Court: Air France discriminated against pro-Palestinian activist

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Patrick Baudouin says his client, Horia Ankour (30), a nursing student, was en route last April from France to take part in the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign, which saw hundreds of activists seek access to Israel in a bid to travel to the Palestinian territories. Baudouin said Air France asked Ankour whether she was Israeli or Jewish, then ordered her off the plane after she acknowledged she was neither.

He said the court on Thursday found Air France guilty of discrimination, and ordered it to pay 13,000 euros ($16,700) in fines, damages and interest.

Europe's main airlines faced a wave of passenger fury during the campaign after cancelling some 300 tickets following heavy Israeli pressure.

Court: Air France discriminated against pro-Palestinian activist - Israel News, Ynetnews

Cool, now that there is precedence, they should all sue.
Great ruling, now lets see what the airlines do next Welcome To Palestine campaign that comes along!
Patrick Baudouin says his client, Horia Ankour (30), a nursing student, was en route last April from France to take part in the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign, which saw hundreds of activists seek access to Israel in a bid to travel to the Palestinian territories. Baudouin said Air France asked Ankour whether she was Israeli or Jewish, then ordered her off the plane after she acknowledged she was neither.

He said the court on Thursday found Air France guilty of discrimination, and ordered it to pay 13,000 euros ($16,700) in fines, damages and interest.

Europe's main airlines faced a wave of passenger fury during the campaign after cancelling some 300 tickets following heavy Israeli pressure.

Court: Air France discriminated against pro-Palestinian activist - Israel News, Ynetnews

Cool, now that there is precedence, they should all sue.
Does this mean, Tunnie, that non Muslims can visit Mecca and Medina if they wish to come as tourists in the future? After all, discrimination is discrimination no matter who is involved. By the way, the planes first stops in Riyadh on their way to Bahrain. The people on the plane are herded into a room and are not allowed to leave until their plane takes off for Bahrain. It looks like it is OK for Saudi Arabia to pen these people up for a while and not even allow them to walk around the airport, but it is a no no for Israel not to let activists in who have come to cause trouble. How come these activists didn't come by way of Egypt?
Patrick Baudouin says his client, Horia Ankour (30), a nursing student, was en route last April from France to take part in the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign, which saw hundreds of activists seek access to Israel in a bid to travel to the Palestinian territories. Baudouin said Air France asked Ankour whether she was Israeli or Jewish, then ordered her off the plane after she acknowledged she was neither.

He said the court on Thursday found Air France guilty of discrimination, and ordered it to pay 13,000 euros ($16,700) in fines, damages and interest.

Europe's main airlines faced a wave of passenger fury during the campaign after cancelling some 300 tickets following heavy Israeli pressure.

Court: Air France discriminated against pro-Palestinian activist - Israel News, Ynetnews

Cool, now that there is precedence, they should all sue.
Does this mean, Tunnie, that non Muslims can visit Mecca and Medina if they wish to come as tourists in the future? After all, discrimination is discrimination no matter who is involved. By the way, the planes first stops in Riyadh on their way to Bahrain. The people on the plane are herded into a room and are not allowed to leave until their plane takes off for Bahrain. It looks like it is OK for Saudi Arabia to pen these people up for a while and not even allow them to walk around the airport, but it is a no no for Israel not to let activists in who have come to cause trouble. How come these activists didn't come by way of Egypt?

That would be cool. Get a few hundred people together and go for it.

BTW, do you have to be Catholic to visit the Vatican?
[ame=]France works with Israel to Ban Entry of Peace Aid to Palestine (Flytilla 2) - YouTube[/ame]
Perhaps Tinnie can research for us if trouble makers were trying to land in the U.S., would they be allowed to enter or would they be sent back on the next plane to their home country. By the way, Tinnie, even you can visit the Vatican and perhaps have an audience with the Pope. You probably would pass out, however, if they ever allowed any Infidels into Mecca or Medina..

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