Couple has $107k stolen by cops.

No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
There has to be more to the story.

I have looked and found nothing. They brought a dog out and it keyed on the luggage. But it has been shown many times that cash often has traces of drugs on it.

But if you can find more, I'd love to see it.
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.
I have to agree with you. It does sound a little fishy.
While there's no law saying how much money one is allowed to carry with them, I can think of very few legitimate reasons why someone would be in possession of over $100K in cash.

There are still some people out there who don't trust banks, and keep their money in cash.

If the police want to treat having that much cash as a crime, they should ask for a law making it a crime.
I'm one of them. I have a bank, yes. But I keep cash on hand because I do not have a credit card. However, if I were traveling and wanted enough money to cover expenses and it was a large amount of money like they had, I would have gotten travelers checks. I wonder why they didn't do that?
No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.

The police in New Orleans confiscated and seized law abiding citizens legally owned firearms...they had the guns. Does that mean they were right?

Should those gun owners have to prove where, how and from who they received those firearms in order to have them returned?

What if one of them had 100 guns?

Who needs 100 guns??? Obviously up to no good...the police should be able to keep them...right?
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No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!
The police in New Orleans confiscated and seized law abiding citizens legally owned firearms...they had the guns. Does that mean they were right?

Should those gun owners have to prove where, how and from who they received those firearms in order to have them returned?

What if one of them had 100 guns?

Who needs 100 guns??? Obviously up to no good...the police should be able to keep them...right?
What the fuck does that have to do with this? If you need to trot out unrelated examples you need to rethink the issue.
No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!
And there are also reasons against it. Hopefully it will be struck down by the courts in the near future because it's unconstitutional.

Slavery was once the law. That didn't make slavery right.
No, we are discussing this example. They can't account for the money, they didn't just withdraw it in cash. That isn't a crime but add it to everything else and you have to be retarded to not know how they got it.

It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!
And there are also reasons against it. Hopefully it will be struck down by the courts in the near future because it's unconstitutional.

Slavery was once the law. That didn't make slavery right.
Ah slavery. Now there's an emotional issue. We got rid of slavery so we can get rid of any law! Arrr.

But what exactly is unconstitutional about taking drug dealer's money when they got it through illegal means?
This goes to show your the American principal of "Innocent until proven guilty" is another victim of the US Police State
There has to be more to the story.

I have looked and found nothing. They brought a dog out and it keyed on the luggage. But it has been shown many times that cash often has traces of drugs on it.

But if you can find more, I'd love to see it.
I'm not interesting in investigating the case, it sounds like bullshit to me. Who drives around with their savings and disability payments in cash in a bag? My guess is they were looking to buy drugs to supplement their income and the feds know it.
I have to agree with you. It does sound a little fishy.
While there's no law saying how much money one is allowed to carry with them, I can think of very few legitimate reasons why someone would be in possession of over $100K in cash.

There are still some people out there who don't trust banks, and keep their money in cash.

If the police want to treat having that much cash as a crime, they should ask for a law making it a crime.
I'm one of them. I have a bank, yes. But I keep cash on hand because I do not have a credit card. However, if I were traveling and wanted enough money to cover expenses and it was a large amount of money like they had, I would have gotten travelers checks. I wonder why they didn't do that?

Even if these people were up to no good, there was not enough evidence of a crime to convict them, so they should have kept their money.
It's not what you's what you can prove.

They are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

In the American justice system, you are not required to prove your innocence.

Are they saying it is impossible that they possessed the money via innocent means?

If they are...prove it. If they can't, release the money.

The BURDEN is on the state.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!
And there are also reasons against it. Hopefully it will be struck down by the courts in the near future because it's unconstitutional.

Slavery was once the law. That didn't make slavery right.
Ah slavery. Now there's an emotional issue. We got rid of slavery so we can get rid of any law! Arrr.

But what exactly is unconstitutional about taking drug dealer's money when they got it through illegal means?
If there is enough evidence to prove that the money came from illegal means, then charge and convict the people involved with the specific crime that they committed and then take the money. If there is not enough evidence to convict, then leave the people and their property alone.

Due process has been turned upside down. It should take due process for the government to take someone 's property, rather than due process for people to get their property back.
They have the money so your theory needs work.
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!
And there are also reasons against it. Hopefully it will be struck down by the courts in the near future because it's unconstitutional.

Slavery was once the law. That didn't make slavery right.
Ah slavery. Now there's an emotional issue. We got rid of slavery so we can get rid of any law! Arrr.

But what exactly is unconstitutional about taking drug dealer's money when they got it through illegal means?
If there is enough evidence to prove that the money came from illegal means, then charge and convict the people involved with the specific crime that they committed and then take the money. If there is not enough evidence to convict, then leave the people and their property alone.

Due process has been turned upside down. It should take due process for the government to take someone 's property, rather than due process for people to get their property back.
How would the IRS function? Would it be OK to have millions of dollars in cash without proof of receipt because having cash is not a crime?
So might makes right......Okay!
Depends on the situation. Something some people can't grasp here. The state isn't always right or always wrong. What I said was factual, it's the law. There are reasons for it and responders keep crying about what's right. Talk to Dr. Phil already, Jesus!
And there are also reasons against it. Hopefully it will be struck down by the courts in the near future because it's unconstitutional.

Slavery was once the law. That didn't make slavery right.
Ah slavery. Now there's an emotional issue. We got rid of slavery so we can get rid of any law! Arrr.

But what exactly is unconstitutional about taking drug dealer's money when they got it through illegal means?
If there is enough evidence to prove that the money came from illegal means, then charge and convict the people involved with the specific crime that they committed and then take the money. If there is not enough evidence to convict, then leave the people and their property alone.

Due process has been turned upside down. It should take due process for the government to take someone 's property, rather than due process for people to get their property back.
How would the IRS function? Would it be OK to have millions of dollars in cash without proof of receipt because having cash is not a crime?
Deflection! But deserving of its own thread.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
If the police believe the people are drug dealers, let's just have the police lock them up until they can prove they are not drug dealers.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
It went to court. That's considered due process of the law.
If the police believe the people are drug dealers, let's just have the police lock them up until they can prove they are not drug dealers.
No need for the dramatic over reaction. Just don't drive around with 100k of cash you can't account for in a pot bag with scales in your car. If you're a drug dealer and lose the illegal money, cry me a river....
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
It went to court. That's considered due process of the law.
Due process turned upside down. I can see holding the money/property for a short period of time pending a trial; however, if there is not enough evidence for a conviction, then the people have a right to their property. The DA should have to prove that the people are drug dealers to take their property. It shouldn't be that the people have to prove that are not drug dealers to get their property back.

Anyway, you have your position and you are going to stick with it. So do I.

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