Couple considering divorce to pay for childs healthcare

If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2?
Like they knew beforehand that one of their children would need lifetime care.....

How are they supposed to know that?

And wtf is wrong in this country when medical bills will literally put a person in the poor house.

But Donald said he’d give us the most beautiful health care plan evah! Everyone would be covered.

Remember that lie you rubes fell for?

If they got ultra sounds, they should have known.
They shouldnt have had kid #2
They should have bought a house they could actually afford
They made nothing but mistakes.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
You would not think that if a large portion of our population was hungry, sick and undereducated. Not the society you want to hand on to your children. I understand your beliefs on this, but they are short sighted, imo. America would be a third world country if the government did not collect a little from all of us to ensure the poor are not TOO discontent. This medical care thing is a whole different ball of wax, though. We are talking life and death. People don't screw around with that and we should be doing MORE not less to ensure that healthcare for everyone is a human right. Life or death or being made homeless by your medical bills is not a situation anyone in this country should face.

Healthcare is not and never has been a right.
It depends upon one's definition of "right". For those who see rights as human, something we could easily do collectively, the conclusion is different.
No. Your entitlement filter doesn't determine the definition of *rights* or anything else, any more than it define reality. You people think "If I say I FEEL free healthcare is a human right, my feelings make it so." Nope. Wrong.

It is not a human right to be provided free healthcare. It just isn't.

You know why? Because for you to obtain that right, you must force someone to PROVIDE it...thus violating the rights of THAT person.

What you losers consider *rights* aren't rights, it's just you demanding that other people provide you with the shit you want (or maybe even need) but can't afford.

There is no RIGHT to live beyond your means.
There is no RIGHT to free health care. There is certainly no RIGHT to have the government provide you with care that you want, but can't afford, anymore than there is a RIGHT to beautiful teeth at the government expense.

Nobody is denying any rights by refusing to bend the medicaid rules to allow people who have income and have resources, just for the sake of preventing them from changing their lifestyle to something they can actually afford, so they can obtain the treatment they WANT for their child. Because the bottom line is this..they can sell their house. They can learn to provide the care at home. They just don't want to. They want to protect their little stash and enjoy a lifestyle that is no longer economically possible for them. And it isn't their RIGHT to do so. Because if you force ME to pay for THEM to maintain their current lifestyle takes a hit. Essentially you are determining that their rights matter more than my right to pay for MY own shit for MY own kids.

BTW one of our RIGHTS is the right to pursue happiness. I have the right to enjoy the fruits of my labor without having them taken from me, and given to douchebags with 40,000 a year and a nice house, so they don't have to make any of the tough choices that the rest of us have to make every day of the week.
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General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
You would not think that if a large portion of our population was hungry, sick and undereducated. Not the society you want to hand on to your children. I understand your beliefs on this, but they are short sighted, imo. America would be a third world country if the government did not collect a little from all of us to ensure the poor are not TOO discontent. This medical care thing is a whole different ball of wax, though. We are talking life and death. People don't screw around with that and we should be doing MORE not less to ensure that healthcare for everyone is a human right. Life or death or being made homeless by your medical bills is not a situation anyone in this country should face.

Healthcare is not and never has been a right.
It depends upon one's definition of "right". For those who see rights as human, something we could easily do collectively, the conclusion is different.

You might "see" it differently, but the definition is pretty clear. That you want them to be "rights" is just that...a want.

You can't do it easily collectively. You'd be obligating people to something they don't want.

Health Care would be a "positive right" (if it were a right) and this country has been built on the idea of negative rights.

What collective health care ? Move to Sweden.
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2?
Like they knew beforehand that one of their children would need lifetime care.....

How are they supposed to know that?

And wtf is wrong in this country when medical bills will literally put a person in the poor house.

But Donald said he’d give us the most beautiful health care plan evah! Everyone would be covered.

Remember that lie you rubes fell for?


Time in office = 18 months.

Time left to serve = 30 months.

OR possibley 78 months.

I'd say he can still keep his promise.

But you want it now....and you call us rubes ? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2?
Like they knew beforehand that one of their children would need lifetime care.....

How are they supposed to know that?

And wtf is wrong in this country when medical bills will literally put a person in the poor house.

But Donald said he’d give us the most beautiful health care plan evah! Everyone would be covered.

Remember that lie you rubes fell for?


Time in office = 18 months.

Time left to serve = 30 months.

OR possibley 78 months.

I'd say he can still keep his promise.

But you want it now....and you call us rubes ? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
He said from day one. And you fell for it :lol:
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/
You're the fucking idiot!! Did they know that they were going to have a special needs child? No one should have to go through this for health insurance. No one. That is no one except you so that you can learn a fucking lesson about what it's like when health care is not available.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2?
Like they knew beforehand that one of their children would need lifetime care.....

How are they supposed to know that?

And wtf is wrong in this country when medical bills will literally put a person in the poor house.

But Donald said he’d give us the most beautiful health care plan evah! Everyone would be covered.

Remember that lie you rubes fell for?


Time in office = 18 months.

Time left to serve = 30 months.

OR possibley 78 months.

I'd say he can still keep his promise.

But you want it now....and you call us rubes ? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
He said from day one. And you fell for it :lol:

I never believed it.

I know how politics works.

Just like I knew Obama would never get me 2500 in health care savings (just the opposite).

I think you are the one who fell...right on your face.

You lost.

Suck on it.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!

Yes we are complaining.

Call it what you want.....

You lazy ass.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!

Yes we are complaining.

Call it what you want.....

You lazy ass.
I'm a lazy ass. ?? What the fuck do you know about me, jerk??!
These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
I guess they should have aborted, right?

Your parents....? You bet.
Watch what you say you little fuck

Well, big fuck, I'll probably continue to say whatever I want and not really worry about you.
Have it your way, faggot
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

People do what they need to do.

These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
And what the fuck was it that they needed to do. ? And how is providing health care "bailing them out" You want to know what personal responsibility is? It is full participation in society and the economy and support universal health care, even if, god forbid it might cost you something. But know this, what it costs up front is a hell of a lot less than the long term cost of having a lot of sick people out there who are no longer productive tax payers and, instead are on disability. It costs less to provide preventive than to have people showing up in the ER much sicker that they otherwise would have been. Smarten up !
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!

Yes we are complaining.

Call it what you want.....

You lazy ass.
I'm a lazy ass. ?? What the fuck do you know about me, jerk??!

Aren't you the same one who just called someone a selfish prick based on a post they made.

And what do you know about them ?

As much as I know about you.

You see.....

It is clear you are a left winger:

1. You just KNOW you are the fucking smartest person in the world.
2. You have no respect for those who disagree with you and have problems calling them names.
3. You have double standards pouring out your ass.

Fuck off.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

People do what they need to do.

These people DIDNT do what they needed to do. Thats why they need everyone else to bail them out.
And what the fuck was it that they needed to do. ? And how is providing health care "bailing them out" You want to know what personal responsibility is? It is full participation in society and the economy and support universal health care, even if, god forbid it might cost you something. But know this, what it costs up front is a hell of a lot less than the long term cost of having a lot of sick people out there who are no longer productive tax payers and, instead are on disability. It costs less to provide preventive than to have people showing up in the ER much sicker that they otherwise would have been. Smarten up !

Same bullshit speech that always comes from the left.

Sounds great on paper.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/
You're the fucking idiot!! Did they know that they were going to have a special needs child? No one should have to go through this for health insurance. No one. That is no one except you so that you can learn a fucking lesson about what it's like when health care is not available.

They don't have to *go through this for health insurance*. They choose to.

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