Couple considering divorce to pay for childs healthcare

If "taxpayers" are "forced" to pay for 'defense' of foreign countries, paying for a domestic society, where healthcare that exists is available to the parts of society that need it, doesn't seem the least bit far-fetched.
We shouldnt do that either!
No, but you throw your tantrum over a family with a super sick little girl who is going bust with the medical bills because they've got an updated kitchen. When do I hear you bitching and screaming about the defense budget? Never. Because they don't have granite countertops, I guess.
Ummm i DO. We shouldnt be spending that much on the war machine. Not near that much.
Try again.
Yes, the updated kitchen. They have a nice kitchen. Its nicer than mine. YET, they want ME to pay their shit?
And this doesnt seem bad to you? Do you also support us subsidizing the rich? Good lawd.
It isnt necessary. Im not the most intelligent or responsible. Im just not lazy and selfish, and dont expect handouts.
It's a very selfish stand you've taken there, TN.
Im the selfish one? When these assholes arent willing to give up their standard of life for their handicap daughter?
They arent willing to accept voluntary donations but are willing to FORCE ME AT GUNPOINT?
And I AM THE SELFISH ONE? Fuck that shit.
You have been paying those taxes all your working life and so has everyone else. Less than $100 per year of a $50,000 income goes to Medicaid. What is this "gun" you're talking about? In order to have a decent, semi-healthy society without dying people living in cardboard boxes on the street like they do in India, we chip in a LITTLE bit.
I have already paid in 300 bucks to it this year.
The "gun" was a metaphor for force. If i dont pay, my shit gets taken.
We chip in to subsidize people who dont do shit for their own selves.
No thanks.
This guy served his country. He has a job. He has private insurance. He has provided his family with a home. What more do you expect from him?
What if he got dishonorably discharged?
A home they CANT AFFORD
Nothing is free, and living in America gives one such advantages that one should be glad to participate. The general welfare is the welfare of the nation. America is not great if unnecessary suffering continues there.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
If "taxpayers" are "forced" to pay for 'defense' of foreign countries, paying for a domestic society, where healthcare that exists is available to the parts of society that need it, doesn't seem the least bit far-fetched.
We shouldnt do that either!
No, but you throw your tantrum over a family with a super sick little girl who is going bust with the medical bills because they've got an updated kitchen. When do I hear you bitching and screaming about the defense budget? Never. Because they don't have granite countertops, I guess.
Ummm i DO. We shouldnt be spending that much on the war machine. Not near that much.
Try again.
Yes, the updated kitchen. They have a nice kitchen. Its nicer than mine. YET, they want ME to pay their shit?
And this doesnt seem bad to you? Do you also support us subsidizing the rich? Good lawd.
I doubt if a family of four living in Texas that grosses $40,000 a year would be considered rich by anyone but you. Especially when they've only got $25,000 gross after paying all their copays. And we don't get the "gross" amount, do we? The govt. gets on average 25% of that, so they're living on $18,500. I'll bet that house is about to go into foreclosure.
Nothing is free, and living in America gives one such advantages that one should be glad to participate. The general welfare is the welfare of the nation. America is not great if unnecessary suffering continues there.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
It's a very selfish stand you've taken there, TN.
Im the selfish one? When these assholes arent willing to give up their standard of life for their handicap daughter?
They arent willing to accept voluntary donations but are willing to FORCE ME AT GUNPOINT?
And I AM THE SELFISH ONE? Fuck that shit.
You have been paying those taxes all your working life and so has everyone else. Less than $100 per year of a $50,000 income goes to Medicaid. What is this "gun" you're talking about? In order to have a decent, semi-healthy society without dying people living in cardboard boxes on the street like they do in India, we chip in a LITTLE bit.
I have already paid in 300 bucks to it this year.
The "gun" was a metaphor for force. If i dont pay, my shit gets taken.
We chip in to subsidize people who dont do shit for their own selves.
No thanks.
This guy served his country. He has a job. He has private insurance. He has provided his family with a home. What more do you expect from him?
What if he got dishonorably discharged?
A home they CANT AFFORD
WHY do you think he got dishonorably discharged? Because he's got granite countertops, that's why.
BTW penelope, i have insurance. I also have prepared for bad things to happen
Me and my family will be fine. I know that upsets you :/

Right? One never know what can happen tomorrow. So you think ins covers all, not.
genetic counseling works wonders.....i am with tn ....why continue to have children if you know something is going to be wrong with them? i have one child..why...cause i wanted that child to have the most benefits....we focused on one child...instead of 3 or 4 ...why should i pay for others who opt to have more than they can afford?
If "taxpayers" are "forced" to pay for 'defense' of foreign countries, paying for a domestic society, where healthcare that exists is available to the parts of society that need it, doesn't seem the least bit far-fetched.
We shouldnt do that either!
No, but you throw your tantrum over a family with a super sick little girl who is going bust with the medical bills because they've got an updated kitchen. When do I hear you bitching and screaming about the defense budget? Never. Because they don't have granite countertops, I guess.
Ummm i DO. We shouldnt be spending that much on the war machine. Not near that much.
Try again.
Yes, the updated kitchen. They have a nice kitchen. Its nicer than mine. YET, they want ME to pay their shit?
And this doesnt seem bad to you? Do you also support us subsidizing the rich? Good lawd.
I doubt if a family of four living in Texas that grosses $40,000 a year would be considered rich by anyone but you. Especially when they've only got $25,000 gross after paying all their copays. And we don't get the "gross" amount, do we? The govt. gets on average 25% of that, so they're living on $18,500. I'll bet that house is about to go into foreclosure.
Should have sold when they had the chance. Its called being responsible.
I wasnt saying they were rich. Sorry if it came out that way.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

I don't see it as gaming.

There should be allowances for this type of situation.

That is what is so fucked up about Obamacare and all the jerks who say "Everyone is so happy with their insurance".

poor tn thinking insurance means one will be fine.....lets discuss am..she has had two major bouts of cancer....major surgery to replace her hip....her insurance covered 80 %...she ended up with over 1.5 million in debt....
Nothing is free, and living in America gives one such advantages that one should be glad to participate. The general welfare is the welfare of the nation. America is not great if unnecessary suffering continues there.
General welfare is the welfare of the Nation. NOT an individual.
We are nothing BUT a collection of individuals. If the individuals are not doing well, you will know about it. Trust me.
And? That has nothing to do with what general welfare means.
What are they suppose to do???
Not have kids when you are broke, perhaps?

How about the person who gets dx with MS or Stage IV cancer? What is your suggestion for them??
Either hope they have a job or do like my buddies dad did and die from cancer.
He had integrity. He didnt beg to be subsidized by force.

I hope you lose everything and get diagnosed with MS, and have a long decline and find yourself living in the streets without clean clothes and just a wheelchair. Someone as ignorant as you deserves all the best of the worst.

And the nasty bitch spouts her venom again, Why doesn't he get a part time job making some extra cash.

Medicaid divorces are fairly common, usually it is the elderly that get them to protect assets for the spouse in better health.

Publicizing it for the sympathy is what this bullshit family is about.

He works full time and I would bet his wife is tired after taking care of the kid all day.Gee he must make 19 bucks an hour to bring home 40 grand, imagine if he made min wage.
Im the selfish one? When these assholes arent willing to give up their standard of life for their handicap daughter?
They arent willing to accept voluntary donations but are willing to FORCE ME AT GUNPOINT?
And I AM THE SELFISH ONE? Fuck that shit.
You have been paying those taxes all your working life and so has everyone else. Less than $100 per year of a $50,000 income goes to Medicaid. What is this "gun" you're talking about? In order to have a decent, semi-healthy society without dying people living in cardboard boxes on the street like they do in India, we chip in a LITTLE bit.
I have already paid in 300 bucks to it this year.
The "gun" was a metaphor for force. If i dont pay, my shit gets taken.
We chip in to subsidize people who dont do shit for their own selves.
No thanks.
This guy served his country. He has a job. He has private insurance. He has provided his family with a home. What more do you expect from him?
What if he got dishonorably discharged?
A home they CANT AFFORD
WHY do you think he got dishonorably discharged? Because he's got granite countertops, that's why.
I said "what if" :itsok:
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

I don't see it as gaming.

There should be allowances for this type of situation.

That is what is so fucked up about Obamacare and all the jerks who say "Everyone is so happy with their insurance".

These people dont even seem to want to help themselves. They are even refusing certain forms of help.
40K isnt enough for 4 people to live comfortably on anyways.
What a couple of morons.
genetic counseling works wonders.....i am with tn ....why continue to have children if you know something is going to be wrong with them? i have one child..why...cause i wanted that child to have the most benefits....we focused on one child...instead of 3 or 4 ...why should i pay for others who opt to have more than they can afford?
I was thinking about that, too. If my first child was a vegetable, basically, never to improve and I knew three years in just how pricey that child would be to care for, forever, would I choose to have another child? They did. I can see wanting a normal, healthy child. I can also see being responsible, like TN says, and just caring for their one very damaged child.
It would be a hard decision. Who does not want a healthy, normal child to raise?
I'm not sure it would make THAT much difference in their situation now, though.
genetic counseling works wonders.....i am with tn ....why continue to have children if you know something is going to be wrong with them? i have one child..why...cause i wanted that child to have the most benefits....we focused on one child...instead of 3 or 4 ...why should i pay for others who opt to have more than they can afford?
I was thinking about that, too. If my first child was a vegetable, basically, never to improve and I knew three years in just how pricey that child would be to care for, forever, would I choose to have another child? They did. I can see wanting a normal, healthy child. I can also see being responsible, like TN says, and just caring for their one very damaged child.
It would be a hard decision. Who does not want a healthy, normal child to raise?
I'm not sure it would make THAT much difference in their situation now, though.
The Cost of Raising a Child Jumps to $233,610

That comes out to 13 grand a year. How much is their copays yearly? 15K?
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

I don't see it as gaming.

There should be allowances for this type of situation.

That is what is so fucked up about Obamacare and all the jerks who say "Everyone is so happy with their insurance".

They have private insurance, though. You can't blame Obamacare for this one.

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