Couple Sentenced For Murder of 15 Day Old Baby...No Different Than Abortion

All I said was the ability to survive outside the womb.

Which they DO NOT HAVE. Perhaps you need to revisit or expand your definition of viability.
Of course they have that. Again, I have grown kids to prove it.

And why would I need to expand on a definition of viability when the definition I gave (which is not my definition) is in the dictionary...


of a fetus : having attained such form and development of organs as to be normally capable of surviving outside the uterus​

I didn't ask for a dictionary definition, I asked for yours. So fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
And I gave you mine when you asked. I only posted the definition from a dictionary when you ridiculously claimed my definition was wrong. And again, I believe a viable fetus' rights trump the woman's.

No you didn't. You said "ability to survive" with no context. The definition you quoted listed conditions, namely form and organ function. So, again, is it YOUR assertion that fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
All I said was the ability to survive outside the womb.

Which they DO NOT HAVE. Perhaps you need to revisit or expand your definition of viability.
Of course they have that. Again, I have grown kids to prove it.

And why would I need to expand on a definition of viability when the definition I gave (which is not my definition) is in the dictionary...


of a fetus : having attained such form and development of organs as to be normally capable of surviving outside the uterus​

I didn't ask for a dictionary definition, I asked for yours. So fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
And I gave you mine when you asked. I only posted the definition from a dictionary when you ridiculously claimed my definition was wrong. And again, I believe a viable fetus' rights trump the woman's.

No you didn't. You said "ability to survive" with no context. The definition you quoted listed conditions, namely form and organ function. So, again, is it YOUR assertion that fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
No, I said nothing of "fully functional organs" either.

I said ability to survive outside the womb.

And I demonstrated viability with my own kids who survived outside the womb.
I have always been pro choice. Always. WITH CONDITIONS. This killing a baby up to birth and even after birth, is WRONG. And murder. Period. No ands, ifs or buts about it. Don't want the kid? Should have done something about it when first missing your monthly period or taking the piss test. No waiting 9 frigging months then killing it as soon as it comes out of the womb..or even MONTHS after finding out your preggers. Thats bullshit.
And what about rape and incest? If the mother experienced either of those situations...she should have had an abortion when the embryo was the size of a pea. NOT when it is fully formed.

Anyway..thats all I will say on the matter. Its very depressing thinking about it.
Which they DO NOT HAVE. Perhaps you need to revisit or expand your definition of viability.
Of course they have that. Again, I have grown kids to prove it.

And why would I need to expand on a definition of viability when the definition I gave (which is not my definition) is in the dictionary...


of a fetus : having attained such form and development of organs as to be normally capable of surviving outside the uterus​

I didn't ask for a dictionary definition, I asked for yours. So fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
And I gave you mine when you asked. I only posted the definition from a dictionary when you ridiculously claimed my definition was wrong. And again, I believe a viable fetus' rights trump the woman's.

No you didn't. You said "ability to survive" with no context. The definition you quoted listed conditions, namely form and organ function. So, again, is it YOUR assertion that fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
No, I said nothing of "fully functional organs" either.

I said viable.

And I demonstrated viability with my own kids who survived outside the womb.

The term "viable" is inconsequential without conditions, which is why the definition YOU QUOTED listed them. I could say a goddamn brick is "viable" but it would be utterly meaningless without context. The term "viable" is an adjective. Adjectives are not standalone terms, they describe nouns - you know, 5th grade grammar? Persons, places, things, or ideas? A brick is viable as a building material. It is not a viable as a bicycle wheel. See how this works?

So, once again, are the conditions listed in the dictionary definition YOU posted the assertions that YOU align with - that the child gains the right to life when it has fully functioning organs?
Of course they have that. Again, I have grown kids to prove it.

And why would I need to expand on a definition of viability when the definition I gave (which is not my definition) is in the dictionary...


of a fetus : having attained such form and development of organs as to be normally capable of surviving outside the uterus​

I didn't ask for a dictionary definition, I asked for yours. So fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
And I gave you mine when you asked. I only posted the definition from a dictionary when you ridiculously claimed my definition was wrong. And again, I believe a viable fetus' rights trump the woman's.

No you didn't. You said "ability to survive" with no context. The definition you quoted listed conditions, namely form and organ function. So, again, is it YOUR assertion that fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
No, I said nothing of "fully functional organs" either.

I said viable.

And I demonstrated viability with my own kids who survived outside the womb.

The term "viable" is inconsequential without conditions, which is why the definition YOU QUOTED listed them. I could say a goddamn brick is "viable" but it would be utterly meaningless without context. The term "viable" is an adjective. Adjectives are not standalone terms, they describe nouns - you know, 5th grade grammar? Persons, places, things, or ideas? A brick is viable as a building material. It is not a viable as a bicycle wheel. See how this works?

So, once again, are the conditions listed in the dictionary definition YOU posted the assertions that YOU align with - that the child gains the right to life when it has fully functioning organs?
Now you're simply lying about what I said as I did give context to viability -- context being able to survive outside of the womb.

As far as "fully functioning organs," again, those are your words, not mine. As I've pointed out repeatedly, I also never said independent either. Organs that are viable but require medical assistance are still viable. Just like a new born baby is viable but also requires assistance.
I didn't ask for a dictionary definition, I asked for yours. So fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
And I gave you mine when you asked. I only posted the definition from a dictionary when you ridiculously claimed my definition was wrong. And again, I believe a viable fetus' rights trump the woman's.

No you didn't. You said "ability to survive" with no context. The definition you quoted listed conditions, namely form and organ function. So, again, is it YOUR assertion that fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
No, I said nothing of "fully functional organs" either.

I said viable.

And I demonstrated viability with my own kids who survived outside the womb.

The term "viable" is inconsequential without conditions, which is why the definition YOU QUOTED listed them. I could say a goddamn brick is "viable" but it would be utterly meaningless without context. The term "viable" is an adjective. Adjectives are not standalone terms, they describe nouns - you know, 5th grade grammar? Persons, places, things, or ideas? A brick is viable as a building material. It is not a viable as a bicycle wheel. See how this works?

So, once again, are the conditions listed in the dictionary definition YOU posted the assertions that YOU align with - that the child gains the right to life when it has fully functioning organs?
Now you're simply lying about what I said as I did give context to viability -- context being able to survive outside of the womb.

As far as "fully functioning organs," again, those are your words, not mine. As I've pointed out repeatedly, I also never said independent either. Organs that are viable but require medical assistance are still viable. Just like a new born baby is viable but also requires assistance.

And I told you, repeatedly, that infants do not have the ability to survive outside the womb because an infant cannot sustain itself. This is indisputable FACT. So you either need to lay out the conditions of your phantom "viability" argument, or stop using the term because you clearly don't know how to apply it.
Planned Parenthood absolutely does not represent millions of conservative women....

How would you know what represents women?
Planned Parenthood has always been the enemy of conservative women

This from a lying Russian troll who clearly knows NOTHING about women.

Women WANT the right to choose. By age 40, 25% of American women have had abortions. Whether they talk about it or not, women want the right to choose when they have a child. Birth control does not work entirely as advertized, even when taken as directed.

I cannot imagine being forced to be pregnant with a child you cannot afford. That's the reality of abortion. As much as conservatives like to portray the women who terminate their pregnancies as amoral party girls, or heartless women who hate children, the hard reality is that majority of the women who get abortions are; (a) either married or in a committed relationship; and (b) already have one or more children.

What you have is a nation where poor married women cannot afford to have children, because they have no health care, no job protections during pregnancy, no affordable child care after the baby is born, and no way of providing for their families during pregnancy, confinement, and before returning to work.

Republican policies have created a nation where poor people are aborting their families because they can't afford to feed them.
Conservative women if they walk their talk, there is no need for abortion...
Conservative women don’t have the same interests and needs as progressive women… fact

The nanny state cannot be sustained, that has been proven over and over again

Gross, some fat ass on the internet is mansplaining to a woman what women are and apparently dictating their interests.
And I gave you mine when you asked. I only posted the definition from a dictionary when you ridiculously claimed my definition was wrong. And again, I believe a viable fetus' rights trump the woman's.

No you didn't. You said "ability to survive" with no context. The definition you quoted listed conditions, namely form and organ function. So, again, is it YOUR assertion that fully functioning organs is where you think the child achieves the right to live?
No, I said nothing of "fully functional organs" either.

I said viable.

And I demonstrated viability with my own kids who survived outside the womb.

The term "viable" is inconsequential without conditions, which is why the definition YOU QUOTED listed them. I could say a goddamn brick is "viable" but it would be utterly meaningless without context. The term "viable" is an adjective. Adjectives are not standalone terms, they describe nouns - you know, 5th grade grammar? Persons, places, things, or ideas? A brick is viable as a building material. It is not a viable as a bicycle wheel. See how this works?

So, once again, are the conditions listed in the dictionary definition YOU posted the assertions that YOU align with - that the child gains the right to life when it has fully functioning organs?
Now you're simply lying about what I said as I did give context to viability -- context being able to survive outside of the womb.

As far as "fully functioning organs," again, those are your words, not mine. As I've pointed out repeatedly, I also never said independent either. Organs that are viable but require medical assistance are still viable. Just like a new born baby is viable but also requires assistance.

And I told you, repeatedly, that infants do not have the ability to survive outside the womb because an infant cannot sustain itself. This is indisputable FACT. So you either need to lay out the conditions of your phantom "viability" argument, or stop using the term because you clearly don't know how to apply it.
And I've repeatedly told you that I'm not speaking in terms of them being born into a world where they are independent and no one feeds them. I'm talking about the ability to survive, with help.

A fetus born after 4 months of gestation can't even do that.

You either choose to ignore the difference or you're just not sharp enough to comprehend the difference. Either way, that's on you.
I'm talking about the ability to survive, with help.

And there it is, the condition. See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

So you've defined viability as the ability to survive with assistance from a 3rd party. Guess what cupcake: A normal, healthy fetus of any age can survive with the help of it's mother via the gestational process, and is therefore VIABLE.

Way to defeat your own argument.
I'm talking about the ability to survive, with help.

And there it is, the condition. See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

So you've defined viability as the ability to survive with assistance from a 3rd party. Guess what cupcake: A normal, healthy fetus of any age can survive with the help of it's mother via the gestational process, and is therefore VIABLE.

Way to defeat your own argument.
I said that before. Were you not paying attention?

As far as it being viable with the help of the mother, that is only inside of her body. So now you're trying, and failing, to alter my position -- which is viability to survive outside of the womb.
There is no god, you fucking idiot. god is a creation by man in order to deal with his mortality.
Amazing how strong Blind Faith is among Athiests.

Matter, Energy, Space, & Time didn't create themselves from nothingness.

Believing in Christ does require Faith.

Believing in God just requires common sense.
The real leap of faith is the universe just happens to exist, like a '58 Edsel hubcap that just happens to be resting on the ice moon Europa, with no apparent reason to be at all.

That's atheism for you.
I'm talking about the ability to survive, with help.

And there it is, the condition. See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

So you've defined viability as the ability to survive with assistance from a 3rd party. Guess what cupcake: A normal, healthy fetus of any age can survive with the help of it's mother via the gestational process, and is therefore VIABLE.

Way to defeat your own argument.
I said that before. Were you not paying attention?

As far as it being viable with the help of the mother, that is only inside of her body. So now you're trying, and failing, to alter my position -- which is viability to survive outside of the womb.

What difference does it make? Why is does your "viability" argument apply outside the womb and not inside?
I'm talking about the ability to survive, with help.

And there it is, the condition. See, that wasn't so hard now was it?

So you've defined viability as the ability to survive with assistance from a 3rd party. Guess what cupcake: A normal, healthy fetus of any age can survive with the help of it's mother via the gestational process, and is therefore VIABLE.

Way to defeat your own argument.
I said that before. Were you not paying attention?

As far as it being viable with the help of the mother, that is only inside of her body. So now you're trying, and failing, to alter my position -- which is viability to survive outside of the womb.

What difference does it make? Why is does your "viability" argument apply outside the womb and not inside?
The difference is the law. It allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy up until the point the fetus can survive outside the womb.
Planned Parenthood absolutely does not represent millions of conservative women....

How would you know what represents women?
Planned Parenthood has always been the enemy of conservative women

This from a lying Russian troll who clearly knows NOTHING about women.

Women WANT the right to choose. By age 40, 25% of American women have had abortions. Whether they talk about it or not, women want the right to choose when they have a child. Birth control does not work entirely as advertized, even when taken as directed.

I cannot imagine being forced to be pregnant with a child you cannot afford. That's the reality of abortion. As much as conservatives like to portray the women who terminate their pregnancies as amoral party girls, or heartless women who hate children, the hard reality is that majority of the women who get abortions are; (a) either married or in a committed relationship; and (b) already have one or more children.

What you have is a nation where poor married women cannot afford to have children, because they have no health care, no job protections during pregnancy, no affordable child care after the baby is born, and no way of providing for their families during pregnancy, confinement, and before returning to work.

Republican policies have created a nation where poor people are aborting their families because they can't afford to feed them.
Conservative women if they walk their talk, there is no need for abortion...
Conservative women don’t have the same interests and needs as progressive women… fact

The nanny state cannot be sustained, that has been proven over and over again

Gross, some fat ass on the internet is mansplaining to a woman what women are and apparently dictating their interests.
Progressive and conservative women have none of the same needs, wants and interests... fact

When the main stream media what women want, they are projecting 100% because they don’t know what conservative women need, want or have interests in...
Does it ever occur to you nitwits that we're trying to protect the CHILD's rights?
Until viability, the woman's rights trump the unborn child's.

Define viability.
Ability to survive outside of the womb.

Cool. An infant does not have the ability to survive outside the womb. Do we get to kill them too?
Not true. Most born infants survive outside of the womb.
So they survive “outside” the womb as “infants.” Then what were they in the ninth month inside the womb?
Until viability, the woman's rights trump the unborn child's.

Define viability.
Ability to survive outside of the womb.

Cool. An infant does not have the ability to survive outside the womb. Do we get to kill them too?
Not true. Most born infants survive outside of the womb.
So they survive “outside” the womb as “infants.” Then what were they in the ninth month inside the womb?
The only excuses allowed for an abortion that late is if the unborn child is dying or facing lethal abnormalities or if the mother's life is in danger.
Define viability.
Ability to survive outside of the womb.

Cool. An infant does not have the ability to survive outside the womb. Do we get to kill them too?
Not true. Most born infants survive outside of the womb.
So they survive “outside” the womb as “infants.” Then what were they in the ninth month inside the womb?
The only excuses allowed for an abortion that late is if the unborn child is dying or facing lethal abnormalities or if the mother's life is in danger.
Not in “blue states” like The People’s Republic of California, The People’s Republic of Illinois, The People’s Republic of New York, The People’s Very Communist Republic of Massachusetts.

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