Couple considering divorce to pay for childs healthcare

Nothing is free, and living in America gives one such advantages that one should be glad to participate. The general welfare is the welfare of the nation. America is not great if unnecessary suffering continues there.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
You would not think that if a large portion of our population was hungry, sick and undereducated. Not the society you want to hand on to your children. I understand your beliefs on this, but they are short sighted, imo. America would be a third world country if the government did not collect a little from all of us to ensure the poor are not TOO discontent. This medical care thing is a whole different ball of wax, though. We are talking life and death. People don't screw around with that and we should be doing MORE not less to ensure that healthcare for everyone is a human right. Life or death or being made homeless by your medical bills is not a situation anyone in this country should face.
40K isnt enough for 4 people to live comfortably on anyways.
What a couple of morons.
They were married three years before the first child arrived. Mom most likely worked and assumed she would be going back. Best laid plans....
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

They are right for not wanting go fund me account. They are not wanting donations, just help from the local and fed gov for healthcare. I hope more of these stories come out. There are many.
Yup... They don't want voluntary "help" they want funding forced from the populace at gunpoint. How noble...

I understand that position.

I feel they shou
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

I don't see it as gaming.

There should be allowances for this type of situation.

That is what is so fucked up about Obamacare and all the jerks who say "Everyone is so happy with their insurance".

They have private insurance, though. You can't blame Obamacare for this one.

Obamacare sets the standard and has driven up the prices of private insurance.

You bet I can.
Nothing is free, and living in America gives one such advantages that one should be glad to participate. The general welfare is the welfare of the nation. America is not great if unnecessary suffering continues there.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
You would not think that if a large portion of our population was hungry, sick and undereducated. Not the society you want to hand on to your children. I understand your beliefs on this, but they are short sighted, imo. America would be a third world country if the government did not collect a little from all of us to ensure the poor are not TOO discontent. This medical care thing is a whole different ball of wax, though. We are talking life and death. People don't screw around with that and we should be doing MORE not less to ensure that healthcare for everyone is a human right. Life or death or being made homeless by your medical bills is not a situation anyone in this country should face.

Healthcare is not and never has been a right.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/

Frankly the additional child hardly will be an issue- the cost of the care for their disabled child will be immense.

Should government help in those situations?

I really don't know the answer- but insulting the parents trying to figure out how to care for their child for having a second one certainly isn't the answer.
Nothing is free, and living in America gives one such advantages that one should be glad to participate. The general welfare is the welfare of the nation. America is not great if unnecessary suffering continues there.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
You would not think that if a large portion of our population was hungry, sick and undereducated. Not the society you want to hand on to your children. I understand your beliefs on this, but they are short sighted, imo. America would be a third world country if the government did not collect a little from all of us to ensure the poor are not TOO discontent. This medical care thing is a whole different ball of wax, though. We are talking life and death. People don't screw around with that and we should be doing MORE not less to ensure that healthcare for everyone is a human right. Life or death or being made homeless by your medical bills is not a situation anyone in this country should face.
Yea but the people themselves should do more about it. THATS my main problem. I do not want to help people that wont help themselves.
Look at all the able bodied welfare recipients. I work to pay them to exist. Thats bullshit.
Lets them starve for a while and see if that lights a fire under their well feed fat ass.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/

Frankly the additional child hardly will be an issue- the cost of the care for their disabled child will be immense.

Should government help in those situations?

I really don't know the answer- but insulting the parents trying to figure out how to care for their child for having a second one certainly isn't the answer.
The average cost of raising a kid in todays times is 2 grand less than their yearly copays.
2 freaking grand!
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/

Frankly the additional child hardly will be an issue- the cost of the care for their disabled child will be immense.

Should government help in those situations?

I really don't know the answer- but insulting the parents trying to figure out how to care for their child for having a second one certainly isn't the answer.
The average cost of raising a kid in todays times is 2 grand less than their yearly copays.
2 freaking grand!

What are their yearly copays?
What is the average cost per year for raising a 2 year old?
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/

Frankly the additional child hardly will be an issue- the cost of the care for their disabled child will be immense.

Should government help in those situations?

I really don't know the answer- but insulting the parents trying to figure out how to care for their child for having a second one certainly isn't the answer.
The average cost of raising a kid in todays times is 2 grand less than their yearly copays.
2 freaking grand!

What are their yearly copays?
What is the average cost per year for raising a 2 year old?
Their yearly copays are 15K.
I posted a link on the average costs a page or 2 back.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/

Frankly the additional child hardly will be an issue- the cost of the care for their disabled child will be immense.

Should government help in those situations?

I really don't know the answer- but insulting the parents trying to figure out how to care for their child for having a second one certainly isn't the answer.
The average cost of raising a kid in todays times is 2 grand less than their yearly copays.
2 freaking grand!

What are their yearly copays?
What is the average cost per year for raising a 2 year old?
Their yearly copays are 15K.
I posted a link on the average costs a page or 2 back.

My apologies- I didn't somehow missed a bunch of posts.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/
I feel for them but FRAUD is not the solution which is what this would be.
They are clearly not very bright because if your intent is to defraud the system you don't ANNOUNCE IT TO THE WORLD.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/
I feel for them but FRAUD is not the solution which is what this would be.
They are clearly not very bright because if your intent is to defraud the system you don't ANNOUNCE IT TO THE WORLD.
Especially showing 10K dollar countertops in the sympathy video :lol:
If "taxpayers" are "forced" to pay for 'defense' of foreign countries, paying for a domestic society, where healthcare that exists is available to the parts of society that need it, doesn't seem the least bit far-fetched.
We shouldnt do that either!
No, but you throw your tantrum over a family with a super sick little girl who is going bust with the medical bills because they've got an updated kitchen. When do I hear you bitching and screaming about the defense budget? Never. Because they don't have granite countertops, I guess.
Ummm i DO. We shouldnt be spending that much on the war machine. Not near that much.
Try again.
Yes, the updated kitchen. They have a nice kitchen. Its nicer than mine. YET, they want ME to pay their shit?
And this doesnt seem bad to you? Do you also support us subsidizing the rich? Good lawd.

I'm pretty sure they got their countertops before the emergency. Maybe it was a bad financial decision. Should the child die for it? Clearly GoFundMe wasn't enough, because nobody would turn down donated money in favor of what they did if it was enough to get their child the help she needs.
If "taxpayers" are "forced" to pay for 'defense' of foreign countries, paying for a domestic society, where healthcare that exists is available to the parts of society that need it, doesn't seem the least bit far-fetched.
We shouldnt do that either!
No, but you throw your tantrum over a family with a super sick little girl who is going bust with the medical bills because they've got an updated kitchen. When do I hear you bitching and screaming about the defense budget? Never. Because they don't have granite countertops, I guess.
Ummm i DO. We shouldnt be spending that much on the war machine. Not near that much.
Try again.
Yes, the updated kitchen. They have a nice kitchen. Its nicer than mine. YET, they want ME to pay their shit?
And this doesnt seem bad to you? Do you also support us subsidizing the rich? Good lawd.

I'm pretty sure they got their countertops before the emergency. Maybe it was a bad financial decision. Should the child die for it? Clearly GoFundMe wasn't enough, because nobody would turn down donated money in favor of what they did if it was enough to get their child the help she needs.
Thats honestly a hard question to answer.
From my perspective, right now, i would rather die than live like that. If it was my child? Could be different.
Maybe it was a bad financial decision? So was their second child. Now they expect us to take care of them for being morons.
Nothing is free, and living in America gives one such advantages that one should be glad to participate. The general welfare is the welfare of the nation. America is not great if unnecessary suffering continues there.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
You would not think that if a large portion of our population was hungry, sick and undereducated. Not the society you want to hand on to your children. I understand your beliefs on this, but they are short sighted, imo. America would be a third world country if the government did not collect a little from all of us to ensure the poor are not TOO discontent. This medical care thing is a whole different ball of wax, though. We are talking life and death. People don't screw around with that and we should be doing MORE not less to ensure that healthcare for everyone is a human right. Life or death or being made homeless by your medical bills is not a situation anyone in this country should face.

Healthcare is not and never has been a right.
It should be.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/

It's bullshit. It isn't the state's responsibility to provide the care they demand. Maybe Maria needs to learn how to care for her kid herself.
If tbat is even possible...I'm sure she is not a nurse or other medical professional.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
You would not think that if a large portion of our population was hungry, sick and undereducated. Not the society you want to hand on to your children. I understand your beliefs on this, but they are short sighted, imo. America would be a third world country if the government did not collect a little from all of us to ensure the poor are not TOO discontent. This medical care thing is a whole different ball of wax, though. We are talking life and death. People don't screw around with that and we should be doing MORE not less to ensure that healthcare for everyone is a human right. Life or death or being made homeless by your medical bills is not a situation anyone in this country should face.

Healthcare is not and never has been a right.
It should be.

That's a fine POV. It does not make it a fact.

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