Court orders Jew owned taco shop to cater gay Hindu wedding with pork because beef is discrimination

Add this to all the other stories right wingers have to make up. You guys are always correct when you are allowed to make up stories out of thin air.

But reality is more difficult...and you guys avoid it like the plague
No it's not, because a Jewish owned shop would not sell pork to anyone.

Then they're discriminating. They're refusing to serve pork eating Hindus who have a religious objection to eating beef.

You idiots just don't get it, but that's what happens when you're conservative. Stupidity just overtakes your brain.


Translation: When liberals can't convince you of their nonsense because they can't actually put together an argument to try convincing you, they simply call you stupid and hope you're stupid enough to follow along in their charade. Like when the emperor had those fancy new clothes that you couldn't see.
Chinese restaurants are not required to sell lasagna.
Add this to all the other stories right wingers have to make up. You guys are always correct when you are allowed to make up stories out of thin air.

But reality is more difficult...and you guys avoid it like the plague


Oh that's hilarious! You liberals have been completely fabricating your own version of "reality" with your "the baker does not offer anti-gay cakes so the baker is not discriminating by refusing them" line of bullshit. And now you've lost connection with the actual reality. You're outright delusional.

Listen, a taco is a taco. And a cake is a cake. If you sell cakes, then you sell cakes. If you sell tacos, then you sell tacos.

....Are you with me so far? Good. You're exit ramp to La-La land is coming up any moment now. I know it's tempting to give into the habit but stay with me and do not exist reality, okay? Did you hear me? Do not exist reality.

Okay, back to cake and tacos. Here's the thing...a person might sell cake, but they get to decide what cakes they sell. They can sell pound cakes, they can sell angel food cakes, they can sell pineapple upside down cakes. They can sell them for birthdays, they can sell them for weddings, they can sell them for shits and giggles. They can change at a moment's notice, for any reason whatsoever. Same thing with tacos. A taco shop can sell beef tacos, they can sell pork tacos, they can sell them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Forcing someone to sell a wedding cake for a gay marriage in violation of the owner's religious beliefs is no different than forcing someone to sell a pork taco in violation of the owner's religious beliefs. There's a reason why the owner does do it. It might be a good reason, it might be a bad reason, it might be a fucked up reason. But they have their reasons, and that is their decision.
Well, not really. Not yet. But it's coming.

You know, the Hindus can't eat beef according to their religion. If you refuse to sell them pork, isn't that discrimination? If you refuse to make non beef options available on your menu, aren't you discriminating against Hindus? If you cater straight weddings, aren't you required to also cater this gay wedding too?

Of course it is- and Christians will soon be out shooting Gays for being Gay- that is coming too.....
Probably not. Muslims will be hanging them though. By then Christians won't care.

Christians will be shooting gays, Muslims will be hanging gays, Dogs will be marrying cats, cats will be driving buses and Hindu's will be forced to operate Carne Asada only taco stands......
Add this to all the other stories right wingers have to make up. You guys are always correct when you are allowed to make up stories out of thin air.

But reality is more difficult...and you guys avoid it like the plague


Oh that's hilarious! You liberals have been completely fabricating your own version of "reality" with your "the baker does not offer anti-gay cakes so the baker is not discriminating by refusing them" line of bullshit. And now you've lost connection with the actual reality. You're outright delusional.

I dont know what the sam hill you are talking about.

Listen, a taco is a taco. And a cake is a cake. If you sell cakes, then you sell cakes. If you sell tacos, then you sell tacos.

....Are you with me so far? Good. You're exit ramp to La-La land is coming up any moment now. I know it's tempting to give into the habit but stay with me and do not exist reality, okay? Did you hear me? Do not exist reality.

Do not exist reality? Are you trying to say unreal?

Okay, back to cake and tacos. Here's the thing...a person might sell cake, but they get to decide what cakes they sell. They can sell pound cakes, they can sell angel food cakes, they can sell pineapple upside down cakes. They can sell them for birthdays, they can sell them for weddings, they can sell them for shits and giggles. They can change at a moment's notice, for any reason whatsoever. Same thing with tacos. A taco shop can sell beef tacos, they can sell pork tacos, they can sell them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Forcing someone to sell a wedding cake for a gay marriage in violation of the owner's religious beliefs is no different than forcing someone to sell a pork taco in violation of the owner's religious beliefs. There's a reason why the owner does do it. It might be a good reason, it might be a bad reason, it might be a fucked up reason. But they have their reasons, and that is their decision.

Uh yea it is...and just because you're too stupid to realize this doesnt mean everyone has to play stupid so that you can feel fulfilled. Or to stop you from writing another 4 paragraphs of non sense
Uh yea it is...and just because you're too stupid to realize this doesnt mean everyone has to play stupid so that you can feel fulfilled. Or to stop you from writing another 4 paragraphs of non sense

No, it's not different. And that is exactly why you are detached from reality. If you force a person to sell a cake that violates their beliefs, it's no different than forcing someone to sell a taco that violates their beliefs. Just because you are too stupid to realize that does not mean the rest of us have to play stupid just so you can feel good about your PC bullshit.

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