suggesting that there was a nearly complete spillover effect. “Again, the cost does not go away,” Garthwaite says. “It’s passed on to the remaining hospitals.”

And who do you think ultimately bears that cost??

Hospital bills for uninsured patients fall on hospitals and taxpayers

SARASOTA, FL (WWSB) - A federal law requires hospitals to stabilize all patients that walk into emergency rooms whether or not they have health insurance.A 2015 study shows every emergency room visit by an uninsured patient leads to $900 in uncompensated costs.

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.

Do you have any more brilliant remarks to make?

Did you read your own article.

It's inelastic. Do you know what that means ?
Did you read it? Do you know what this means ?:

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.


And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Better health care is achieved in other countries that are not superior to the U.S. There are social differences, certainly, but American inventiveness can come up with a workable solution. It only requires that sensible people think clearly about priorities.

Lot's of Americans have better health care than you will find anywhere in the world.

The problem is that we don't all get it at the same level.

And we pay waaaaaayyyyyy to much for it.

Other countries don't tend to spend 30% of their total health care bill on end of life care.

We have some difficult conversations to have.

But, Obamacare sure as shit....isn't the solution.
Just calling it bullshit does not make it bullshit. Try refuting it instead of just resorting to an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy..

Oh we go again.

Refute what....? Your claims.

You posted nothing to support them. It's all fantasy. are lazy.
Really Dude? A fantasy.? You are living in La La land. Pull your head out.

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

Insurers of Last Resort
Demand for uncompensated care is what Garthwaite calls relatively “inelastic”—it remains constant regardless of changes in healthcare supply. To demonstrate this, he and his coauthors Tal Gross of Columbia University and Matthew Notowidigdo of Northwestern University looked at 359 hospital closures from 1987 through 2000. Whenever a hospital closed, the uncompensated care costs for nearby hospitals rose significantly, suggesting that there was a nearly complete spillover effect. “Again, the cost does not go away,” Garthwaite says. “It’s passed on to the remaining hospitals.”

And who do you think ultimately bears that cost??

Hospital bills for uninsured patients fall on hospitals and taxpayers

SARASOTA, FL (WWSB) - A federal law requires hospitals to stabilize all patients that walk into emergency rooms whether or not they have health insurance.A 2015 study shows every emergency room visit by an uninsured patient leads to $900 in uncompensated costs.

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.

Do you have any more brilliant remarks to make?

Did you read your own article.

It's inelastic. Do you know what that means ?
Did you read it? Do you know what this means ?:

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.


And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse
Oh we go again.

Refute what....? Your claims.

You posted nothing to support them. It's all fantasy. are lazy.
Really Dude? A fantasy.? You are living in La La land. Pull your head out.

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

Insurers of Last Resort
Demand for uncompensated care is what Garthwaite calls relatively “inelastic”—it remains constant regardless of changes in healthcare supply. To demonstrate this, he and his coauthors Tal Gross of Columbia University and Matthew Notowidigdo of Northwestern University looked at 359 hospital closures from 1987 through 2000. Whenever a hospital closed, the uncompensated care costs for nearby hospitals rose significantly, suggesting that there was a nearly complete spillover effect. “Again, the cost does not go away,” Garthwaite says. “It’s passed on to the remaining hospitals.”

And who do you think ultimately bears that cost??

Hospital bills for uninsured patients fall on hospitals and taxpayers

SARASOTA, FL (WWSB) - A federal law requires hospitals to stabilize all patients that walk into emergency rooms whether or not they have health insurance.A 2015 study shows every emergency room visit by an uninsured patient leads to $900 in uncompensated costs.

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.

Do you have any more brilliant remarks to make?

Did you read your own article.

It's inelastic. Do you know what that means ?
Did you read it? Do you know what this means ?:

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.


And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
Really Dude? A fantasy.? You are living in La La land. Pull your head out.

Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

And who do you think ultimately bears that cost??

Hospital bills for uninsured patients fall on hospitals and taxpayers

Do you have any more brilliant remarks to make?

Did you read your own article.

It's inelastic. Do you know what that means ?
Did you read it? Do you know what this means ?:

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.


And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" ??? Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.
Last edited:
Did you read your own article.

It's inelastic. Do you know what that means ?
Did you read it? Do you know what this means ?:

"The people who end up paying for those who cannot or will not pay their bills or do not have insurance falls on the healthcare people who do pay for it or the taxpayers through the government," stated Sara Blackwell, Sarasota-based attorney.


And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.

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