Couple considering divorce to pay for childs healthcare

Did you read it? Do you know what this means ?:


And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.
Nice rant that says nothing. Interesting how you don't even try to present an argument that is backed up with facts and logic. Try it some time if you know how.

And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.
Nice rant that says nothing. Interesting how you don't even try to present an argument that is backed up with facts and logic. Try it some time if you know how.

Keep spouting that shit.

You agree that you called someone a selfish prick based on their post ?
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.
Nice rant that says nothing. Interesting how you don't even try to present an argument that is backed up with facts and logic. Try it some time if you know how.

Keep spouting that shit.

You agree that you called someone a selfish prick based on their post ?
You agree that you don't actually know how to present an argument?

Here is some help. Try it and maybe someone might know what the hell is is that you are trying to get across:

Elements of argument
The four essential elements of an argumentative essay are: 1. A thesis statement in the introductory paragraph 2. Writer's point of view 3. An analysis of the conflicting views and persuasion of readers to change their stance on the essay topic 4. Conclusion.
What are the four essential elements of an argument in a
Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.
Nice rant that says nothing. Interesting how you don't even try to present an argument that is backed up with facts and logic. Try it some time if you know how.

Keep spouting that shit.

You agree that you called someone a selfish prick based on their post ?
You agree that you don't actually know how to present an argument?

Here is some help. Try it and maybe someone might know what the hell is is that you are trying to get across:

Elements of argument
View attachment 204766
The four essential elements of an argumentative essay are: 1. A thesis statement in the introductory paragraph 2. Writer's point of view 3. An analysis of the conflicting views and persuasion of readers to change their stance on the essay topic 4. Conclusion.
What are the four essential elements of an argument in a

Nice try, there buckwheat.

I see you won't answer the question and so we are now headed into the weeds.

But we all have it before called someone a "selfish prick", in effect rendering left wing judgement based on simply a post with no questions (no fact finding).
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!

Ah, let's take a closer look.

"Seems" or appears.......clearly stating an opinion....that someone is gaming the system.

An alerternative is offered up.....stating that it would have called for something voluntary as a opposed to going to the government.

Nothing wrong with that.

Your them a selfish prick. followed your own advice there shitforbrains.

You leftwinger cocksuckers all come from pretty much the same mold.

And the fact that it is inelastic means that is going to happen regardless of what you try to do in terms of giving people more insurance.
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.
Nice rant that says nothing. Interesting how you don't even try to present an argument that is backed up with facts and logic. Try it some time if you know how.

So I applied your same approach and called you lazy based on what you posted. You didn't just stated.

And you asked me what I knew about you (or said I knew nothing about you). I pointed out you knew about the same amount regarding the person you called a selfish prick (and had less to base that on).

And you get all pissed off.


If it as both ignorant and arrogant as a left's probably a left winger.

If it attacks those who don't agree with's probably a left winger.

If it thinks it knows most certainly a left winger.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
I know people who have done that.

Republicans call themselves the party of "family values" but look how rotten their disturbing policies are.

Republicans gladly attack America's most vulnerable. Now they attack children coming from outside the country.. There is no bottom to how low they will go.
Ah, let's take a closer look.

"Seems" or appears.......clearly stating an opinion....that someone is gaming the system.

An alerternative is offered up.....stating that it would have called for something voluntary as a opposed to going to the government.

Nothing wrong with that.

Your them a selfish prick. followed your own advice there shitforbrains.

You leftwinger cocksuckers all come from pretty much the same mold.
It's a statement of fact, Bubba. Call it an opinion if you want but when I state an opinion I am upfront about the fact that is what it is and don't claim something is a fact unless I can back it up. You just engage in senseless blathering
Clearly you do not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Read it again, slowly. Get help if you need to. It is referring to the supply of health care providers relative to the demand for treatment. It clearly state that the burden the burden for caring for the uninsured falls on the hospitals and the taxpayers, and when a hospital closes, the burden is increased on remaining facilities. If you can't understand that I pity you. You are to blinded by you anti government, anti insurance right wing ideology to see what is right in front of your face. The alternative explanation for your ignorance is far worse

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.
Nice rant that says nothing. Interesting how you don't even try to present an argument that is backed up with facts and logic. Try it some time if you know how.

So I applied your same approach and called you lazy based on what you posted. You didn't just stated.

And you asked me what I knew about you (or said I knew nothing about you). I pointed out you knew about the same amount regarding the person you called a selfish prick (and had less to base that on).

And you get all pissed off.


If it as both ignorant and arrogant as a left's probably a left winger.

If it attacks those who don't agree with's probably a left winger.

If it thinks it knows most certainly a left winger.
Oh get the fuck over it, Bubba. . You're obsessing about being called a name. Too fucking bad.

I'm still waiting for you to state what it is that you actually believe and back it up with facts and logical in some sort of organized , adult way- you know- and argument . I gave you the tools. Use it.
Ah, let's take a closer look.

"Seems" or appears.......clearly stating an opinion....that someone is gaming the system.

An alerternative is offered up.....stating that it would have called for something voluntary as a opposed to going to the government.

Nothing wrong with that.

Your them a selfish prick. followed your own advice there shitforbrains.

You leftwinger cocksuckers all come from pretty much the same mold.
It's a statement of fact, Bubba. Call it an opinion if you want but when I state an opinion I am upfront about the fact that is what it is and don't claim something is a fact unless I can back it up. You just engage in senseless blathering

What was a statement of fact ?

Fuck you.

Inelastic is inelastic. Deal with it.

All this happens regardless of what we do to insure people.

To many people use the E.R. was one of the foundational bullshit arguments for the A.C.A.

Emergency room visits hit all-time high during ACA implementation
" Fuck you" Calm down Bubba. It sounds like you're becoming unhinged. I understand, no one wants to be made to look foolish.

Now for your little Red Herring logical fallacy- the subject is the effects of the uninsured on the health care system and individuals. But you got smacked down on that and now you want to make it about the increase in ER visits since the implementation of the ACA.

Yes that is a problem, but there explanations for it, which you would know if you read past the headline. In any case it in no way refutes anything that I have said.

Keep trying shitface.

Like any left winger, you are a legend in your own mind. And I dare say your first claim isn't true since you make a fool of yourself every time you post.

Next, we started this by examining your willingness to make a (typical) left wing statement calling someone a selfish prick instead of saying the post sounded selfish. But, of course, you can't see that since you walk on water and people lay in front of you so you don't have to walk in dirt.

Then we got to your claims...which your own article defeats.

So I didn't need to refute took care of it.
Nice rant that says nothing. Interesting how you don't even try to present an argument that is backed up with facts and logic. Try it some time if you know how.

So I applied your same approach and called you lazy based on what you posted. You didn't just stated.

And you asked me what I knew about you (or said I knew nothing about you). I pointed out you knew about the same amount regarding the person you called a selfish prick (and had less to base that on).

And you get all pissed off.


If it as both ignorant and arrogant as a left's probably a left winger.

If it attacks those who don't agree with's probably a left winger.

If it thinks it knows most certainly a left winger.
Oh get the fuck over it, Bubba. . You're obsessing about being called a name. Too fucking bad.

You didn't call me that name.


I chimed in and called you lazy.

You posted back all indignant.
Ah, let's take a closer look.

"Seems" or appears.......clearly stating an opinion....that someone is gaming the system.

An alerternative is offered up.....stating that it would have called for something voluntary as a opposed to going to the government.

Nothing wrong with that.

Your them a selfish prick. followed your own advice there shitforbrains.

You leftwinger cocksuckers all come from pretty much the same mold.
It's a statement of fact, Bubba. Call it an opinion if you want but when I state an opinion I am upfront about the fact that is what it is and don't claim something is a fact unless I can back it up. You just engage in senseless blathering

What was a statement of fact ?


That you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Not a fact.? Fake news.? And your calling me a moron damned sure does not make you sound smart.
Ah, let's take a closer look.

"Seems" or appears.......clearly stating an opinion....that someone is gaming the system.

An alerternative is offered up.....stating that it would have called for something voluntary as a opposed to going to the government.

Nothing wrong with that.

Your them a selfish prick. followed your own advice there shitforbrains.

You leftwinger cocksuckers all come from pretty much the same mold.
It's a statement of fact, Bubba. Call it an opinion if you want but when I state an opinion I am upfront about the fact that is what it is and don't claim something is a fact unless I can back it up. You just engage in senseless blathering

What was a statement of fact ?


That you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Not a fact.? Fake news.? And your calling me a moron damned sure does not make you sound smart.

Your memory is failing or you are just stupid.

I didn't say anything about them getting Medicaid. That was someone else.

Now cut the shit and admit you are a left wing son-of-a-bitch.
Ah, let's take a closer look.

"Seems" or appears.......clearly stating an opinion....that someone is gaming the system.

An alerternative is offered up.....stating that it would have called for something voluntary as a opposed to going to the government.

Nothing wrong with that.

Your them a selfish prick. followed your own advice there shitforbrains.

You leftwinger cocksuckers all come from pretty much the same mold.
It's a statement of fact, Bubba. Call it an opinion if you want but when I state an opinion I am upfront about the fact that is what it is and don't claim something is a fact unless I can back it up. You just engage in senseless blathering

What was a statement of fact ?


That you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Not a fact.? Fake news.? And your calling me a moron damned sure does not make you sound smart.

Your memory is failing or you are just stupid.

I didn't say anything about them getting Medicaid. That was someone else.

Now cut the shit and admit you are a left wing son-of-a-bitch.
I am a proud left wing son of a bitch and you are a selfish prick? OK now we're even

You are becoming a bore and a useless waist of time and energy.

State your fucking position with respect to health care insurance, and back it up if you can. Otherwise fuck off.
Happily married couple considers divorce to pay for daughter's health care costs
Jake and Maria Grey are happily married with two children. But they're considering a divorce, for the sake of one of their kids.

The Texas couple say it's the only way their developmentally disabled daughter can qualify for Medicaid and get the health care she needs.

The Greys got married nine years ago on a Florida beach. They have since become the proud parents of two daughters, 2-year-old Fairen and 6-year-old Brighton, who was born with a rare genetic disorder, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Developmentally still a newborn, Brighton requires around-the-clock attention.

"She will not be able to be on her own ever and requires 24/7 care," Maria Grey said.

The couple has tried to get Medicaid to help with spiraling medical costs but Jake earns too much — $40,000 — for the family to qualify. The Greys applied for state assistance but don't expect to get it because of where they fall on the list.

"We're No. 60,000," Maria said.
Sad story. Really sad, i thought.
Then i saw this
"We are not looking for charity, we're not looking for money or donations. We don't want a GoFundMe — we don't want any of that," Maria said. "I need the state to step up and give us the benefits that we need.
and realized they are morons. No wonder they cant provide for their child..
If they couldnt afford a child, why did they have 2? More stupidity? Poor preparation? Irresponsibility?
IDK, seems hard to have sympathy for the parents
I have it for that poor child though :/
You're the fucking idiot!! Did they know that they were going to have a special needs child? No one should have to go through this for health insurance. No one. That is no one except you so that you can learn a fucking lesson about what it's like when health care is not available.
Did they not get ultrasounds?
Hmmm not responsible, had a kid AFTER the special needs kid, bought a house they cant afford and they dont care about technology.
But they DO expect everyone else to wipe their ass.
Fuck them and fuck you, dipshit.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.
So you're bitching because their getting Medicaid is forcing it on you. Selfish prick!
Why do you pay for their healthcare bill, you fucking selfish prick! ;)
This thread goes to show you that SOME leftists really do want people to take advantage of us. They dont mind people being irresponsible.
Goddamn, you assholes might as well be cheering it on!
YOU guys are the assholes.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

They are right for not wanting go fund me account. They are not wanting donations, just help from the local and fed gov for healthcare. I hope more of these stories come out. There are many.
Why wouldn’t they take help any way they can get it? Why limit it just to the Government.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

They are right for not wanting go fund me account. They are not wanting donations, just help from the local and fed gov for healthcare. I hope more of these stories come out. There are many.
Why wouldn’t they take help any way they can get it? Why limit it just to the Government.

Because the Gov needs to do something about healthcare in the US. I suggest all people quit paying taxes till they do something. Texas is the worst state, well all the GOP states would rather let you die that give you a red cent.
I have helped dozens of people through a divorce so that a sick spouse or child could qualify for benefits. You do whatever you have to do.
Seems like bullshit to me. Gaming the system, if you will.
At least using a go fund me would have been voluntary and not forced upon people.

They are right for not wanting go fund me account. They are not wanting donations, just help from the local and fed gov for healthcare. I hope more of these stories come out. There are many.
Why wouldn’t they take help any way they can get it? Why limit it just to the Government.

Because the Gov needs to do something about healthcare in the US. I suggest all people quit paying taxes till they do something. Texas is the worst state, well all the GOP states would rather let you die that give you a red cent.
I disagree. They should do what ever they can. They are using a child as a bargaining chip. Not paying taxes won’t do a damn thing.

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